What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

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haha i think we're not using irony in the correct sense here. your sig says my first grow, but how is ironic that your name is weedkillsbraincells and your growing weed? oh well, us potheads arent always meant to make sense :lol:

Well I dunno what sense we're using it in, but I can understand your confusion given its vast spectrum. Today however we are using the sense of the word meaning feigning ignorance and as far as that goes its a pretty perfect example.[/FONT]
Gone "hogging".... Its like a game of chi,ken....you and friends go out to see who can get the ugliest girl to go home with them and sleep with them...anyone can get an ugly girl...but it takes some fortitude to sleep with em

Did you guys throw money in the kitty, winner take all?
Where I come from, ugly doesn't count. Just heffers.
i snorted a line of cocaine off of a big hard black dick, that and i was in a gangbang porno. I am a man btw

haha i think we're not using irony in the correct sense here. your sig says my first grow, but how is ironic that your name is weedkillsbraincells and your growing weed? oh well, us potheads arent always meant to make sense :lol:

Maybe it's cool to be counter-counter-culture?
So why did you use a big hard black dick when the coffee table was right there?

Just for the fuck of it?
I was pretty fucked up before doing it, and everyone else didnt seem to care so i just went with it, weird as fuck looking back on it, I hung out with some strangoids.

And no I didnt take part in a porno whilst high on cocaine, the directors nowadays dont want you to get high on anything before, except viagra, they recommend that

What did the black guy say/think? Was he just like "sure, go for it.."?

I can't wrap my head around this scenario. Could you give like a detailed account of that day for me? lol Who was this guy? I can't even think of how close or how long I would need to know someone to be comfortable asking "hey dude, you think I could snort a rail of coke off your big black dick real quick?"! Like, how the hell does it get to that?!?!

I'm not judging at all, that's an experience you'll remember! And I'm always on the side of "if it'll be a good story, do it!"!

What did the black guy say/think? Was he just like "sure, go for it.."?

I can't wrap my head around this scenario. Could you give like a detailed account of that day for me? lol Who was this guy? I can't even think of how close or how long I would need to know someone to be comfortable asking "hey dude, you think I could snort a rail of coke off your big black dick real quick?"! Like, how the hell does it get to that?!?!

I'm not judging at all, that's an experience you'll remember! And I'm always on the side of "if it'll be a good story, do it!"!
Alright so I woke up around 1 or 2 with a raging hangover and hard on, so i went to a bar to deal with both( hahah!), and of course I met up with some of my buddys before hand. So anyway we go to this bar at 3, and its already fucking sketchy as all hell not only because it was open at 3 but the people there were too, but as always there were a few good looking women, so we get a couple of drinks, and i go to work my magic, so we are drinking for about an hour when they ask if we wanna go do something else, upon asking them what "something else" was, they told me, and i quote, "the first day of the rest of your life" hahahah cliche as fuck i know, i told them that is was, and they told me simply that we were going to do a bunch of drugs and get fucked, im already stoned because i always am, plus im drunk, and these good looking women are validating me , so i was like why not. but i digress, so we go to this nasty club to pick up some "ingredients" which was just some ecstasy and shrooms, then we go to a nasty male strip club to pick up some cocaine and mayyyyyyyybe some meth, i wasnt for that shit at all, but there was one chick there that did want it, no one else did thank god, i immediatly decided that i wouldnt bang her if i got the chance, so we get to this nasty male strip club and we go in back and theres this dude that is so obviously gay, just eyeing everyones dicks, and there were a bunch of nude/semi nude men, and of course some ugly middle aged women, ugh, anyway hes super fucked up, and so i was i because i was drinking up until this point, and smoking, and i drop some e (shhhhh) his nose is red as fuck, and its hard for a mexican to get a red nose, rubbing it all the time, and of course every 15 minutes or so he would take a couple of lines hahaha, so anyway he seems to know these women really well, because he greets them and offers them and us cocaine, and i take the YES man approach on life, except things i know are wrong, like rape, or meth, so i snort a line, and then he calls this big black guy over, and he gets the dudes dick out and jacks it off for a bit till its hard (weird as fuck) and then puts some cocaine on it and snorts it, and then he offers all of us to snort lines off of it, and the chicks just jump on the idea, except the meth chick strangely enough, probably sucked more than enough dick for meth, so i just go a long and snort a line, and the porno story was my homeboy was in a porno and they needed more people, so he told me about it, i accepted, he recommended me and then i did a porno hahah
and after that i was just too fucked up and it was getting too weird so i just left, went home and tripped out, I didnt actually pay for any of the drugs, the women got a lot of it for free, plus i just let my buddys pay if the need arose
Its hard to narrow down but i guess it would be
getting our freak on while riding the bullet train in Japan.
Knowing the other passengers were watching.:hump::hump::hump::cool: