What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

...and now she pays for everything. Poor Chanice !!

awww, the kiddie diddler is bitter.

cheer up, this toaster can also cook an egg.

I just wonder why she remains with a pedophile that lost his job over diddling kids ? Surely it isn't because of his cool toaster....

i'm sorry that you have to use transference and projection as coping mechanisms.

i know you were a member of a motorcycle gang known for molesting children. it was just what you guys did. you got caught up, you made some bad decisions.

you need to deal with it in some other way. all this denial of your past and projection onto others is unhealthy.

seek help for your history of child molestation, sir.
I got fucked up on some drugs with my dealer and his girl and I ended up fucking her while he watched. Fucking wierd fetishes some ppl have
i'm sorry that you have to use transference and projection as coping mechanisms.

i know you were a member of a motorcycle gang known for molesting children. it was just what you guys did. you got caught up, you made some bad decisions.

you need to deal with it in some other way. all this denial of your past and projection onto others is unhealthy.

seek help for your history of child molestation, sir.

Time to pull out the big guns

By far a slut.. What guy likes a bitch? :)
one of my friends is inlove with a bitch. shes a total bitch. he has two room mates and one is a girl. so on the girls birthday this bitch comes over and just starts bitching cause the girl was drunk on her birthday. stupid shit to bitch about if you dont like her dont go to where she lives.
i'm sorry that you have to use transference and projection as coping mechanisms.

i know you were a member of a motorcycle gang known for molesting children. it was just what you guys did. you got caught up, you made some bad decisions.

you need to deal with it in some other way. all this denial of your past and projection onto others is unhealthy.

seek help for your history of child molestation, sir.

Unlike you I have never felt the need to diddle kiddies Uncle Pervy. Funny that unlike me, you never deny it. I guess you have a little integrity left right ? I know you are in all of the diddler databases, but someone somewhere will hire you so you don't have to sponge off of your inlaws the rest of your life. I am concerned about your welfare. I mean what will you do the day Chanice wakes up and gets rid of you non working lame ass ? You will have no leg to stand on and will have to live in the gutter.

Now that I think about I almost feel sorry for the street people that you will be bumming off of.
I always knew the ones who talk and share wild stories to be the ones getting the least amount in school. I imagine not much has changed, other than those who lack self control and want to bang on others who do. If you wish to be modest, you are able, and well if you lack self control, or just like sex that much then you also should be able. What's that you had 3 different bitches last night and loved it! Congratulations, so did my dog.
holy jesus UncleBuck will go toe to toe with anybody.

you aint nothing but a hound dog ... jokes, I am sorry Merci

I always knew the ones who talk and share wild stories to be the ones getting the least amount in school. I imagine not much has changed, other than those who lack self control and want to bang on others who do. If you wish to be modest, you are able, and well if you lack self control, or just like sex that much then you also should be able. What's that you had 3 different bitches last night and loved it! Congratulations, so did my dog.
I used to think people had different morals.. It turns out we're just dogs.