Well-Known Member
If he will truly forgive me for all the stupid things I've done. I'm sorry my king, I know you can hear my thoughts and when I ask for your help I feel the strength. I'm weak and ashamed but I will so see your light. I know your church has been restored and its easy to see. Trust me y'all I know he lives, I feel him. He is divine ancestor and he is my loving savior and I owe him everything. I'm so sorry. Please hold my hand when I die.
You are forgiven My son. I don't hold peoples sins against them because I don't believe sin is a big deal because you can only sin against yourself. Sin, if there is such a thing, is doing something that you believe is wrong. If you dont believe you have sinned then you didn't.
Don't be sorry to your King because your King isn't even a king yet. I'm only a King in My mind so far. I cant hear your thoughts or anyones thoughts for that matter. I can only hear My thoughts so there is no use in praying to Me. I don't even see a use in praying at all. Its ok to meditate on different things but your prayers are not likely going to change anything but think about whatever you want and if you have good intentions then all the better.
I don't have a church and I don't want a church. I wouldn't mind having friends that learn from what I have said, like followers, but I don't want to start any type of religion but I wouldn't mind starting a revolution or a new type of spirituality of some sort.
I am alive and you're right about that, I live for real. I am the Life so whenever I'm alive you all will be too. When I die then you all come with Me until I am born again. You live with Me always.
I may be the Savior but I don't know what people need to be saved from. I have some notions about what people need to be saved from but I'm not in a position right now to make too many changes, like I want to. You don't owe Me anything brother but if you really want to, and have enough time, you can read what I have written and learn from Me but that is all I ask. And at the most you can advocate for Me but that's if you are strong in your faith about Me. You don't owe Me anything but I owe all of you My life.
Don't be sorry for anything buddy. I wont hold your hand when you die because I most likely wont be there physically when you die. But feel free to learn from Me while you live and try and make the world a better place for everyone.
This post I'm quoting could have been a joke but I'm taking it seriously because I am seriously claiming to be Christ. My purpose is to make some "followers" so that many people can learn from My ways and we can all live in paradise. But I'm just a normal guy in many respects and on a normal day, there is nothing special about Me. Its My intentions that are special, you know, what I want to do.
Feel free to check out My signature or just go to page 19 of this thread and read until page 21 and I try and sum it all up.