What would you do if your wife trashed your grow room?

Should I?

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You didn't know she was a little thick in the head before hand....how long you've been with her?

Sounds like you're a poor judge of character. That wasn't meant to be 100% condescending, only bout 70%.
She has a MA and is book smart, but can't grow a fucking tomato. I sort of knew I was opening a can of worms when I agreed to let her take over, but she was like "I can do it, don't you trust me?" What the fuck do you do with that, Sifu?
the pheno of Deep Cheese had long sativa leaves,

smoking now, getting up and walking is a monumental task
WTF!! deceptive fucking plant

plant was a gay lesbian transvestite whore, and makes people have a potty mouth
She has a MA and is book smart, but can't grow a fucking tomato. I sort of knew I was opening a can of worms when I agreed to let her take over, but she was like "I can do it, don't you trust me?" What the fuck do you do with that, Sifu?

Say no...but I'm sure this lesson will be a hard one for her. .next time ask a buddy..or hire a reliable friend/customer who knows a thing or 2...
FYI ...eating a pussy...if done right is very juicy...I'm sure lesbians could teach u a few things...

Oh ya definitely..

And I mean..
They say guys give the best hand jobs ;) ...I'm sure it goes both ways

My ex wife being bi though... I learned a bit
Greetings fellow stoners,
I recently had a truck roll over and crush my foot, and I was in bed for 3 months recovering. I had no way to attend to my rooms, so I asked my wife if she could water them, check PH and add nutes when needed. That was all. She said no problem, I can handle that. When I finally hobbled down to my rooms that are in my basement, most of the plants were dead, and she had changed EVERYTHING around, because she thought it would be better . My germination table was gone, she had hung curtains, moved my sound system to another room, changed my nute tanks around, never adjusted the lights as I requested,(burnt the shit out of the plants) never put my testers in storage solution and killed my $300 PH/TDS meter, changed my seedling system and fucked up my veg closet, fucked up my air pumps (hydro) She even took my shelves apart where I stored my nutes, bulbs, old ballasts that still worked (kept them as spares), like every fucking thing that I had spent years getting tuned, she changed. She also brought in some outdoor plants that she started in my backyard in pots, and guess what they brought into my sterile rooms? That's right, mites and whiteflies and fungus gnats. Then when I said "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO" she said don't yell at me, your being mean! So, this is my question, as noted above..
"Communication skills"? What should I do, tattoo it on her fucking forehead not to fuck with my shit that brought us in $6000 a month, and now I have to redo my room, start new plants (had a perpetual grow going that will take me 3 fucking months to get the cycle going again). I know what, maybe we should go to marriage counseling, do you think that would help?
Three months and you didn't check on them? You didn't ask her any questions the entire time? Obviously she wasn't on the same page nor was she as adept as you had assumed. Did they amputate your foot? Why couldn't you put pressure on it after 8 weeks? This sounds like a troll or maybe $6000 a month isn't worth scooting your ass down the stairs.
She had been watching me for years, I walked her through every aspect of growing,(with great patience I may add) taught her PH/PPM, germination, principles of veg/bloom/drying/cure and told her if you have any questions just walk up the fucking stairs and ask. etc, etc, etc., and her excuse was she really didn't change that much. I wish I had before and after pictures, then all those forgive her guy's would understand what she did to my business and customer base that has counted on me for years. I counted on that money to pay the mortgage, electricity, seeds, nutes, new testers and our own product for daily use. That last part will hit her real hard soon, because we are almost out, and she smokes an easy zip a month (she's going to be hitting up the roach stash real soon/LOL). So, I will forgive her (I am very sympathetic to the mentally handicapped), but I doubt the bill collectors will be as forgiving. I am, or shall I say we, are royally fucked.
That's understandable.

At the same time you got to accept some of the blame.
Three months and you didn't check on them? You didn't ask her any questions the entire time? Obviously she wasn't on the same page nor was she as adept as you had assumed. Did they amputate your foot? Why couldn't you put pressure on it after 8 weeks? This sounds like a troll or maybe $6000 a month isn't worth scooting your ass down the stairs.

