What type of seed/nutrients/enhancers/lights?


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone i just would like your opinions on what i should do thank alot for reading!

I will definitely use a aeroponics or fogponic system.

What type of seed do you recommended for me to get great yield and fast growth?

What type of nutrients brand and nutrients should i use?

Should i use enhancers? If so, what type of enhancers that will give me great Yield, Fast Growth, and Great taste?

I would like to use 600W HPS and 600W MH together, and if I'm not mistaken i should keep them around 2 feet approximately from the highest point on my plant?

At the Veggative cycle i leave the lights on for about 18/6 for 8 weeks and Flowering cycle 12/12 for 8 weeks, good idea to get optimum yield and growth?

Also i will be using a scrog net, i think that smart at least maybe I'm wrong?

By the way this is my very first time i already read the build from start to finish that 420fied did great job!

thank you very much for reading i appreciate it very much!!!!