He is the one that said it, I vote mainly republican, I am a quasi conservative esp to most ppl. But it’s all good I vote mostly after reading about the individuals past, planned policies, and all that. But I’ve seen more money in my take home pay. I own my own business and have seen the taxes for it go down. So I’m good thus far.Ha, Trumps a flip-flopping idiot. Don't trust anything he says, especially secondhand. All other republicans are the ones to vote out.
I wouldn’t say dimes especially since I make good money. I work from home for the most part, I have my own farm as well. They are on the side of the working man for the most part I even have time to get my third degree. Plus I get to have fun doing what I do...trading your hours for a handful or dimes. yes. Policies matter to me. They are on your side, I'm sure. So far, so good, so what?
Just to note I’m in the middle class, just own a business is all.Have Fun. Can't convince me. Tax Scraps for the middle class and huge savings for the rich resulting in a huge deficit to pay back later on our working backs. All a lie and a pitch. Fuck Republicans. Not to mention every other issue they are WRONG about.