What would be the 1 tip you'd give to a newbie grower?


Well-Known Member
Get a fan that will take all the stagnent air out off the grow area.if the grow area is only small a simple bathroom fan will do the trick only if the room is small and you are growing on a small scale.don't be diss heartened if the first yeiled is not very big make notes keep them somewhere safe so you can look back and see where you went wrong and most important where you went right.but when makeing notes never date anything or the police can do you for past grows.and don't think that you need everything that is on sale in your local hydrophonic grow shop.all you need is a good veg feed and a good bloom feed a little extra boost like buddy helps so this is worth a try.but the no1 thing that i would tell any newbie is tell no one about your grow not anyone not friends family no one.


Well-Known Member
Must have had a fucking flame thrower i only posted 10 mins ago your grow room cant be up to much mate sort your grow area b4 you grow my tip to you.


New Member
Must have had a fucking flame thrower i only posted 10 mins ago your grow room cant be up to much mate sort your grow area b4 you grow my tip to you.

my tip is that unless your specific in your advice don't advise people otherwise you will fuck peoples grows up,

stop being such a cunt


Well-Known Member
sorry tyke, im on easygrinders side. the best way to check how close you can have the light is by placing your hand infront of it, if it gets hot, the plants will too,meaning theyl burn. a few inches is crazy close, the closest i could get mine with a 250w hps is around 30cm.


Well-Known Member
K.I.S.S= keep it simple stupid
its true learn to walk before you run
i came outa the sprinting and it fucked up


Well-Known Member
Im still on my first grow so I dont have much experience however if I had to strart from the very beginning I would read up everything on "Al B Fuct's" & "Heath Robinson's" grows journals. Do it & rep me if my advice helps.


why is this so important?

tap water especially around here in CA has a lot of unwanted mineral deposits that cause hard water. Would u want hard water deposits in your root system ?? i think they would be much happier with purified water.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I can't believe this hasn't been said yet, but DON'T OVERWATER. Probably the #1 newb mistake.

More importantly, LEARN from your mistakes. Try not to make them twice.

And don't trust anecdotal advice from just one person, especially on RIU. Compare multiple methods and decide for yourself.

Sorry, I guess that was more than one thing. Don't Overwater!


Active Member
Never tell anyone except people that have to know.
Never have seeds shipped to your grow house if you can help it.
Build/buy a filter asap
Be safe.


Active Member
it took me a year to get anything I was really proud of, be patient. Watch out for hermies and spider mites, they will fuck up your shit.


dont worry about what your yield is going to be, its going to be what it is.

my very first yield ever was only a 4.5g cola :cry: its okay though that was just put in a small pot with miracle grow and put outside watered with tap, no nuets. No pest control. i set it and forget it LMAO im surprised it even flowered it was started outdoors in oct. of 08


Well-Known Member
Dont harvest too early....
the name given this plant is weed, will grow under most conditions, but light is very important, and Dont harvest early, if it looks ripe, let it go a few weeks more, what most say dont do i have done and my plant servived, may not best for plant or yeild but the plant just adapted and continued to grow, don't try to be a pro. grow on