Well-Known Member
Heisenberg, your video isn't working for Me. I was hoping to watch it. Maybe you can find a similar video or summarize what the video was about... No?
EDIT- Heisenberg, I think you deleted My thread about the aliens. Some mod did for sure. I thought you said we could start a different thread about aliens since you closed the last one?
What... the fuck... was that?! Freaking me the FUCK OUT! What does it represent, did you make it, where did you find it if not, and most of all......WHY?!
if you have to tell people you are a woman ,then you are not...if you have to tell people you are a prophet.. then you are notBut I actually believe that I am a Prophet so what do I know?
if you have to tell people you are a woman ,then you are not...if you have to tell people you are a prophet.. then you are not
I used to make mixes like this to freak out my friends while tripping,
Why would you want to freak your friends out during a psychedelic trip? That shit is fucking scary and i cannot imagine what it would be like after eating more than 3 grams of mushrooms... fuck dude, please explain. I'm not even tripping, and if i was and i heard that, dude, i would get THE FUCK OUT of the vicinity of those sounds... fuuuuuck, i guess i just don't understand. Shit is scary man.
I arranged and mixed it from generic sound effects and movie samples and other stuff I pulled from various sources. The most prominent is Timothy Leary from 'How to operate your brain'. I used to make mixes like this to freak out my friends while tripping, and I wanted this one to sound somewhat sinister, almost difficult to listen to. I was inspired by the Hour of Slack podcast from the Church of the Subgenius.
Almost finished the whole thing, is this some kind of religion?
Most of these songs are about King George! And My Name is George, what are the chances?
He is an alien space king who rides in a UFO. Doesn't that make more sense?
george i would like the future christ to be a slightly over weight american dude with bad facial hair , i would like him to of lost the plot a bit after his first love , started craving different cock , and he caught her taking cock from other guys .
i would like him to of spent time in a mental hospital and i would like him to have a christ complex although he is actualy christ .
i would like his mother to be an amazing person called mary .
i would like him to be able to catch dinner for all of the world .
i would like him to be able to make prophecies .
i would like him to admit he was touched inappropriately whilst he was on a fishing vessel .
i would like him to be able to comunicate with aliens .
I dont know what to say bro. I like you The Sativa High, but I am some of the things you described but not all of it. It does sound like you know Me pretty good though. Im just Me and thats all i can be but I can change in the future. I just want to change the world bro and for the best. I cant change the world by Myself, I would need a lot of help to do the things I want to do, but you guys can know My intentions by reading what I have written. I guess I want to be a famous writer and I want to be known forever, like Christ or as Christ. But the thing is that no one takes Me seriously because Im only talking to a few people and it doesnt seem like anyone Ive talked to would advocate for Me. If I made it on the news or something then I would have a bigger audience but I wont hold My breath. One of My main goals is to fix the world and make everyone as rich as possible, including Myself.
I guess Im asking for a lot but I could give a lot if I were the King of the world. Just dont take anything I say personal because Im crazy all by Myself, lol.
I guess I did have something to say. Keep cool The Sativa High.