what was the shape of your last shit?

I think you need to get out more and make some friends in the real world, stop being such a loser. I myself like to go to the dog park and chat people up about their dogs. I always take a shit in one of the waste bags they provide and make sure to suck all the air out of the bag before tying it up so you can really see the profile of my shit in the bag like it's almost vacuum sealed, anyways I just like to hang around there holding my shit in a bag and chatting people up, I've found it's a great way to meet people and talking about their dogs is a great ice breaker and then when they ask me about my dog and I tell them I don't have one and they glance at my stuff in my bag and I tell them that that's mine and I brought it with me so I would feel like I fit in we always have a good laugh. You might want to give it a try sometime.

ahhhh, if only that could fit in a sig. I love you, Beardo. Always know that.
I think you need to get out more and make some friends in the real world, stop being such a loser. I myself like to go to the dog park and chat people up about their dogs. I always take a shit in one of the waste bags they provide and make sure to suck all the air out of the bag before tying it up so you can really see the profile of my shit in the bag like it's almost vacuum sealed, anyways I just like to hang around there holding my shit in a bag and chatting people up, I've found it's a great way to meet people and talking about their dogs is a great ice breaker and then when they ask me about my dog and I tell them I don't have one and they glance at my stuff in my bag and I tell them that that's mine and I brought it with me so I would feel like I fit in we always have a good laugh. You might want to give it a try sometime.

I think I just shit my pants laughing at that. I want that as my sig line too. At least these two lines. OMG

I always take a shit in one of the waste bags they provide and make sure to suck all the air out of the bag before tying it up so you can really see the profile of my shit in the bag like it's almost vacuum sealed,

and then when they ask me about my dog and I tell them I don't have one and they glance at my stuff in my bag and I tell them that that's mine and I brought it with me so I would feel like I fit in
The size and shape in question was small and pellet like. Certainly not the work of myself or my dog. Why couldn't the neighbour work that our before banging on my door at 8am?

There was a shit outside his front door- nothing to do with us!