What to do? Small grow area


Well-Known Member
nutrient levels are measured in percentage by weigh, a common bag of 6-9-6 fertiizer would be 6% nitrogen, 9% phosphorous ...
if a soil was 6% available nitrogen, it would burn a plant to a crisp, when i read the percentages on MG Organic soil, i see much smaller percentages, but the ratios of the nutrients is similar to what you see in ferlizer labels


Well-Known Member
that is a good question, i probably can't give you a great answer
rate of release can be as important as how much nutrient is there
i will say i use MG Organic Bone meal(6-9-0) as the basis for my feed
usually add 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil for the mix, then i feed later with bone meal tea made from the MG and molasses
molasses has a good shot of potassium which fills in the 0 part 0f the bone meal's 6-9-0, how much i can't say exactly - haven't bothered to calculate


Active Member
ahh alright. Different question..sorry about how many there is :P....... I've been using aluminum foil to reflect (i know its not the greatest, but better than black walls) It also seemed to help keep the heat up during its night period, sometimes was still dipping below 60 F tho. Anyways..It's getting real nice n warm and if anything im having trouble keeping it cool. I already got white paint, so thats the quickest thing i can do (eventually get a better fan / vetilation). and apparently is pretty reflective and would lower the heat. Only question is, what to do with my seedlings while i paint / let it dry. Can the plants be in there while its drying? any suggestions? or am i just over-thinking it?


Active Member
i wouldnt keep any plants in the room you plan on painting and ide vent it good. i think my mylar was only $15 for 25'. if you do paint i dnt think it would hurt them to be out of the room a cpl hours


Active Member
I can move em outta my box, with windows open in the room, but can't fully take em outta the room that should be fine?...there seedlings so i dont wanna be hard on em at all


Active Member
Since I'm hand flipping it, how big of a time difference from day to day can it change? In flower i would assume not much..and nothing that would make it over 12 hours, but in veg how much of a buffer do you got before you harm it? Right now its at 11:30 and quickly wake up at 530. Sometimes i wanna/need to go to bed earlier...and sometimes lazy..as one would expect waking up in the middle of your sleep. So anyways how much time in veg give or take can you flip your lights? keeping it 18+ hours of course.


Well-Known Member
i think(not 100% sure) that it's around 13 hours of light where flowering begins, so you should be fine
some strains/plants could be touchier


Active Member
i heard tampering with light schedules can reduce quality or quantity... but half n hour give or take here n there shouldnt really make a difference in veg or flower?


Active Member
Anyways...im starting to get impatient and thats the usual point where i do something wrong (atleast i can recognize it now :P ) ...so my question is how long should a seedling take before it is looking like a healthy vegging plant? been a good 2-3 days of minimal progress. just those 2 weird first lookin leaves..one seedling has its next set started though. I hate seedlings with a passion...if i get these going..mother plant here i come


Well-Known Member
they should take off after 7 days or so, but that's not a hard and fast rule
keeping the light steady is best, how much it will change results if unsteady i can't give an exact answer, different plants will react differently


Active Member
alright cool. should be soon. one of them should have already taken off tho. (planted sooner yet falling behind other one)

Reveg looks weird..but obvious new growth..first set of leaves is weird. looks like a mix between that first leaves if you can call em that with a seedling mixed with a real leaf


Well-Known Member
that's normal, if you can call it that, new leaves are all distorted, this can serve as a clone mother if you don't see getting much bud from it


Well-Known Member
never too young, probably the younger the better, if you don't have to disturb the root structure, it should be as simple as dropping into a hole


Active Member
so i mist them once a day - right before lights off - was wondering if A) i should mist more often and B) is there anything organic i can put in the mist or should i just leave good ol H20