What is this on my leafs?


Well-Known Member
lol that looks exhausting...how many plants are you running?

True it is really exhusting!!

I was just busy for almost two hours just LST!

And it toke me also around 2 hours to feed diffrently accordingly to plant age.

I have 27 at the moment in the flower room just switched to 12/12 on them today.

And 3 mothers

6 in veg

8 in pre veg

44 at the moment in total but ill add few in couple of weeks for prepratual grow.

Usually i do 6 under 2x600w

But this time i planted for scrog which didnt really work well as I couldnt water smoothly from under the net as my plants stay compact and bushy most of the time bcz of the topping defoliating lst etc


Well-Known Member
an again should i really cut that leaf off. Its a auto will it recover?
It will recover no worries even if you toke all the leaves out. However. It will slow her down for a while..

Sun ☀ try to post a very good picture so we can help more.



Well-Known Member
Hey 420monster any other advice or suggested feeding for autoflower
If that leaf is healthy I would let it go especially in a auto flower think of a auto flower as a time bomb the clock just keeps ticking any pruning and most training will slow it down so start it in its final container usally 3 gallon is perfect transplants will stall it don't top don't fim don't super crop dont defoliate as all these things will slow it down and it reaches flower to fast to make these effective anyways

lst is about the only form of training you can do to a auto flower and don't try and clone them either it won't work it will root but it runs the same clock as it's parent so you will be flowering a 2" clone that will buckle and die under its own weight

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Well-Known Member
If that leaf is healthy I would let it go especially in a auto flower think of a auto flower as a time bomb the clock just keeps ticking any pruning and most training will slow it down so start it in its final container usally 3 gallon is perfect transplants will stall it don't top don't fim don't super crop dont defoliate as all these things will slow it down and it reaches flower to fast to make these effective anyways

lst is about the only form of training you can do to a auto flower and don't try and clone them either it won't work it will root but it runs the same clock as it's parent so you will be flowering a 2" clone that will buckle and die under its own weight

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However, if this leaves are infected ill still remove it as it will just make it worse.
*Its still need to be removed in time.
(my opinion).


Active Member
This is this morning. Need a straight foward answer on what to do. The leave looks healthy to me its just those spots. i ordered some garden safe 3 in 1 pesticides fungus and mite killer for roses fruits assuming it will be good cannot purchase the name brand you mentioned.



Well-Known Member
Honestly it looks like mites and the fact that your using outdoor soil your chance of that triples simply cutting the leaf off will not stop them you need to get one of these I paid $4 shipped on eBay then look at you leaves especially under them anything 30^ will do you also need one of these when you harvest you could bomb them with mite spray but it helps to know what your dealing with russet mites are harder to Kill then spider mites there both sons of bitches to kill but the normal spidermite spray will not work on russet if you have good eyes you can see spider mites russet you need 30x or more

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Well-Known Member
It bothers me cuz if it were mites it would be random all over its in patches on 1 fan only.
Thats true as well..

I would still remove it just in case.

If its still spreading more and more on that partcular fan leave remove it before it catches in all of the plant .

One fan leaves is not gonna kill your plant or stop her for too long even ifts an auto.

I mean come on its just one fan leave

I top seedling from first node, so.you can imagine :)!

You need magnifier tho!


Well-Known Member
It bothers me cuz if it were mites it would be random all over its in patches on 1 fan only.
that is what you see the damage just hasn't shown yet like I said you really need to know what your dealing with the quicker you catch them the better your spray might not even work on them there is times where people will use 5 different very expensive mite sprays and still can't kill them parasitic wasps and last bugs eat mites

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