WHAT!? this change happened in a day, any suggestions?


Active Member
this is an outdoor groww last plant lefttttt and this change happened in a day? not sure what it is HelP! :wall:
you've got nute burn my friend, flush it with luke warm water, if you have a PPM meter test the run off, your plant should be around 200-400ppm right now

Fallen Buckshot

if he has time release nutes in his soil flushing it is the wrong thing to do... give us a little more info .. what soil using are you using nutes yet whats the temp and humidity if outside have they been rained on heavily


Active Member
do you have a dog? my dog killed of the lower part of my "money trees"and it looked like that. Just a thought.


Active Member
whats the best way to flush it, just regularly?

and is the damage going to cause anything?
over fertalizing will really stunt your growth and kill some of your leaves. I flush mine every week until the PPM is under 200 and then i flush them with my new nutrient water until the PPM gets back up to 800-900 for my plants, id flush yours until its around 400-500
hope this helps


Active Member
Id cut off the dead stuff first, flush with water second, and being that its so small get it out of direct sunlight third. Put it in the shade with a small fan blowing on it (not close just enough so that your getting a light wind on the leaves. And like stated above what kind of soil is that? If it has time release nutes your just guna release more nutes by adding water.

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
Just a thought, Fill your pot all the way up to the brim. your plant is very low in the pot. Your pot is stealing sun shine from you plant.