What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

Oh, I gotta another 'Old-Skool' slutty story for ya... Again when I was young (19) and had no morals ~ I had been with my 1st Girlfriend for approx 2 years, I was to much of a pussy to dump her cos she was my first real GF and I wasn't sure how to handle the situation.. Anyhow I did what most college students would do and got myself wasted on a bottle of Jack Daniels, and after geeking off to some Rock songs on Kerrang! I decided to phone her.....

I used my 'Dutch Courage' and invited her over for 'the talk'..... anyhow being as drunk as I was I completly forgot I'd called her and went on to call another girl from my place of work. An hour or so later the girl from my work turned up and we went upstairs and started having drunken sex... about 20 mins or so later a knock at the door was heard.. I went downstairs and opened the front door only to find said Girlfriend at the door.. she just walked in... I was like OH!.....Shiiit..!! lol

Anyhow she goes up the stairs and see's this other girl in my bed and starts yelling 'Who the Fuck! is this!?? I drunkenly introduced them to each other and did the best thing I could - and fell asleep whilst they talked it out amoung themselves :) :) .. lol, when I awoke it was about 3am-ish and dark as fuck in the room I rolled over to my left and saw the shaddow of the girl from my work and again started to fuck her :) .. It seemed to last for a while and it seemed to take forever to finish..but once done I passed out again..

When morning came I rolled to my right to look at the time on my Digi-Clock Radio.. and to my horror... my gf was still there laying passed out clutching the empty bottle of JD.. Being as in-experienced as I was back then.. I completly overlooked the possibility of a 3-some.. the girl from my work would have been up for it too! But - looking back ~ I was unsure how my GF would play her hand.. anyhow the girl from my work gets up, dressed n leaves, we exchange a brief conversation and agreed to keep seeing each other..

After she left I went back up stairs to find my soon to be dumped girlfriend stirring in bed. I told her as soon as she was awake and alert that I needed to have the belated "talk" with her.. But before I even started...she screamed Fuckin' Asshole :) !! lol not only did you fuck her whilst I was here, your new friend was laying on my arm.. and she felt every thrust & hump :) lol... I dunno really why she hadn't left ages before but basically she dumped me and saved me the hassle .. this just set the ball in motion and along followed a string of slutty experienses :) - STELTHY :leaf:

You know how there are guys who take a good woman and completely ruin her for future relationships? Behold. A visual aid.
There seems to be some confusion by some between the "sluttiest" thing
You have ever done and the "shittiest" thing you have ever done. . .
Slutty is having more fun than one would typically have. A lot of what i've read is more someone being a complete arsehole, not a slut.
....However :) both of the above stories happened well over 10 years ago, since then I have matured alot I have had a handful of really good, loving relationships, and finally settled with the girl of my dreams, she is wonderful in every-way and the mother to my 2 children.. We have been married for 4 years and I've never cheated.. not even once.. I have been true to her and will continue to treat her with upmost respect !!

What happened before was a string of teenage, drunken drug idled nights with girls that were already "broken" one way or another the Girlfriend who's arm me and my work colleague had sex upon had already cheated on me several time and she was so annoying to be around that she kinda deserved to be treated the way she was.. and the other was - well! a bad move on my part! But hey I/we were young and immature.

But people change and now I wouldn't dream of treating anyone like that and find it hard to know I was once that person !! I am not making excuses, it was fun at the time but I've matured and now do have a conscience and so treat my Wife & Kids with up-most respect and compassion..

Contary to alot of peoples belief, this leopard "Has" changed his spots and has only added a couple of old stories to a thread entitled "SLUTTY THINGS YOU'VE DONE" ....Not "THING'S YOU'VE DONE AND ARE PROUD OF" :)

Anyhow thought I'd make an attempt to clear the air :) I have plenty of female friends both young and old and I truely respect all of them, I now abide by the saying treat people how you wish to be treated! ..and have done for a good number of years now..

I hope those of you who have judged me can see now that I have tried to make amends and am a changed man, both responsible and caring :) - STELTHY :leaf:
There are some tucked up men here. I've done slutty shit, example: leaving the club with 2 randoms for a 3some on my 18th birthday.

Ruining women by breaking their hearts or cheating on your women isn't slutty. You give men a bad name.

