What is this? Can't find anything similar

Hello all.. New to the forum (registration wise anyway) but have gotten tons of help here over the last couple years so thanks to everyone for all the great posts! So here's the problem I'm having and seems like I always do - my girls have been looking great - maybe a bit stretched but not worried about that - am worried about the new growth suddenly looking thin, curled down, perhaps looking a bit oily and somewhat stiff like if I lift up on the tip of a leaf it doesn't really bend up just lifts the whole leaf and some outside edge yellowing and possibly red stems. I'll put some pics at the end but what I'm growing is critical kush (first ck grow - not sure if the red is norm for ck) in ffof and happy frog mixed with a couple tablespoons of azomite (first time using azomite) they are about 5 weeks old now and switching to flower in the next day or two. I'm certain they haven't been overwatered, but as far as nutes I'm not sure - have been using go box and going light or skipping the grow part cause I'm just as paranoid about burn as I am about root rot lol.. Ph is unknown cause I stepped on my tester - d'oh! but it has always been good before and I'm using the same nutes and water and soil as always. Also I add 1 ml super thrive in every gallon of water I use and a dose of medina soil activator (low nute humate) when they go into a 1 gal pot and later again when they go in a 5 gal. Not really on a schedule cause I keep repotting almost every week - roots have always been bright white and growing like crazy - next time I'll prob not use a couple of the pots I have and repot only twice I think.. They are indoors in an 8x8 room I built with clone/veg/ and dry cabinets on one wall and a floor drain (sorry - yes - bragging :) air flow is maybe too much as I am having a hard time right now keeping temps down - some days it will get close to 90 in the cabs (hottest place in the room right now until I can circ air more in the cabs) mid day and down to about 73 at night (can't really recommend a honeywell portable ac for a grow room cause it does pull a lot of air out of the room even converted to dual hose and wrapping the bottom half of the unit in plastic to close air leaks around the compressor - maybe should have got friedrich or a mini split instead - honeywell is damn quiet tho - u can conversate in a whisper next to it) but they seem to have been coping ok - been looking perfect until today really and it hasn't been hot for a couple days - I do plan to try a couple things to get my temps lower mid day - like not doing 24 hr light - just got a timer today to replace the switch so I will have all lights off from about 11a - 7p and add something to circulate the cab air more before they need to be closed up- not flowering anything yet so the cabs are fully open on the front side - the one pictured below is in the veg cab that is 2'x4' with 400 (true) watts of 6500k cfl lighting. Ok- sorry for being long winded and all - just know I guys need info to be accurate and the first 5 replies will ask if I don't put it here :) but I guess that's all I can think to tell - here's the pics and thanks a bunch to all who try to help! image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
you answered your own question just follow up with your plans. get those temps down and you should be ok


Well-Known Member
Im seeing slight magnesium deficiency, water once with epsom salt mixed 1 tsp/ gallon of water.

And yeah, make sure it dries out between waterings. Because if you've been overwatering, your roots could be unstable, thus giving the appearance of a mag def. in which case my advice to water with epsom would only further the damage.

Good luck
Well got everything corrected hopefully - gave just a touch extra cal mag to dry soil and switched to 12/12 with dark period during mid day - temps are 73-74 right now with full sun out - so very happy - thanks guys