what is this need help quick

very green

Hey I am in my 5 week of flowing. I have a deficiency that I cannot figure out. I am in soiless using a 1000 hps and 1000 sunmaster. My ph is 6123213213213.jpg


Active Member
wooaahhhhh, half your nutes and give them a few days flush first, think your blitzin' them. if anything like advanced nutrients, you gotta half what they say on the label, my ppm hit 1900 on the recommended feed schedule;(

very green

I already flushed I feeding ago... all nutes are half strength and I never had any problems in the first 4 weeks

very green

water temp at 21 celsius...... max temp in the day 84 farenhiet and 70 farenhiet on the night time... ph is at 6 I at ph before and after adding nutes


Active Member
id be tempted to miss out the bud blaster & dyno for a week then , hydro optimum 5.6, although hittin 6 no issues, anyone else here?? ;)

very green

I am in soiless... I looked it up the best ph is 5.8 in veg and 6 during bud... the reason for 6 is so nitrogen can be absorbed most efficiently.... I am not hydro sorry....Ill try flushing again....

sounds like you doubt its a deficiency


Well-Known Member
I am in soiless... I looked it up the best ph is 5.8 in veg and 6 during bud... the reason for 6 is so nitrogen can be absorbed most efficiently.... I am not hydro sorry....Ill try flushing again....

sounds like you doubt its a deficiency
flushing is iike the most important thing in the whole grow cycle....most people dont understand how much shit actually builds up over time, flush them hard man...


Active Member
i take it your pots are big enough too? too small pots = rootbound and chance of issues. soil could be full of salts, rinse again, water never kills plants, just cleanses (just dont drown em!)


Active Member
yea its hydro, i grow in soil and if a few leaves get fucked up fuck it as long as its just one its always nute burn or slight ph fluctuation...anyways its a weed it will be ight

very green

Okay sounds good. I usualy flush... feed...feed....flush ..feed...feed... fush. I use about 2litre of water per plant when feeding... when flushing I use 3.5 litres... I never allow run off to touch the bottom of the pot. Always flush over a basin allowing the water to go right through.... What about the ph... what ph is used in soiles


Well-Known Member
Okay sounds good. I usualy flush... feed...feed....flush ..feed...feed... fush. I use about 2litre of water per plant when feeding... when flushing I use 3.5 litres... I never allow run off to touch the bottom of the pot. Always flush over a basin allowing the water to go right through.... What about the ph... what ph is used in soiles
Here's the advice I've always followed:

If it's just a simple perlite/vermiculite mix, coconut coir, or clay, go with 5.8 - 6.3

If it's a mix of organic matter, ie. Peat moss and forest products then go with 6.2 - 6.7

I have to say I've never had any issues with Advanced Nutrients, especially when you use fewer nutes than the bottle says you should. Nice thread here....