What to do? Small grow area


Well-Known Member
straight dirt is just fine, i clone that way
once you see growth, that's it, the clone has established roots


Well-Known Member
you don't want high humidity for flower, say 90+ percent, that's a mold threat
not sure what very low might do, never had that issue


Active Member
ye, i said low humidity for flower :P. humidity outside is usually around 40%, but goes lower in the box. Im guessing-dont have a humdity meter


Well-Known Member
that would be a first, i guess it's not impossible but i'd think they wouldn't bother with a small green plant, they're too busy gnawing trees


Active Member
just thinkin bout planting where i know there are beavers and a lot of little critters. i dunno i got 3 options it seems like. Veg this thing for a long ass time, put it outdoors while im on vacation and leave it out there to flower. 2 - veg it for a long ass time, put it outdoors while im on vacation and try and fit it in my box when im back. 3 - start flower now, have it go outside after 5 weeks of flower and possibly have more than 12 hours, but not sure...than come back inside at the end of week 6


Well-Known Member
if you flower inside, and put it outside now, it will likely reveg, but it does depend on the location and the light situation
it will be hard to veg outside, then flower inside, if you veg a long time the plant is going to get very large or root bound
most likely root bound
a short veg outside might work, but bugs love to hitch a ride indoors, and once away from the predators, reproduce like crazy


Active Member
i guess my only option is to get someone to take it for that week....i guess i should start flowering now or soon than. getting my third set of leaves


Active Member
have you ever seen yellowing pearlite? a couple different times ive seen after a heavy water the pearlite turn yellow and eventually seems to go back. weird.


Well-Known Member
i've seen similar stuff, likely getting some algae growth in there, maybe mold, but probably not any danger
gets dry and maybe the algae/mold dries up and dies


Well-Known Member
probably not a big problem, there is just so much stuff that can pop up in an outdoor grow
there are funny looking molds and other living slimes, id'ing it exactly could be quite tough


Active Member
yea, there was deffinetly slugs in the area..so could easily be from them. i dont know if thats bad. im not gonna stress about it and i.d.ing it. Can you top during early flowering? first couple weeks?


Well-Known Member
it's better to top in veg, early in flower could work, depends on the quirks of the particular plant/strain


Active Member
well i was just thinking, cause its about 5 inches tall right now and im going to start LST and flowering, after i finish the ring of Lst i was hoping to top it, but im guessing it wont take that long to make its way around the edge of the pot


Well-Known Member
upon thinking about that strategy, it sounds pretty good, was thinking about 'straight' topping
if you clip the growth point in a lst, you will limit the amount of new nodes being added at the plant top
which should work well, worse case is you get a few extra nodes at the top, which shouldn't be a big deal


Active Member
i thought the point of topping was to get more nodes / bud sites...so more bud either way imma do it. just started flowering 103 watts. 80 2700k 23-6500k. not gonna start LST till I transplant in a couple days, so it might be a bit bigger than i wanted to start LSTing, but oh well i guess.

What does canoeing leaves mean again?