What the F... Happened

are you talking to yourself again? dont be so hard on yourself, uncle buck may be hard on you, you dont have to take that job in your right hand, let him do it for you!

You guys like to stroke each others ego's! so have at it, you only look worse in the eyes of the people who have spoken loud and clear, you shall see on the 20th of jan!

What a great new year, Im quitting cigerettes and getting a non polictian prez for probably the 2nd time in history!

Here is to a great New Year!

LOL.....You are exactly right. That is exactly what they do frequently. Stroke each other's egos. In some cases, a couple do not even take the time to read through the posts enough to understand what is being posted. They just dog pile to make themselves and their P-funks feel better. I am also looking forward to 2017. Not because Trump will be inaugurated on Jan 20th but because Hillary will not be.
LOL.....You are exactly right. That is exactly what they do frequently. Stroke each other's egos. In some cases, a couple do not even take the time to read through the posts enough to understand what is being posted. They just dog pile to make themselves and their P-funks feel better. I am also looking forward to 2017. Not because Trump will be inaugurated on Jan 20th but because Hillary will not be.

Fun fact: 74 million Americans voted against trump!
Billy beer was never available in bottles.
i thought not either. It was crappy though. But if he didn't support Carter, why collect his brother's beer? What did Jimmy even have to do with that?

Have you seen the line of shit the TRUMP! kids have out? Hundreds of products and they are pimping them out to Americans like nobody since the 19th Century.
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I honestly dont consider myself dem or rep,,,,Like I said in a few short yrs if trump cant get something done with the house and senate with rep majority,,,,I will vote all repubs out of office who has their term coming up in 2 yrs, and in 4yrs I will not vote for trump again,,,,,,I simply didnt want a life time politician in office any longer, lets see what a democrat in nonrepub suite can do!

He will do well or he will not and I will be here to see and vote the way that needs to be voted again! Im so proud I helped keep the clintons out of office, Yeah Me! :clap: and :finger: lol!


p.s any one ever hear of a tit baby? whaaaa whaaaaaaa![/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree with you more. The upcoming administration will have 2 years to prove to the american people they have the balls to do right by the American people. If not, there will be plenty of votes to make changes in the house and senate. . Then at the end of 4 years we will have the chance to vote in a new administration. The good part is one of the choices shouldn't be a Clinton. As arrogant as trump is I am sure he will be seeking another term regardless. If he goofs things up too bad I just hope the Dems put forth a good candidate that most folks can feel good about voting for. If the Dems would have been able to put forth and back a good candidate this time around they would have kept the White House. They also would have gotten my vote.
I honestly dont consider myself dem or rep,,,,Like I said in a few short yrs if trump cant get something done with the house and senate with rep majority,,,,I will vote all repubs out of office who has their term coming up in 2 yrs, and in 4yrs I will not vote for trump again,,,,,,I simply didnt want a life time politician in office any longer, lets see what a democrat in nonrepub suite can do!

He will do well or he will not and I will be here to see and vote the way that needs to be voted again! Im so proud I helped keep the clintons out of office, Yeah Me! :clap: and :finger: lol!


p.s any one ever hear of a tit baby? whaaaa whaaaaaaa!

Couldn't agree with you more. The upcoming administration will have 2 years to prove to the american people they have the balls to do right by the American people. If not, there will be plenty of votes to make changes in the house and senate. . Then at the end of 4 years we will have the chance to vote in a new administration. The good part is one of the choices shouldn't be a Clinton. As arrogant as trump is I am sure he will be seeking another term regardless. If he goofs things up too bad I just hope the Dems put forth a good candidate that most folks can feel good about voting for. If the Dems would have been able to put forth and back a good candidate this time around they would have kept the White House. They also would have gotten my vote.
Seriously, figure out how to quote. Ask support or something.
Seriously, figure out how to quote. Ask support or something.
I understood him! you dont know how to read?
ask support how you can quit being an english teacher,,,(i so wanted to say something else, but the uncles have admin behind them, so I have to behave when responding to the uncles)

If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle!

