What women want...


Staff member
Ah fuck it i'll throw up my what i want in a male companion list

1. someone who is nice to my mother, and family, i need someone who is family oriented enough they will sit through family dinners, help my mom with things, and be just down right pleasant. no "yo niggz" bullshit.
2.someone who likes nature, animals , and is a good person to children , elderly and has a kinda heart
3.someone who can make me laugh all the time humor is super important tome
4.someone who thrives on education and thirst for knowledge someone who is motivated within themselves to do things they want to do in life
5. be in shape,
6. have good clothes and shoes, like anyone who looks like they play in a band im down with LOL
7. I prefer long hair, beards and mustaches, and green eyes but i am almost always able to find the beauty in someone


Well-Known Member
Okay...on facial hair. There are always exceptions but the last time I was at a ski hill sitting at a bar this dude was hitting on me. He had so much bbq sauce in his moustache I could have used it for dipping sauce. I just can't get it out of my head...so, if it looks good scruffy, I'm fine with that, just check it for sauces.

edit: and by groomed I mean so you can eat without having to move it out of the way.


Well-Known Member
at the end of the day its better to be single then with someone {man or woman whichever applies to you} who is gonna lie to you, and cheat on you..


Sector 5 Moderator
I often just prefer the idea of cosying up and having a cuddle than getting freaky. I think by most male standards this invalidates my man card :-P
I love to cuddle too - right after about 4 hours of passionate sex. Yes you are invalidated, send in your card immediately; you have no nuts.

Your example does not seem very relevant to the point about it not being because they don't love her. Maybe the guy cheated on Shania because he didn't love her, for some reason you simply talk about how rich and hot she is as if that must therefore mean he lopved her. Maybe he married her because she was flaming hot and rich and famous, and then later on realized that she was a power mad cow and fooled around with something he preferred.

So yes, i'm thinking about Shania Twain and her ex-hubby and completely failing to link it to the point you are trying to make.
If you knew one thing about Shania Twain and Mutt Lange you would understand the connection. The point was not that she was rich and famous; he was rich and famous too; the point was that she was beautiful and he was ugly but he still cheated on her. Duuuuhhhh


Well-Known Member
Ah fuck it i'll throw up my what i want in a male companion list

1. someone who is nice to my mother, and family, i need someone who is family oriented enough they will sit through family dinners, help my mom with things, and be just down right pleasant. no "yo niggz" bullshit.
2.someone who likes nature, animals , and is a good person to children , elderly and has a kinda heart
3.someone who can make me laugh all the time humor is super important tome
4.someone who thrives on education and thirst for knowledge someone who is motivated within themselves to do things they want to do in life
5. be in shape,
6. have good clothes and shoes, like anyone who looks like they play in a band im down with LOL
7. I prefer long hair, beards and mustaches, and green eyes but i am almost always able to find the beauty in someone
ur asking for too much... lol
If you are walking us down the street walk on the side with the buildings and alleys. She wants to feel protected and it makes her feel special. Yes, even if it is a one night stand.
So if a man and a woman are walking together on a sidewalk... the man should walk between the woman and the buildings (so that the woman is walking between the man and the street)? I was raised the opposite. I was told to walk between a woman and the street. I think it was something like ladies walk on the inside and only hookers walk next to the street or the curb or some shit like that.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you knew one thing about Shania Twain and Mutt Lange you would understand the connection. The point was not that she was rich and famous; he was rich and famous too; the point was that she was beautiful and he was ugly but he still cheated on her. Duuuuhhhh
I'm sorry, but you were trying to make a point about men cheating because they can, not because they don't love their wife. What has this money and fame got to do with anything? It is irrelevant to the point you are trying to make. Him being ugly and her being hot is also completely irrelevant. What have looks got to do with loving or not loving someone?


Well-Known Member
It does not make sense at all but that's the way men are wired.
I agree. :lol:

Edit: oh, and yeah, the woman he was sleeping with is considered unattractive. She's quite overweight, loud and has an abrasive personality...but she was in front of him and leading him on. It was all about opportunity.
If that were true most men would cheat most of the time because there's always an opportunity (and if needed can be created with both attractive and unattractive women). Desire for attention, or simply more sex, taking revenge, wanting to break up but not having the guts to say it, etc, etc... there's often more to it than just opportunity for a guy to be disloyal.

Men simply tend to lower their standards when they cheat. Your ex knew upfront he wouldn't have to look at her face (and be seen with her) for the rest of his life. Attractive women just require more effort, and in different words you already mentioned he's a lazy loser so it seems to fit my theory :) Women should be more worried about guys cheating on them with pretty women than ugly though, it might indicate he's looking for a keeper...


Staff member
Men simply tend to lower their standards when they cheat. Your ex knew upfront he wouldn't have to look at her face (and be seen with her) for the rest of his life. Attractive women just require more effort, and in different words you already mentioned he's a lazy loser so it seems to fit my theory :) Women should be more worried about guys cheating on them with pretty women than ugly though, it might indicate he's looking for a keeper...
I believe hereshegrows told me that they are still together.....


Well-Known Member
1. someone who is nice to my mother
3. someone who can make me laugh all the time ...
6. like anyone who looks like they play in a band im down with LOL
7. I prefer long hair, beards and mustaches, and .... i am almost always able to find the beauty in someone
I know just the guy for you Sunni :lol:



Staff member
i know just the guy for you sunni :lol:

lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll excuse me while i go wipe my monitor down i just spewed coffee all over it

also get this
fin said im really ugly once lol he thinks im like the ugliest girl ever hahah


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm sorry, but you were trying to make a point about men cheating because they can, not because they don't love their wife.
Oh, so now you're a fucking psychic as well as a psychologist? You're so pathetic; you're fortunate to even be able to read.

What has this money and fame got to do with anything? It is irrelevant to the point you are trying to make.
Sure it means nothing (GOLD DIGGERS, MARRIED FOR MONEY, Etc. ad nauseum); chicks love broke-ass men, especially sorry ones that refuse to work and support their family.

What have looks got to do with loving or not loving someone?
Seriously you have to ask this?? Because men are visually oriented. Nature made women (some of them) the most beautiful of all creatures and that doesn't appeal to you? I guess you're the kind of guy that had rather check out the hot men at the gym.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, so now you're a fucking psychic as well as a psychologist? You're so pathetic; you're fortunate to even be able to read.

Sure it means nothing (GOLD DIGGERS, MARRIED FOR MONEY, Etc. ad nauseum); chicks love broke-ass men, especially sorry ones that refuse to work and support their family.

Seriously you have to ask this?? Because men are visually oriented. Nature made women (some of them) the most beautiful of all creatures and that doesn't appeal to you? I guess you're the kind of guy that had rather check out the hot men at the gym.
Have you been outside recently and noticed the number of men with ugly women? Being visually orientated has nothing to do with love. That is called lust..

As gods gift to women you seem incredibly incompetent. Do you even know what love is?

You are trying to show that men cheat out of opportunity, not falling out of love, by addressing opportunity and ignoring the factor of love. Smart.