What women want...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it does, but you make a great pet....j/k

floats boats whatever your
Maybe I'll change with a change of career. Being a chef certainly drains you of your energy, so when I'd take a week off to see the gf, all I want to do is sleep or cuddle on the sofa with some film or other. A month and a half after quitting and I'm still struggling to get back to a regular eating pattern and getting my energy back. Luckily the gf understands that about me and always get me nice and stoned to get me eating. Normally just eat dinner at 7pm, and maybe some snacks with a film afterwards, nothing else all day.


Well-Known Member
A woman is not attracted to the money a man has.
A man with money has confidence and that's what their really attracted too.


Well-Known Member
Apparently women do not want tentacle rape
I think them wanting tentacles is just a weird Japanese myth
Myth busted!


Well-Known Member
lol no nudity beardo you know that sorry!
It's just those weird Japanese people messing with me and i'm glad to know women don't want tentacles, I hate unattainable expectations.
The anime thread made me remember this. I wish TV didn't exist, I want things to be like they were hundreds of years ago
I don't know what women want but I have made a effort to not really try so i'm not to stressed about it.


New Member
It's just those weird Japanese people messing with me and i'm glad to know women don't want tentacles, I hate unattainable expectations.
The anime thread made me remember this. I wish TV didn't exist, I want things to be like they were hundreds of years ago
I don't know what women want but I have made a effort to not really try so i'm not to stressed about it.
I bet you wear mocconsons (however it's spelt), Beardo.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
ive kept a foreigner, new Zealander with a perm res card to settle the belly fire for you fucking tea party fucks, in the US for 4 years , i think i know what she wants


pay attention at .42 sec . . . .thats right, she wants a kiss now and again
Well seeing as you have such a lovely way with words how could the woman resist!