What the F... Happened

At least you posted some facts in this one.

I never claimed the rep and dems were the same, What I claim is they both are equally responsible for the corruption in Washington DC.

What do I expect from Trump? The same thing I suspected would happen from previous presidents on both sides of the corruption machine. More corruption, lies, propaganda, deception and power grabbing. More nails in the coffin of our self destruction as a nation. He is no better or worse than any of the others corrupt criminals we have dealt with over the last several decades. When he leaves office their will be another corrupt criminal to replace him from either side I suspect.

Where in the above post do you differentiate the two parties? What reason would I have for thinking other than you are calling the two parties the same? In other posts, I asked if this is what you meant and you never denied it. Now you change your story but don't really call out the differences.

What would you say are the differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in terms of this corruption stuff? I documented my understanding of the differences and you just ran it over. I'm interested in learning if you have a mind or if your brain is just occupying space so that your head doesn't collapse in on itself.

"he (Trump) is no better or worse than any of the other corrupt criminals"

^^Wow, what an indictment. Yet you are proud of your vote? I mean if you said you held your nose and voted for him, you'd make better sense.

I did vote for Trump and am extremely proud that my vote helped to keep Hillary out of the White House.

You were so thoroughly shagged
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I was warned by an RIU member whom I consider a good friend that posting anything in the RIU political forums that was anything but liberal leaning would lead to nothing but personal attacks. Additionally; the RIU leadership not only allows that type of behavior but protects and condones it (paraphrasing). Turns out he was 100% correct. So I am done here. You folks can carry on with your bullshit attacks with the blessing of the RIU Staff and Admins. You are not interested in sharing ideas and views on RIU in these forums. Your interests are feeding off of each other's bullshit and attacking members for their views that are different than your own.The sad part is you particularly, actually have some very good knowledge to share but can't stop yourself from being an arrogant asshole. Have fun. I'm out!
Your points were always poorly made. You think opinion is information. You will not be missed.
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goddamn fucking libtards.

fucking priceless. "Come to daddy"
I was warned by an RIU member whom I consider a good friend that posting anything in the RIU political forums that was anything but liberal leaning would lead to nothing but personal attacks. Additionally; the RIU leadership not only allows that type of behavior but protects and condones it (paraphrasing). Turns out he was 100% correct. So I am done here. You folks can carry on with your bullshit attacks with the blessing of the RIU Staff and Admins. You are not interested in sharing ideas and views on RIU in these forums. Your interests are feeding off of each other's bullshit and attacking members for their views that are different than your own.The sad part is you particularly, actually have some very good knowledge to share but can't stop yourself from being an arrogant asshole. Have fun. I'm out!

Thanks for coming by and sharing your "everybody is equally corrupt" view with us. It was a completely new, useful, revolutionary, amazing, intelligent, genius idea.

As you depart, let me repeat your own first words to me:

Lol.....There is sooo much misleading bullshit in this comment I don't know where to start.
they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here,
Yes I do. And I hope Bernie Sanders does too. At least he vowed to do so.
I was warned by an RIU member whom I consider a good friend that posting anything in the RIU political forums that was anything but liberal leaning would lead to nothing but personal attacks. Additionally; the RIU leadership not only allows that type of behavior but protects and condones it (paraphrasing). Turns out he was 100% correct. So I am done here. You folks can carry on with your bullshit attacks with the blessing of the RIU Staff and Admins. You are not interested in sharing ideas and views on RIU in these forums. Your interests are feeding off of each other's bullshit and attacking members for their views that are different than your own.The sad part is you particularly, actually have some very good knowledge to share but can't stop yourself from being an arrogant asshole. Have fun. I'm out!

We're crushed
Youre offended because the admin arent ignorant Trump tards?

Your side won, it doesn't make you "normal".

Must be painful to gloat when more Americans voted against Trump than for him.
It makes me feel like I did my job, I dont like to vote straight party, I hate it and wish we didnt have to in our primary's, That needs to be changed!

I decided to vote straight ticket this time on the slim chance billary may win,,I wanted to make sure she was lame duck prez and had a rep house and senate,,,,,I succeded, Im proud of myself!

our new Forum english teacher!

do you get paid well, or do people just smack you upside your head in real life?
Why do you think proper formatting is something an English teacher would be responsible for? If you had a shred of intellect, the fact that clarity between the previous post and your reply might be advantageous to your "argument" might be apparent to you. Derp.
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Why do you think proper formatting is something an English teacher would be responsible for? If you had a shred of intellect, the fact that clarity between the previous post and your reply might be advantageous to your "argument". Derp.
Pardon me (wait your not obama) you pointing out what people spell or do wrong is more agrivating than the simple mistakes people make on the interweb> It is stupid social media that has made mispelling and inproper formatting. Im sure there are many other places to correct people's spelling and formatting!

I can give you a few url's and I bet you will have a blast correcting every one you read!

so what does your name mean, your an uncle,,,,your bald and your name is rick?

I lost my hair the day I married my sons mother, It all grew back when we divorced lol!

I actualy have a geo pet that is in my likeness lol, I love it, I can give it mohawks like I had when I was 17 lol!

Im an uncle, im a great uncle woo hoo im getting old, oh yea im a grandpa also!

Im so thankful I had one kid and my kid is a man, he is a Marine, he is married and has 3 kids, 1 girl and 2 boys! wow I helped hillary lose and continued the family trumptard blood line, and Im quitting smoking at 12 am jan 1,,,,,,,,,,,,The first ever new years resolution, and I will succede, I have been practicing,,,,,,,,,kinda how I practiced saying I was voting for hillary so I wouldnt get kicked out of a stupid social media site, I couldnt keep my fingers from bad mouthing her so I got banned :clap:

Is there a reason you and the other uncle like to bad mouth 98% of the members here?

Just wondering if im on the right side or not!

I never liked bully's,,,,,,I have the size to be a bully in the real world, but that is not my style, my style is to make the bully's stop bullying! (::hump:

I have always liked the underdogs, But I just couldnt wrap my head around billary this time, so I went against my beleif's and picked a bully instead this time, But his bullying has been all words like the others used, trump just said it like most factory, construction, cops, and just how the average joe talks, I know I say whats on my mind when I feel like it lol!

well maybe I should have just ate 2 peices of chocolate instead of 4! :weed:
