What was it?

super man

SWIM came across about 5 blotters that were supposed to be LSD the other night. now SWIM is pretty sure it wasn't LSD, SWIM and his friend took 2.5 blotters each, and the high kicked in maybe 45 minutes after dropping and lasted maybe 5 hours. Visuals weren't all that great and lasted for about 2 maybe 3 hours tops. SWIM isn't very experienced in phycedelics but he is pretty sure he has taken real lsd before because it was a total mindfuck, visuals were amazing, and it lasted very long, and was very intense. But again, swim isn't experienced.

Does anyone know what Swim could've taken the other night?


Well-Known Member
You swim? I like swimming also...u probably got some nbome or dox..didn't last long enough cause you didn't get full effect,with those nbomes,they are virtually inactive orally,meaning you can't just eat a hit like a cracker,you have to hold the drug in your mouth for it to absorb into you're system...also..get a test kit dude,before you fuck up royally and eat some shit that puts you in a bad place..being babysat is no fun..id also stay away from prints of blotter..u can get em anywhere online,they all look like good acid,but anyone can put anything on it...most family is sticking to white unlined paper to combat the 'tricksters' not 'pranksters'...tricksters seem to feel a nice printed sheet will sell better..even tho there's no lsd on it..kinda like a kit car..looks like a great lamborghini..but got a ford engine under the hood...pranksters..well,we love our fluff..and give it away for fun!...hope alll this helps.


Well-Known Member
SWIM came across about 5 blotters that were supposed to be LSD the other night. now SWIM is pretty sure it wasn't LSD, SWIM and his friend took 2.5 blotters each, and the high kicked in maybe 45 minutes after dropping and lasted maybe 5 hours. Visuals weren't all that great and lasted for about 2 maybe 3 hours tops. SWIM isn't very experienced in phycedelics but he is pretty sure he has taken real lsd before because it was a total mindfuck, visuals were amazing, and it lasted very long, and was very intense. But again, swim isn't experienced.

Does anyone know what Swim could've taken the other night?
You are a penis.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure it's like, ethically wrong to say SWIM on this site. Regardless, it's pretty annoying. But I'd say it's very possibly something in the 25x-nbome series. They're cheap, becoming more and more popular, and last between 5 and 7 hours, the visuals don't compare to LSD but many people find the effects to be similar.


anyone who uses SWIM (SOMEONE WHO ISNT ME) is obviously that person.
thats why i dont understand how everyone is so confused on this issue, using SWIM will not determine whether or not you are prosecuted, as i said on another thread, if they want you badly enough, and for posting comments or illegal activity on the internet, using swim will not be the make or break thing that gets your charges magically dropped like finshaggy


hasch tomte

New Member
swim means someone who isn't me.

I've seen people use that on bluelight or whatever that drug site is called, i think you're safe here buddy.


Well-Known Member
The finshaggy thing would be funny if I knew the backstory..all I know is he cannot grow weed at all...my son is more adapt at growing a beard than he is growing weed..my son is 2 years old. Who puts research chems in their nutrients!!??....SWIM! :-D