What Laws?


New Member
Maybe poor people get poorer because they don't work?
And there you have it, another genious response from the justin. Maybe they don't work because there are no living wage jobs so why bother. It takes 1,000 a week to raise a family and keep even, more if you want to get ahead. 7.50 an hour doesn't quite cut it.


Well-Known Member
1000 a week? Christ almighty where do you get your figures from.

My parents comfortably raised four kids on less than $50,000.

They're poor because they're too lazy to be anything else. May not be able to afford a car, house, cable tv or the dog, but if there is a will, there's a way. Go to the soup kitchen for meals.

$7.50 * 40 = $300/wk
= $1200/month

$1200 a month is a lot for rent and a bus pass.

I admit, this is extreme, however, this is a 100% plausible solution that anyone can do.

And there you have it, another genious response from the justin. Maybe they don't work because there are no living wage jobs so why bother. It takes 1,000 a week to raise a family and keep even, more if you want to get ahead. 7.50 an hour doesn't quite cut it.
I love your logic though, if it doesn't pay enough, don't even try. Maybe one job at 7.50 wouldn't cut it, but two jobs would. They may have to work 60, 70, 80 hours a week to make ends meet, but that would be a driving force to make sure their kids have better opportunities.

I know you're going to say, how are their kids going to get an education if their parents are working 80 hours a week to make ends meet? Good grades, hard work. Stereotypical answers, but they're always right. Not to mention, any college age kid these days are inundated with student loan offers with deferred interested and payments until graduation. Bottom line is, there's no excuse for any normal person anymore other than they're lazy.


New Member
1000 a week? Christ almighty where do you get your figures from.

My parents comfortably raised four kids on less than $50,000.

They're poor because they're too lazy to be anything else. May not be able to afford a car, house, cable tv or the dog, but if there is a will, there's a way. Go to the soup kitchen for meals.

$7.50 * 40 = $300/wk
= $1200/month

$1200 a month is a lot for rent and a bus pass.

I admit, this is extreme, however, this is a 100% plausible solution that anyone can do.

I love your logic though, if it doesn't pay enough, don't even try. Maybe one job at 7.50 wouldn't cut it, but two jobs would. They may have to work 60, 70, 80 hours a week to make ends meet, but that would be a driving force to make sure their kids have better opportunities.

I know you're going to say, how are their kids going to get an education if their parents are working 80 hours a week to make ends meet? Good grades, hard work. Stereotypical answers, but they're always right. Not to mention, any college age kid these days are inundated with student loan offers with deferred interested and payments until graduation. Bottom line is, there's no excuse for any normal person anymore other than they're lazy.

I'm certainly glad you straightened me out. It must be nice to be in your 20s and have all the answers. Where were all the questions when I was in my 20s and had all the answers, geeze, I could have changed the world.


Well-Known Member
I'm certainly glad you straightened me out. It must be nice to be in your 20s and have all the answers. Where were all the questions when I was in my 20s and had all the answers, geeze, I could have changed the world.
Just trying to illustrate the point that it's possible. It may suck hardcore, but its possible, and it only goes uphill from there.


Well-Known Member
remove the power of the federal government and put in into the states. remove the federal reserve system of banking. stop the war on drugs. increase spending for education. stop the federal income tax. disassemble the two party system. no nationally syndicated news stations. stop wasting in the government and reduce the "vacations" that our elected leaders are able to take to the same as any other government employee. start competitive bidding for government contracts. stop the electoral college. when should i stop?


Well-Known Member
1000 a week? Christ almighty where do you get your figures from.

My parents comfortably raised four kids on less than $50,000.

They're poor because they're too lazy to be anything else. May not be able to afford a car, house, cable tv or the dog, but if there is a will, there's a way. Go to the soup kitchen for meals.

$7.50 * 40 = $300/wk
= $1200/month

$1200 a month is a lot for rent and a bus pass.

I admit, this is extreme, however, this is a 100% plausible solution that anyone can do.

I love your logic though, if it doesn't pay enough, don't even try. Maybe one job at 7.50 wouldn't cut it, but two jobs would. They may have to work 60, 70, 80 hours a week to make ends meet, but that would be a driving force to make sure their kids have better opportunities.

I know you're going to say, how are their kids going to get an education if their parents are working 80 hours a week to make ends meet? Good grades, hard work. Stereotypical answers, but they're always right. Not to mention, any college age kid these days are inundated with student loan offers with deferred interested and payments until graduation. Bottom line is, there's no excuse for any normal person anymore other than they're lazy.
minimum wage is NOT enough to raise a family on. i think you forgot about taxes.