I understood him! you dont know how to read?
ask support how you can quit being an english teacher,,,(i so wanted to say something else, but the uncles have admin behind them, so I have to behave when responding to the uncles)

If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle!

I understood him! you dont know how to read?
ask support how you can quit being an english teacher,,,(i so wanted to say something else, but the uncles have admin behind them, so I have to behave when responding to the uncles)

If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle!

Lol....Most folks do understand what is being posted in here. The ones that claim they don't actually d
I understood him! you dont know how to read?
ask support how you can quit being an english teacher,,,(i so wanted to say something else, but the uncles have admin behind them, so I have to behave when responding to the uncles)

If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle!

The best way is not to respond to them at all. There are some folks that you just can't have a decent conversation with in any forum....lol....The sad part is they are allowed to continue that behavior that causes good members to leave RIU because they get tired of the same ole crap from the same ole people.
so quit doing it to your self!

be nice even people who dont have the same opinions can get along,,,,,,,,but not if one side is too one sided!

I would have accepted the outcome of the vote if hillary won! I wouldnt be out there protesting or acting a fool, If I was going to do that I would have done it when they voted in the peanut farmer, and billy beer is nasty, I was going to save a 6 pack for a stupid keep sake, but after buying 2 6 packs, one for me and friends to try and one 6 pack to store away, after trying it we poured it all out and broke all the bottles in a dumpster,,,,,,oh man I may not be able to eat peanut butter any longer after remembering how nasty billy beer was, a few peanut farmers, good for nothing politicians, jimmy boy is doing nice things for houses for humanity, he should have only did that and stayed out of politcs, now if we can get him to keep his nose out of where it dont belong!

If we need to send an ex pres to get people to listen to us, w.Bush would be the one to send, they know he will bomb their ass!

Who the fuck are you?

Quoting me 4 times and I didn't even direct a comment at you.

Jeez, buy me a drink before you get all obsessed.
I'm not sure when people weren't lied to by their governments. The following is a good description regarding the behaviors of both parties towards the chase for campaign money and personal reward for party leadership by selling access and influence in the making of laws:

Both parties are in thrall to what our great-grandparents would have called the Money Power. One party is furtive and hypocritical in its money chase; the other enthusiastically embraces it as the embodiment of the American Way.

The following extract from the same article describes what I see as the main objective of Trump and the GOP-controlled congress:

The objective of the predatory super-rich and their political handmaidens is to discredit and destroy the traditional nation state and auction its resources to themselves. Those super-rich, in turn, aim to create a “tollbooth” economy, whereby more and more of our highways, bridges, libraries, parks, and beaches are possessed by private oligarchs who will extract a toll from the rest of us.

So, yes, the Democratic Party leadership is venal and serve the wealthy. But the two parties are not "equal and the same" in their corruption as @dargd1 moronically claims. The difference is Democratic Party leaders "serve" rather than "belong with". I'm not saying this is acceptable, I'm just saying there is a difference. The super rich has not yet created a stable "tollbooth" economy. The next four years may see them achieve this. I don't look to the party of the super wealthy to stop them. The party of their servants is the only one at this time that has a chance of doing so.

We have some good congressmen from Oregon, Colorado and others who I think are worth supporting. To be a nihilist and sit on the sidelines like @dargd1 would have us do or worse to vote FOR the super rich is to cede control.

and submit to being shagged.
You are confused about the difference between subjective opinions and facts. You are entitled to form your opinion based upon whatever you want. Facts are verifiable and an honest person would seek facts upon which to base an opinion.

People who base opinions on lies or baseless beliefs eventually become unhinged from reality. When has a good decision ever been made that was based upon false beliefs or outright lies? I gladly challenge, belittle and mock people who spout false ideas as reasons for action. Especially people who support right wing agendas because they have become entirely unhinged from reality. What else can I say to them? The GOP was recently described by an analyst as the "Party of the Stupids". "Stupid is a stupid does", as one great philosopher said.

