What nutrients can I use with what I'm already using?


Active Member
I'm currently nearing the end of my second week of flower. I have nutrients for the whole cycle but I was wondering what other bloom stimulators or enhancers can I use during the weeks of 5 and 6 when I cut out the Bid Bud and wait for Overdrive.

This is my current regiment:

Week 1
Bud Blood
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 2 - 4
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 5 - 6
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 7 - 8
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 9 - 10
Final Phase

So I was wondering what I should use during the weeks of 5 and 6 of flower? Should I stretch out the Big Bud and use it for another week? This is my first run so these are the only nutrients that I have experience using so if there are any suggestions I'd love to hear them so I can do some research on them.

I was thinking of picking up Hammerhead but I don't know much about that other than its a PK booster. Would I use that all the way through? Would it replace a nutrient I'm already using?

This is how things were looking about six days ago:


I'm currently nearing the end of my second week of flower. I have nutrients for the whole cycle but I was wondering what other bloom stimulators or enhancers can I use during the weeks of 5 and 6 when I cut out the Bid Bud and wait for Overdrive.

This is my current regiment:

Week 1
Bud Blood
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 2 - 4
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 5 - 6
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 7 - 8
Bud Candy
Sensi Bloom A&B
Cal Mag
Silica Blast

Weeks 9 - 10
Final Phase

So I was wondering what I should use during the weeks of 5 and 6 of flower? Should I stretch out the Big Bud and use it for another week? This is my first run so these are the only nutrients that I have experience using so if there are any suggestions I'd love to hear them so I can do some research on them.

I was thinking of picking up Hammerhead but I don't know much about that other than its a PK booster. Would I use that all the way through? Would it replace a nutrient I'm already using?

This is how things were looking about six days ago:
Personally, I think you're on the right track with what you have right now. Though you could always add more nutes, to me, it seems like you might be pushing things a little too hard.

You want to make sure that you're only using what your plants need - no more and no less.

You don't want to create a nute burn in your plants and screw up the work you've already done. I would just keep things simple this time to see how this current nute schedule works for you. And the NEXT time, then you can add more nutes to the schedule. There are a TON of bloom nutrients from Advanced Nutrients, but you have the basics - and the ones that have worked well for me.

You really don't need to add anything more at this time, IMHO.

However, you have the right idea - maximizing your grow is always a good idea, but that doesn't mean that you need to do it every time. Your strain seems pretty sturdy to me, and doesn't need more than you're giving it right now.



Active Member
Thanks a lot for your input. Its now week 5, well tomorrow will be, and they're doing great and have no nute burn whatsoever and are lookin awesome!

Thanks again for taking the time to give me some explanations. Much appreciated!