What mix-ins do you use to keep pests away?

predatory insects work well, talk about animal kingdom. What a sight to see these fungus gnats taken down and eaten alive. :)

Dalotia "Atheta" coriaria - Rove Beetle & Hypoaspis miles make a good one two punch combo.
yea if you release predators of all pests in the area itll keep them under control
predatory insects work well, talk about animal kingdom. What a sight to see these fungus gnats taken down and eaten alive. :)

Dalotia "Atheta" coriaria - Rove Beetle & Hypoaspis miles make a good one two punch combo.
I was scoping a leaf a few years ago and saw a mite, then literally a second later this Big Eyed Bug devoured him. I didn't even see the Big Eyed Bug until he lunged at the mite. It was cool shit.
A friend of mine was also dealing with the pests, and someone suggested spraying neem oil. I think it’s been effective for him so far.
As said already, neem meal is great. malted barley is a good amendment too as it contains chitin.
Couple that with a regular IPM plan and ypushould be able to keep most pests at bay.

depending on where your soil came from,you could have brought the pest in with that.

Bottom watering is handy if you have a problem with fungus gnats and you can also buy a bigger, pellet size DE that acts as a mulch/top layer that’s fine when wet.

good luck!

Gnat nix my bad.
As in synthetic DE?

Currently testing Monterey Garden Phos. Using to prevent or control pm, dm and sm. My gnats are gone after a couple soil soakings.
Anyone else ever try nicotine? I've vaped them (fungus gnats) out with 100mg nicotine diluted in vegetable glyceren, but never tried adding a few drops to some water mixture as a spray/drench..
I kinda wish I had fungus gnats again, so I can test out a spray. Funny how they hide from me now days..

I got old bottles of oxidized free base liquid nicotine that are real peppery tasting, and rather use them somehow than throw it out. Pure clean nicotine is way less toxic than most the chemicals being used these days IMO.

I can easily measure out exact ratio's that are safe to handle, unlike all the crazy tobacco extraction recipes to make nicotine pest sprays out there. Most processed tobacco is nasty, and I wonder if the chemicals used in the process are actually what makes the sprays any good. I also wonder how the end product would test out, and what the difference between cigarette tobacco juice, or clean pharma grade nicotine based sprays would be, according to the tests.

I know for a fact I can wipe out gnats by literally coating them with vapor, but mainly also sucking all the moisture out of the coco/medium with a shop vac, then letting it dry for a few hours, and vaping out the entire pot full of medium\rootzone with peppermint + VG nicotine base makes them all crawl to the surface, and wriggle around and die. The flyers take off and go rub there eyeballs out until they die too. Then flush the pots and resume normal feeding, knowing it will slightly affect the plants, but they will bounce back. I haven't tested enough, but know it doesn't kill off the roots and the plants lived.
Panty hose liner over the pots is my go to for gnats. That includes the drainage holes, where they can crawl in too.. Small pots are easy to completely cover, but larger ones you can cut the panties up into sections, and use tape to patch the pieces over any openings that expose the medium.

If they can't fly in and out, the cycle is broken, and they will all die in a few days to a week.

Even net pots, they are easy to cover, by wrapping the top around the stalk, and dropping the pot back in. Gnats try to crawl into hydro systems too, especially when they smell yummy fungus root rot funk.