What is this?


Well-Known Member
I spray twice a week for bugs. It's only on bottom leaves of plants and I can't find any bugs on em.


Looks like bug damage to me as well. Theres a reason its only on the bottom leaves. Nute deficiencies will show on all leaves or new growth, not often will nute deficiencies show on just the bottom leaves...

I wouldnt spray more, I would find something more effective to spray with. Go out early in the morning and see if you cant find and identify what kind of bugs they are, and accordingly what (non toxic) pesticide you should be using. The bugs will probably be up early around sunrise, but retreat during the heat of the day.

Other than that, its a relief seeing a decent grow on this site. FFS, I just saw someone on this site feed their plant with hand soap.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll inspect more closely for bugs. Not sure how any insect survives the neem, pyrethrin, spinosad, and bt mix.


Is it possible you are just straight up poisoning your plants?

What are the chances that the effected leaves got some of those chemicals on it?

Why are you spraying for bugs to begin with? Outdoor grows arent ALWAYS infested with bugs! Sprayin for em attracts em! Leave it be unless you know its best to do otherwise


Well-Known Member
Anything is possible, bugs are pretty bad here though. I've never heard that pesticides attracts bugs, not sayin your wrong, just never heard that before.


Pesticides definitely can attract bugs - I have experienced it firsthand on quite a few summer nights... some pesticides are chock full of pheremones, meant to repel certain insects. In my observation anything specifically designed for something will have some of those somethings attracted to it.

Considering you get these spots "sometimes" on sporadic lower leaves, it seems either the bugs are only munching during a certain part of the day or that you are overspraying pesticide onto your foilage.

Judging from the way the spots are arranged (like a spray bottle) and the fact that there is also white residue (chemical residue most likely) on some of the leaves, it seems more likely its overspraying. Again if you dont need to spray I wouldnt. A couple flying through and biting here and there wont kill it so dont feel like you need to make an anti-insect shield around it. Its weird, cannabis grew in nature for thousands of years surrounded by bugs...


Got some blackberry right now (not the best potency but very good for my medical condition)and as its looking I most likely wont be growing it again just cause it takes so long to flower (I can tell shes a 10 weeker+ and im at week 4). Not gonna say for sure I wont grow her again until I get to smoke it though. Been a real pleasure to grow, if only kind of boring because I have not had a single problem yet, just steady beautiful even growth... but I'm not complaining, ill help other people fix their plants while mine are doing too good for my comfort level, lol.


Well-Known Member
If its just the lower leaves spray some neem on it once a week and call it a day unless further damage. Some strains do unexplained things. Don't fret on it


Its by Nirvana, mixed reviews of it out there but cant argue with adjusting one bud and your fingers sticking together and stinking of blackberry. And at only week 4 :) Next grow should be with subcool seeds


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a winner. I'd like to try some sub seeds too, as well as many others, there's always next year.