What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

well i was a party and their were a lot of girls this one was just not drinking she was tweeking it this was in my younger years lolz a she followed a friend to the rest room and fucked him i looking that way she did look good and they both came out with a smile she then left to a bedroom with another friend in the same house their was beer weed many people in and outside cars for days out parked... so he walk out with a smile girls loving it lolz im like wow!!!! no body has notice she goes outside with the crowed outside and the walks in with a friend he is all kissing on her she holding his hand he is all like DAM i got a looker next to him. wen the party finally ended he gets her number and a big fat wet kiss.... lolz the first guy Ronald seas to omor HEY DUDE DONT GET TO ATTACHED MAN I FUCKED HER IN THE RESTROOM omars eyes open up like WOOOWWW..... The next dude seas ya man i fucked her hear in this bedroom.. and both were like FUCKKK!!!!!! did you were a condom.. they are all worried.... another guy seas dude i hat to say this but she grabed my sack outside and wisperd DO YOU WANT HEAD!!!!! and he took her to the car.... and Omar just about threw up HAHAHAHAHA he was kissing on her and didn't even get fucked the strange guy asked WOW DUDE!! IM REALY SORRY and omar runs outside and throws up.... i nevor ran into omar again...

What's that now???
ya we did notice, but everyone to bussy drinking the party's back then were RAVES, D.J. and to much was going on you could bearly hear yourself flier parties cars all the way up the streets, and police finaly shuting things down acid, weed, mushrooms, speed, and all kinds of things to many people i was part of security makeing shure no one was starting shit inside i lived thier along with three other friends, in a weekend we would be splitting up money. the parties were THE CROOKS ENTERTAINMENT INC. so their was just to much going on to notice.. ya i suck at punctuation, and spelling i dont reread and spell check im lazzy sorry... but if you know block parties can get out of hand fast.. people fuck man, thats what they do.... but the way that unraveled sucked for omar.. the parties varried we tri to make a free fuck buy donating our location, we new the cops would be shuting us down but we figured for the few numberd people that we would at least get payed lolz
then jump on these nuts idiot, and get a free tatoo of a dotted nut sac on your chin that seas in kindergarden PLACE HEAR... its free on me johnny
Yup, that was the message i was picking up as well. I've always said, no, grammar and accuracy is not the be all and end all, but if you type like a retard, don't be offended if people take you for a retard :D
you got these nuts on your chin you guys are haters ill save some for your mom too, no wounder the doctor slaped her ass wen you guys were born
you got these nuts on your chin you guys are haters ill save some for your mom too, no wounder the doctor slaped her ass wen you guys were born

I too support world peace. You should be commended for your tireless efforts in a land where you don't even speak the language. Well played, sir.
Yup, that was the message i was picking up as well. I've always said, no, grammar and accuracy is not the be all and end all, but if you type like a retard, don't be offended if people take you for a retard :D
He shore don't speek english very badly maybe and he just want to join you for some fun he has know girls that are loose and give good time no shit.