New Member
my mother raised her 2 children, alone, on less then $20,000 a year. there is nothing fun about being poor and everyone poor wants out.

there are lazy poor and lazy rich (who were lucky to get rich parents). certain poor wont admit it, but getting a handout is the incentive NOT to work. the others who wont admit it are just naive.

there are people who would fix the nation's problems by leveling the playing field. create a system where everyone has the same amount of property and benefits. "if we both have the same assets and lifestyle, i can't be mad or envious at you; and that must be equality!"

this concept is called socialism and it has been tried and failed. and it will always fail. because it drags the common man down to each other's mean lifestyle. and it raises the ruling class lifestyle tremendously because they do not have the competition of the hard working, ingenious common man who is smart and passionate about building a better life, brick by fucking brick.

YOU CANNOT GRANT A GOVERNMENT THE SIZE AND POWER THEY NEED TO CARE FOR IT'S CITIZENS FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE. they will abuse the power! history proves it! read the history books you naive fools!

to imagine, "in a perfect world we'll all have great medical care, paid for by our limited government" is on par with saying "in a perfect world, everyone stays trim and fit and sexy and eats whatever they want!" neither of these worlds is based in reality.

if you want a big government program like socialized medicine for all, it requires big government intrusion into your life. soon, your diet and exercise will be mandated by the government- why not, they have to pay for us all!

if you want limited government where you can live anonymously enjoying your free life, you have to anti-up some responsibility to find a way to take care of yourself.

i personally prefer the latter. but i have no delusions that others feel differently. but just look at what a big (and growing) government today can get away with. i think i've made my point.


Well-Known Member
I agreed with you up until here

to imagine, "in a perfect world we'll all have great medical care, paid for by our limited government" is on par with saying "in a perfect world, everyone stays trim and fit and sexy and eats whatever they want!" neither of these worlds is based in reality.

if you want a big government program like socialized medicine for all, it requires big government intrusion into your life. soon, your diet and exercise will be mandated by the government- why not, they have to pay for us all!

if you want limited government where you can live anonymously enjoying your free life, you have to anti-up some responsibility to find a way to take care of yourself.

i personally prefer the latter. but i have no delusions that others feel differently. but just look at what a big (and growing) government today can get away with. i think i've made my point.
England is not in a perfect world however everyone has the rights here to the same medical treatment paid for by our taxes.


New Member
England is not in a perfect world however everyone has the rights here to the same medical treatment paid for by our taxes.

And there you have it, medical care for all, no big deal, just the will to do it.


New Member
england is accepting medical programs for larger government. i disagree with this premise.

programs funded by the government have no fiscal conservatism. treatment costs climb every year and the cost are passed down to the consumer thru taxes MUCH more then they would cost if the doctors ran their offices like any other ligitamate buisness.

I know its not a perfect world. i still think we (the U.S.) can do better, as a free nation. this Universal Healthcare program is a foot in the door toward ever larger and more expansive government now, and one day - a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.


New Member
well, thank goodness i'm not alone on this one.
Well, if a one world government is inevitable, All you right wingers say it is, why not get a benefit out of it, like universal health care. Don't get me wrong, I don't applaud one world anything, but health care for all, hell yeah. You few rich dudes on this site will still be allowed to have your high fallutin doctors, so quit bitchin.


New Member
med, which is better:

a) poor people make more money so they can afford health care.

b) poor people stay distitute, and the government takes money from everyone else's paycheck for the poor to have health insurance.

come on man. you're just not using enough imagination to solve the problem of health care for all. there's a better way then accepting big brother. the fact is, that desicion has been pushed as the ONLY solution, for some time now, by the government. its a nice trick. "we'll give you free heath care, if you give us your freedoms."


New Member
Med still doesn't understand that for every beautiful looking benefit government throws out there, there's a hook in it. That hook, in most cases, is a loss of liberty.



Well-Known Member
My parents comfortably raised four kids on less than $50,000.
BTW justin, isn't 50K about 1,000 a week??? Idiot!!!
Hey shithead, that's a family of 6. And that's pre-tax dollars. Not sure if your figure was or wasn't. But that's exactly my point. $50,000 is EASY to raise a family of 6. It means people earning 50,000 or more, do not need government assistance. Pick a lower number for the poverty level.


New Member
Hey shithead, that's a family of 6. And that's pre-tax dollars. Not sure if your figure was or wasn't. But that's exactly my point. $50,000 is EASY to raise a family of 6. It means people earning 50,000 or more, do not need government assistance. Pick a lower number for the poverty level.
Diapers are in the mail, oh I forgot, what is your and your parents address anyway,~LOL~. pussy.