what to do?


Active Member
im just after moving in with some good friends...theyre cool and easy to live with and they smoke too which is even better......but.....i was setting up my envirolites for the two 3 week olds in one of the store-presses when one of them looked and freaked and called the other to come and look.....they went crazy and told me NO WAY!....i asked them why and theyve said that if i didnt realise why that i shouldnt bother stayin! so its cool to smoke and stay but if i want togrow they say find a different place!!should i stay...and try to convince them later....or.... just forget about the grow(which they know i do anyway)...or find a new place!


Elite Rolling Society
I'd move out and never share the grow with them!
That is too many people to know about it, anyway.


Well-Known Member
dude find your own place. They'll be 10x more paranoid, and might even do something rash ( Consciously or subconsciously). It's lots of people who will smoke until the day they die, but will never ever attempt to grow. Find another place, and set up there. Give it some time though, because you've already violated rule #1. Set up your grow, and keep it silent, and when they ask you about it tell them you gave it up...gave it some thought and better judgment prevailed.


Well-Known Member
My question is, why didn't you discuss this prior to moving in?

"Guys I'm thinking of throwing up a few plants. Is that cool?"

You could have saved your time time, money, and effort.


New Member
yeah man, what Biggravy said, your friends will just end up tweakin out even if you do talk them into allowing it....not only will they be paranoid as hell...they will make you start being paranoid as well.....good luck either way....


Well-Known Member
Speak of the fucking devil. I'm talking to my boy on facebook who followed puff's advice. Long story short. He's looking for a new place to live.


Active Member
:wall:....ive paid up rent in advance and they are good pals so ill stay and forget the grow for now,im only gonna be there a few months anyway and ill let them buy the most of the smoke!!!!! ill have to convince myself they were males(the plants!)after the dump....:wall:


Active Member
naw,that group of pals knowing is enough!!!! i got those seeds as freebies with an order ....RIP