What is wrong?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. Can anyone tell me what they think is wrong with my lady? I checked her runoff ph and it's 6.3. I flushed her because I thought it was nute burn. What do you guys think? She's still in veg, thinking about just flowering, and see if harvest is even worth it and start over.



Well-Known Member
It is nute burn. What's your soil? ..and I bet I can guess.
Flushing probably made it worse.


Well-Known Member
I have sunshine lc1 professional potting mix. It contains 70-80% sphagnum peat moss, perlite and dolomite limestone to keep ph balanced at root zone. I trimmed off all the dead leaves that were useless



Well-Known Member
The new growth is actually not affected, so I'm guessing the flush worked as far as i can tell.


Active Member
To flush or not to flush, that is the question. My understanding is that a lot of nutrients are released in soil when you add water. I have NEVER ever flushed, just my personal preference. So in this case, if your soil was fairly fresh and you flushed then you caused the soil to release many nutrients, hence the burn. My guess would be to let the soil dry out until leaves start drooping, then resume watering. But go easy. When it comes to watering, I always try to give them "just enough".


Active Member
When you flush you are using like 3 times the amount of water you normally would this means the nutes get flushed out not released into feeding the plant.


Active Member
How would flushing make a nute burn worse? I thought that was the correct action?
Flushing only stops the problem of nute burn, if indeed nute burn, your plant wont recover already damaged leaves but new growth will be fine if ph runoff is around 6.3. Besides that your plant is healthy and nice... Dried leaves could indicate heat stress. Do you foliar feed? If you do, the light can inhance the spectrum of light and heat up the leaves on the edges causing burns...
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Well-Known Member
What are you temps? Could also be heat stress on the edge of the leaves like that.

How often are you watering? It could be a combination of underwatering and heat stress.

It could also be due to humidity being too low.

Let us know your temps and humidity.


Active Member
Sure shaman I understand the principle behind flushing but there are a lot of variables: eg. the water retention capabilities of your soil, the amount of nutrients in your soil when it's fresh... etc.

If you flush then your soil will be wetter than it's ever been since day 1. This is a radical change in the environment that the roots are living in. In some cases this might be good, in other cases might be bad. And my suspicion is that, depending on the age of the soil, if you have been watering sparingly for weeks and then you flush, AFTER all the flushing water has run off, your roots are in an environment which is very different to before the flush. Some soils contain nutrients which are slow-release, meaning that the water remaining in the soil after the flush might cause nutrients to be released over the next, say, 72 hours.

Sure most of the nutrients will be washed away but exactly what happens with the soil in the next few days after flushing...? I wish I could back up my comments with some scientific proof or personal experience but I can't.

I think I will try a flush for the first time with my current grow - it's such a hot topic of debate!


Well-Known Member
Flushing will only relase 'slow' release type nutrients, so if your soil was ammended with anything then watering more MIGHT cause this to happen-this is what happens when people use Miracle Grow-since the nutrients are time released, everytime you water it releases more and people end up trying to flush their medium but they actually saturate it with nutrients.


Active Member
Flushing will only relase 'slow' release type nutrients, so if your soil was ammended with anything then watering more MIGHT cause this to happen-this is what happens when people use Miracle Grow-since the nutrients are time released, everytime you water it releases more and people end up trying to flush their medium but they actually saturate it with nutrients.
I agree with Squidbilly. Miracle grow has a tendency to be a bad brand when growing meds... Depending on your medium, nutes that are time released can ruin a good grow...


Well-Known Member
If you mix wasn't hot, meaning already full of nutrients, then flushing might help fix the problem>if the problem is in fact nutrient burn.

I believe sunshine #4 doesn't have anything added except the lime to stablize ph, so excess salts have built up in your medium then a flush might help.

I might be more incline to recommend a couple heavy irragations, rather then a flush. Lower your ppm and the next few times you water allow for a decent amount of run-off.