What would happen if.......I wonder if anyone has.......Have you heard of.......


Well-Known Member
Getting two thirds of the way through flowering and then putting a plant back into veg. I'm not planning on doing it with my current grow but it had me thinking earlier. Wouldn't the buds themselves become these insane growth spots with tons and tons of new branches sprouting out from them? If you had a healthy and large enough root system could you expect each of these new branches to grow and produce a nice, healthy cola?

Just wondering the wonders of the world. Comments. Documented Proof. Whispered Rumors. All input is welcome.

"All your base are belong to us."

Guy Dasilva

Well-Known Member
All your base, your base. Are belong to us. You are talking about a form of "supercropping." It does indeed sprout new stems and produce nice cola buds, although I have noticed that one cola remains slightly larger. For instance last time I supercropped a pineapple master it sprouted six heads, one being just a little more robust then the others. the best thing to do in my opinion is to take clones a few weeks after flower, its a great way to "weed out" the stems you can tell will be a waste, and by doing it in flower you get a good look at the moms buds. I have noticed an extra week or so in my cloning. From using this method. There are lots of forums about this on here if you look.


Well-Known Member
The plant will go into reveg and will show stress.It takes a month or more to get her back to producing healthy cuttings afterwards.It wont however make the cola's any better if anything it will make trimming difficult with all the damn pins you have to remove.


New Member
Like hydrotech said it just kind of makes for an ugly plant which is a pain to trim and doesn't yield more....I have done this before for various reasons but I would never do this for the purpose of a better yield or something...its a huge waste of time and pretty shitty results in most scenarios..

The buds do not become new braches or something, they just shrink back into the plant kind of