I'm taking difference with you because you claim that both parties are equally corrupt and there is no difference between them. The consequences of this election are now very much showing us the differences. The GOP congress is going after privatizing Medicare, Social Security, the ACA, and public education. Meanwhile, Benedict Donald is promising massive initiatives to suppress minority groups in the name of "law and order". Also saber rattling in the form of endorsing a nuclear arms race. Also breaking treaties of mutual defense with long time allies while getting cozy with dictators. Isn't this reminiscent of the actions of dictators of the past who turned nations into a police states?

you were shagged

For someone who seems intelligent you make a lot of assumptions and spend allot of time trying to discredit folks you disagree with. You make a number of claims in this thread that are total bullshit. And of course you already know that. I somehow give Limbaugh and other right wing outlets backing> You have used the term right wing in reference to me a few times. Can you please show me anywhere in this thread where I give Limbaugh cred?.I haven't heard anything Limbaugh has said since 1986, because he is a political hack just like others representing both sides in their extreme views. You posted I sit on the sidelines?........You post a lot on here on what you claim is my politics and beliefs. It would have served you better to ask me directly instead of spending your time in your eyes trying to discredit what I have posted here. So not that I owe you or anyone else an explanation on what I beleive I will let you know the basics so you don't have to spend anymore time making assumptions and posting incorrect material.
I have voted in every election since 1979. I have never nor am I now a Democrat or a Republican. I have always voted for a candidate I thought would make a positive difference in this country based off of the choices. Over the years I have voted democratic and republican tickets. During elections for the house and senate I have also voted dem or rep based on who I felt would bring positive change to our government. In local elections I have voted the same. I am neither a lefty or righty. I do have a strong position on both sides of the political arena being totally corrupt and using their positions for personal gain and making decisions based off of what is in the best interest of their party over what is in the best interest of the people. I could care less if you agree or disagree. I voted for Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and John McCain who didn't win. This time around I voted for Donald Trump. My vote is just as important in this country as yours or anyone else's. In some cases my vote was based on who I thought would be less of a disaster between the two candidates instead of who I thought would be a good choice. I voted for Donald Trump reluctantly because there is no way on earth I wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House. If the Democrats would have had a respectable candidate and backed that candidate so we would have had a better choice I would have without a doubt voted for that candidate. I hope there is some good that comes out of the next 2-4 years, if not the voters to include myself will have the chance to make changes again at the poles. So you continuing to post your nonsense isn't going to change that, nor do I give a shit about your attacks. There is a reason why Donald Trump was elected. There is also a reason why Hillary Clinton did not get elected. You do post some interesting facts but they are hard to see through your bias bullshit. You and others claim you attack folks in the name of holding them accountable. You are smart enough to know that comment is total horse shit. You do not attack folks to hold them accountable; you attack folks as others do because it makes you feel better, you enjoy attacking folks that do not agree with your politics and you think somehow that will bolster your case. I am proud of every vote I have cast since 1979 and will continue to do so. And I can assure you your baseless bullshit attacks as well as others will never have the slightest impact on who I vote for.....lol
For someone who seems intelligent you make a lot of assumptions and spend allot of time trying to discredit folks you disagree with. You make a number of claims in this thread that are total bullshit. And of course you already know that. I somehow give Limbaugh and other right wing outlets backing> You have used the term right wing in reference to me a few times. Can you please show me anywhere in this thread where I give Limbaugh cred?.I haven't heard anything Limbaugh has said since 1986, because he is a political hack just like others representing both sides in their extreme views. You posted I sit on the sidelines?........You post a lot on here on what you claim is my politics and beliefs. It would have served you better to ask me directly instead of spending your time in your eyes trying to discredit what I have posted here. So not that I owe you or anyone else an explanation on what I beleive I will let you know the basics so you don't have to spend anymore time making assumptions and posting incorrect material.
I have voted in every election since 1979. I have never nor am I now a Democrat or a Republican. I have always voted for a candidate I thought would make a positive difference in this country based off of the choices. Over the years I have voted democratic and republican tickets. During elections for the house and senate I have also voted dem or rep based on who I felt would bring positive change to our government. In local elections I have voted the same. I am neither a lefty or righty. I do have a strong position on both sides of the political arena being totally corrupt and using their positions for personal gain and making decisions based off of what is in the best interest of their party over what is in the best interest of the people. I could care less if you agree or disagree. I voted for Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and John McCain who didn't win. This time around I voted for Donald Trump. My vote is just as important in this country as yours or anyone else's. In some cases my vote was based on who I thought would be less of a disaster between the two candidates instead of who I thought would be a good choice. I voted for Donald Trump reluctantly because there is no way on earth I wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House. If the Democrats would have had a respectable candidate and backed that candidate so we would have had a better choice I would have without a doubt voted for that candidate. I hope there is some good that comes out of the next 2-4 years, if not the voters to include myself will have the chance to make changes again at the poles. So you continuing to post your nonsense isn't going to change that, nor do I give a shit about your attacks. There is a reason why Donald Trump was elected. There is also a reason why Hillary Clinton did not get elected. You do post some interesting facts but they are hard to see through your bias bullshit. You and others claim you attack folks in the name of holding them accountable. You are smart enough to know that comment is total horse shit. You do not attack folks to hold them accountable; you attack folks as others do because it makes you feel better, you enjoy attacking folks that do not agree with your politics and you think somehow that will bolster your case. I am proud of every vote I have cast since 1979 and will continue to do so. And I can assure you your baseless bullshit attacks as well as others will never have the slightest impact on who I vote for.....lol

