What to put honey oil in?


Active Member
Hey guys,

just made some honey oil, its on a piece of wax paper now, weighs just over 5 grams in a big blob. what is the easiest way of getting it into gram pieces and what would be easiest to put it in? or just back onto wax paper?

There are a ton of small containers you can put it in.

Head shops, bead stores, container stores, sometimes at CVS and grocery stores, WalMart...

The one on the left is a makeup container so look in the beauty section for those.
is it possible to put it in one and big able to take the whole chunk out by spraying pam or something so that it wont stick to the sides?
Yeah... don't spray your BHO with spam. You can whip your BHO into wax or butter which tends not to stick as much but some people will tell you it degrades the quality due to increased aeration. If you need to get the stuff out just warm it over a lighter and it will all fall to the bottom. Or dissolve the last bit in some 99% iso.
Throw it in the fridge for about an hour. When you take it out you will easily be able to break it up into chunks.

Not sure if there is a container store by you, but if so, that is where you can find all sorts of vials and such to use.