What kinda dreams do you get?


Well-Known Member
Ever dreamt you could fly? Thats realy cool... although its strangely more like swimming in low gravity, you need a decent pushoff to make some distance...


Well-Known Member
i have re-accuring dreams constantly...
i smoke more than daily.. and i hardly never remember my dreams...
but when i do its normally a dream ive had before... like yesterday.... i have had this dream for like 10+ years now
n the
im snowboarding, and might i add im fucking shredding...
im going down this slope.. i take a right in to this patch of trees middle of a slope... and then i hit a jump, and fly into the air, land on the chair lift wires... and start grinding...
then the world ends... and there is nothing... just empty ness, and im falling, as if there were a cliff..
i just keep falling and falling feeling perpetually faster and faster... then 2 inches from the ground i wake up sweating bullets

ps this is all a third person dream.. im watching over my body from about 5 feet up...

weird.. but i like it!


Well-Known Member
ya i had those dreams be for it like floting u jump something u flot some time u dont its a weird dream but pretty neet

Kind of like you are on a lilo in a shallowish pool where your feet can reach the ground.

Now that you mention it, I often dream of my dad who has passed a few years ago. Allthough in my dreams this has never happend yet, it is like some parallel universe, in which neither of us knows of his passing in the other world... Always takes a few minutes to collect myself after one of those, not upsetting, just confusing reality a little.


Active Member
I usually dream along the lines of these groups:

1. Lucid
2. Something Sexual (A bit rarer than others)
3. Flying, very fun.
4. Nightmare in which I end up playing some video game about the nightmare.
5. Fighting, everything is usually slowed down. Its like your punching thru super dense water.
6. Certain recurring dreams.
7. Some type of teleporting type thing.
8. Not a nightmare but usually scares me the most: Some form of Armagedon.
-Volcanoes Erupting
-Star Exploding
-Sky turns freaky colors and scares the shit outa me
-Aliens or some crap like that
-Various storms that destroy the Earth.


Well-Known Member
It might be hard for some to believe but most times when i dream not only do i remember most but sometimes when i'm dreaming i know it and thats when i try certain things. i'm never able to control my dream but it concerns me at times when i know i'm dreaming and kinda wathcing myself since i'm unable to do anything. anyone dream in cartoon about 3 times for me


Well-Known Member
ALSO you guys can try this when you want to dream about something and someone. relax and think of all the things surrounding whatever it is that you want to dream about all i can say is sweet dreams
just like everything it take practice..............


Well-Known Member
It might be hard for some to believe but most times when i dream not only do i remember most but sometimes when i'm dreaming i know it and thats when i try certain things. i'm never able to control my dream but it concerns me at times when i know i'm dreaming and kinda wathcing myself since i'm unable to do anything. anyone dream in cartoon about 3 times for me
If i'm having a nightmare, a lot of times I will realize Im dreaming and be able to open my eyes...its pretty trippy


Well-Known Member
Sometimes after smoking a fat bowl then goin to sleep i wont remember any dreams ,but when i do remember them they are f$#ed up Itll be crazy shit like gnomes trying to tell me my fortune from a tree stump, its always some kinda crazy effect or twist involved after getting torched and remembering a dream afterward.


Well-Known Member
i toke daily and i have awesome dreams each night.
i fly and have fun.

i think i'm going to learn lucid dreaming soon