How can people be so fucking selfish and ruin a person then go on like it was cool and they get over it, buuutttt they don't.
Those were not slutty things you did fella ;) Those were you and some mates getting a girl pissed outta her mind and then taking advantage of her drunken state. Slutty might be you all having a romp in the garage, not giving her 170% proof alcohol and then humiliating (let alone the trauma that would come later) her and quite likely her family when she is beyond a state of being able to look after herself. No better than folks using date rape drugs.
Those were not slutty things you did fella ;) Those were you and some mates getting a girl pissed outta her mind and then taking advantage of her drunken state. Slutty might be you all having a romp in the garage, not giving her 170% proof alcohol and then humiliating (let alone the trauma that would come later) her and quite likely her family when she is beyond a state of being able to look after herself. No better than folks using date rape drugs.

That is a nasty thing to do to a girl About eight or nine years ago I met an 18-year old and we dated a while and about a year earlier she had tried to kill herself over something like that. She was the last girl at a party, and of course drunk, and there were a half dozen guys and they talked her into staying longer even though she thought she should go .. they got her almost passing out drunk and then they all did her ... in every way imaginable.

Then they told all their friends about it and claimed she 'wanted it' and she was hounded by anything from two guys to a half dozen or more wanting her to do the same with them. They all assumed she was into that sort of thing. After a while she couldn't take what had happened and other guys asking her to 'perform' at their parties and stuff, so one day she downed a bottle of her mother's Valium and damn near died.
Yup, that stufftends to ruins peoples lives. I wonder if stelthy has ever spoken to his wife about how he used to get girls drunk and then sexually abuse them with his mates and then send them into public so she and their whole families would be absolutely humiliated. Doesn't matter how it's spun, that is nothing short of forcible rape really.
Instead of alcohol I know a guy who knows a guy who could get you some roofies for way cheaper then booze. If you ever "feel slutty" again let me know. Did I say slutty? I ment rapey.
What would you say if it was directed at you? :???: lol
I hope it didn't come off as confrontational. The first sentence was to you and the rest was to the guy :mrgreen:

If it were all directed at me, I'd be scratching my head , since I strive for intelligibility, even despite my documented propensity toward polysyllabic vocabulary. ~shrug~ I like the big words. :bigjoint: cn
That is a nasty thing to do to a girl About eight or nine years ago I met an 18-year old and we dated a while and about a year earlier she had tried to kill herself over something like that. She was the last girl at a party, and of course drunk, and there were a half dozen guys and they talked her into staying longer even though she thought she should go .. they got her almost passing out drunk and then they all did her ... in every way imaginable.

Then they told all their friends about it and claimed she 'wanted it' and she was hounded by anything from two guys to a half dozen or more wanting her to do the same with them. They all assumed she was into that sort of thing. After a while she couldn't take what had happened and other guys asking her to 'perform' at their parties and stuff, so one day she downed a bottle of her mother's Valium and damn near died.

She turned out ok then working as an escort

But no thats obviously horrible, but good sensible girls dont tend to put themselves in that situation. I'm not saying she was asking for it, i'm just saying that it's generally the wannabe "life of the party" girl that makes the decision to stay behind with 6 drunk guys, and wonders why something bad happens.
I don't know if you would call it slutty, but I tested the naked man theory. Went on date took this girl out and want really feeling her at all, but me being a man I grit my teeth the whole night one stupid story after another. But n e ways I invite her in my apartment for another drink or two. So she excused her self to the rest room and I couldn't take it any more so it was all or nothing.I strip in like 2.4 seconds. So she comes out and I'm posted on the couch naked with afitted cap on. So we share a laugh and after that it was on.I suggest all of you give it a shot but only if you don't fear the consequence could be a major back fire. Definitely would recommend for a last resort
I can post this because I know this man first hand.Years ago my family owned a restaurant in San Diego. A kid from my high school came to work for us as a dishwasher. We were both juniors in HS.
He was dating (f*cking) a girl in a lower grade when he started working for us. Within a few months he told me he dumped her & was now living with her older sister!
He quit working for us & I hadn't seen him in a couple of years & bumped into him at the mall christmas shopping. He had a ring on his finger & introduced me to his new wife, (their Mother)!
He's the only guy I know that has screwed both of his step daughters & everyone knows it!
