What would be similar legal grow?


Well-Known Member
Live in a non friendly grow area. Plenty of plant shops and such around but kind of reluctant to talk to the shop owners and such. If they ask what I'm growing what the heck do you say. I was thinking just saying I was growing orchids in doors. I would rather buy local just to support the business' thats around the area. Someone else has had to run into this issue.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
They are in the business of selling. You are out to buy. Go shopping for your 'indoor garden'. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
I maybe a little paranoid cowboy. Maybe a lot. LOL The person helping may have a spouse that's a newbie detective wanting to make a name for themselfs. That would turn out to be a bummer. Maybe indoor herb garden. That would seem fit since I'm going to consume my crop and so would an herb gardner.


Well-Known Member
i just say im growing vegetables , but if your going into a hydro store they wont ask u they know there no1 buyers are mj growers and im sure there are growers or once were also.my local hydro store guy is stoned all the time whenever i rock up hes all red eyed n shit hes awesome ive never actualy said what im growing but u just no they know its illegal so there not going to acutally say it.


Active Member
Yeah I would say you are overly paranoid. Simply conversing about the joys of growing your own veggies indoor free from hormones and frankenfood genetic engineering, and appearing passionate about the subject should be all the smoke screen you need. As cowboy said they are in business of selling and are probably as concerned with what you are doing, as the local butcher is concerned about how you are cooking the meat he sells you.


Well-Known Member
I maybe a little paranoid cowboy. Maybe a lot. LOL The person helping may have a spouse that's a newbie detective wanting to make a name for themselfs. That would turn out to be a bummer. Maybe indoor herb garden. That would seem fit since I'm going to consume my crop and so would an herb gardner.
Just never bring up the M word. I am lucky to be legal and in a legal state. 2 of the hydroshops I use both have classes on Medical MJ cultivation. And then one shop I do not use anymore. Legal state or not, bring up the M word and all hell will break loose. The guy is a dick. He will be out of business soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I was a little paranoid. Called the local shop today that carries Fox Farms for this new/first real grow I'm fixing to start and they lady was like "yea you want the big bag or the little bag". Guess ya have to know the whole story on me. LOL Thanks Yall!!!!


Active Member
The hydro shop owners know the score: the majority of what they sell is probably going towards marijuana. There just aren't that many people who are going to spend $100s of dollars and countless hours of work for some homegrown vegetables when you can just hop down to a farmer's market kind of thing and get great stuff cheap.

Just don't say anything about marijuana and you're home free. If you do bring up questions about MJ, the shop owner is required by law to inform you to leave. If you refuse to leave, the owner is required by law to call the police. Tomatoes are grown in the exact same manner and are roughly the same size plant, so just ask them what they'd recommend for awesome tomatoes.


Active Member
I don't see why it would be a problem asking about growing vegetables in a hydroponics store. That's all you gotta say really.


Active Member
Yeah, you shouldn't have to explain yourself in detail-- you're growing an indoor garden. Don't say orchids though-- they have an entirely different grow method and use bark type soil. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I was a little paranoid. Called the local shop today that carries Fox Farms for this new/first real grow I'm fixing to start and they lady was like "yea you want the big bag or the little bag". Guess ya have to know the whole story on me. LOL Thanks Yall!!!!
Do you call ahead to JC Penny when you need new sneakers? Probaly not. You just go buy them.


Well-Known Member
No need to be parinoid. They won't turn you in to the cops. They won't make any money selling you stuff if you are locked up. don't say " Orcids " , they are picky plants to grow. Marijuana is more like tomatoes. If anything , they will help educate you.


Well-Known Member
also dont take your own care if your plates are registerd to your home adress , take a mates car and some stores have a back entrance.


Well-Known Member
A polite but firm reply of 'that isn't actually any of your business' should result in a response of 'of course sir' - anything else should result in you not following through with your desire to support local businesses. Tbh I doubt they'l even ask you.


Active Member
also dont take your own care if your plates are registerd to your home adress , take a mates car and some stores have a back entrance.
This. Bored cops like to follow people home from the grow store, or at least grab plates. If they get your plate, AND you have a prior involving marijuana, or drugs in general, you can bet they'll follow up with it. I've read police reports about them following some guy home, and then they pressure them into a search of the home.


Well-Known Member
kinda funny, but my headshop, he doesnt care. hes been arrested for an illegal grow (i guess he somehow got acquitted) and still runs 2 different shops in my area. the first 2 times i went in asking non-descript questions, third time i went in i bought my light setup (200 bones). by my 4th visit, grabbing some nutes, he started dropping bombs on me. asking me things like 'what kind of strain you growing? how long are you vegging? are you planning on some sort of lst or topping method?". it actually made me kind of paranoid, but then he pulled out and proceeded to light a joint and tell me about how it was some of his freshly cured crop. i hit his joint smiling, and now when i go in i speak almost completely freely.

notice i say almost completely. i never mention to him where iam growing, the area i live in, i never show any pictures, or give any details that make me any less anonymous to him. iam actually quite comfortable with the arrangement we have going on, and hes a pretty vauluable source for advice, though not always 100% accurate.


Active Member
That is good advice KlosetKing. So many people make the mistake of telling friends or others about their grow-- telling someone in confidence isn't always wise either as they tend to tell someone else in confidence and so on. I think most are very proud of their grows and naturally want to talk about their kids, but that's the quickest way to a bad experience. Don't have to be paranoid, but it's good to be aware. Cheers!


Active Member
The loneliness of a grow op can wear at someone, especially when you get proud of your home rigged setup. Fortunately there are the forums where you can vent some of that need to talk about your babies :D


Well-Known Member
indeed agree with both above posts.
funny actually went back in today and discussed some flushing methods with the guy. i say funny, because like always he mentioned his 'house calls' that he does to his friends and legal customers that grow, helping them with varying issues. now me and the guy have had many discussions, and i know very well he does these calls, and that he wants to come see mine. i almost feel bad when i completely ignore the comment and move on to another topic without even acknowledging his (not so)covert offer lol