Try paragraphs and people might read it.
For someone who seems intelligent you make a lot of assumptions and spend allot of time trying to discredit folks you disagree with. You make a number of claims in this thread that are total bullshit. And of course you already know that. I somehow give Limbaugh and other right wing outlets backing> You have used the term right wing in reference to me a few times. Can you please show me anywhere in this thread where I give Limbaugh cred?.I haven't heard anything Limbaugh has said since 1986, because he is a political hack just like others representing both sides in their extreme views. You posted I sit on the sidelines?........You post a lot on here on what you claim is my politics and beliefs. It would have served you better to ask me directly instead of spending your time in your eyes trying to discredit what I have posted here. So not that I owe you or anyone else an explanation on what I beleive I will let you know the basics so you don't have to spend anymore time making assumptions and posting incorrect material.
I have voted in every election since 1979. I have never nor am I now a Democrat or a Republican. I have always voted for a candidate I thought would make a positive difference in this country based off of the choices. Over the years I have voted democratic and republican tickets. During elections for the house and senate I have also voted dem or rep based on who I felt would bring positive change to our government. In local elections I have voted the same. I am neither a lefty or righty. I do have a strong position on both sides of the political arena being totally corrupt and using their positions for personal gain and making decisions based off of what is in the best interest of their party over what is in the best interest of the people. I could care less if you agree or disagree. I voted for Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and John McCain who didn't win. This time around I voted for Donald Trump. My vote is just as important in this country as yours or anyone else's. In some cases my vote was based on who I thought would be less of a disaster between the two candidates instead of who I thought would be a good choice. I voted for Donald Trump reluctantly because there is no way on earth I wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House. If the Democrats would have had a respectable candidate and backed that candidate so we would have had a better choice I would have without a doubt voted for that candidate. I hope there is some good that comes out of the next 2-4 years, if not the voters to include myself will have the chance to make changes again at the poles. So you continuing to post your nonsense isn't going to change that, nor do I give a shit about your attacks. There is a reason why Donald Trump was elected. There is also a reason why Hillary Clinton did not get elected. You do post some interesting facts but they are hard to see through your bias bullshit. You and others claim you attack folks in the name of holding them accountable. You are smart enough to know that comment is total horse shit. You do not attack folks to hold them accountable; you attack folks as others do because it makes you feel better, you enjoy attacking folks that do not agree with your politics and you think somehow that will bolster your case. I am proud of every vote I have cast since 1979 and will continue to do so. And I can assure you your baseless bullshit attacks as well as others will never have the slightest impact on who I vote for.....lol

you: feelings > facts

me: facts > feelings

This is why I'm so certain you are wrong.