i have re-accuring dreams constantly...
i smoke more than daily.. and i hardly never remember my dreams...
but when i do its normally a dream ive had before... like yesterday.... i have had this dream for like 10+ years now
n the
im snowboarding, and might i add im fucking shredding...
im going down this slope.. i take a right in to this patch of trees middle of a slope... and then i hit a jump, and fly into the air, land on the chair lift wires... and start grinding...
then the world ends... and there is nothing... just empty ness, and im falling, as if there were a cliff..
i just keep falling and falling feeling perpetually faster and faster... then 2 inches from the ground i wake up sweating bullets
ps this is all a third person dream.. im watching over my body from about 5 feet up...
weird.. but i like it!