I've broken bones had double knee surgery and there is no situation besides a coma that I would not walk down stairs and check.

I mean for fuck sakes how hard is it for someone to use a smart phone to film the grow then come show you?

I think troll thread to mow.
Three months and you didn't check on them? You didn't ask her any questions the entire time? Obviously she wasn't on the same page nor was she as adept as you had assumed. Did they amputate your foot? Why couldn't you put pressure on it after 8 weeks? This sounds like a troll or maybe $6000 a month isn't worth scooting your ass down the stairs.
Hey Dr. Pecker(wood?), you ever been on crutches for 3 months with a fucking crushed foot (+ 2 operations and 8 weeks of physical therapy)? I could hardly move to take a shit, so I wasn't really able to hobble down a flight of stairs Call me a fool (which you apparently think I am), but I trusted her to do what I taught her to do. She never mentioned anything was wrong, and that all was fine. Yea, I know, it was all my fault.
Is there a for better or worse claus? I don't personally plan on getting married so I'd say that's when your really ran your foot over. But that's now ask me again after I divorce my 6th wife
Oh ya definitely..

And I mean..
They say guys give the best hand jobs ;) ...I'm sure it goes both ways

My ex wife being bi though... I learned a bit
Fuck hand jobs by a gay, altough you seem to know about it, what you really need is a good old fashioned nob job. My friend told me it was the best he ever had (let the guy suck his dick for a gram of blow) and his wife was gorgeous. I trust his opinion.
One vote for slowly poison her. Hope you are feeling better, OP. And, I can attest to the gay handy j's. Sometimes an old fashioned is just what the doctor ordered. And, who better to give you one than from someone who can practice on himself at home?
One vote for slowly poison her. Hope you are feeling better, OP. And, I can attest to the gay handy j's. Sometimes an old fashioned is just what the doctor ordered. And, who better to give you one than from someone who can practice on himself at home?
Amen brother
I tend to hold a grudge. I doubt that I could forgive her. I probably couldn't really kill her either, but I would make her wish she was dead....ask my hubby! I am the grower in our family and he is constantly suggesting improvements like running the lights for 6 hours instead of 12, putting the a/c on energy saver on when it's 99 degrees outside, turning off the exhaust fans to save energy, suggesting that hps bulbs should be used for at least 3 years before replacing, and last but not least, using MG instead of my organic nutes. He has learned that acting on any of his "ideas" means sure and swift retribution!
Greetings fellow stoners,
I recently had a truck roll over and crush my foot, and I was in bed for 3 months recovering. I had no way to attend to my rooms, so I asked my wife if she could water them, check PH and add nutes when needed. That was all. She said no problem, I can handle that. When I finally hobbled down to my rooms that are in my basement, most of the plants were dead, and she had changed EVERYTHING around, because she thought it would be better . My germination table was gone, she had hung curtains, moved my sound system to another room, changed my nute tanks around, never adjusted the lights as I requested,(burnt the shit out of the plants) never put my testers in storage solution and killed my $300 PH/TDS meter, changed my seedling system and fucked up my veg closet, fucked up my air pumps (hydro) She even took my shelves apart where I stored my nutes, bulbs, old ballasts that still worked (kept them as spares), like every fucking thing that I had spent years getting tuned, she changed. She also brought in some outdoor plants that she started in my backyard in pots, and guess what they brought into my sterile rooms? That's right, mites and whiteflies and fungus gnats. Then when I said "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO" she said don't yell at me, your being mean! So, this is my question, as noted above..
Lmao wow!!!! I'd trade her for some clones and a fat sack.
Greetings fellow stoners,
I recently had a truck roll over and crush my foot, and I was in bed for 3 months recovering. I had no way to attend to my rooms, so I asked my wife if she could water them, check PH and add nutes when needed. That was all. She said no problem, I can handle that. When I finally hobbled down to my rooms that are in my basement, most of the plants were dead, and she had changed EVERYTHING around, because she thought it would be better . My germination table was gone, she had hung curtains, moved my sound system to another room, changed my nute tanks around, never adjusted the lights as I requested,(burnt the shit out of the plants) never put my testers in storage solution and killed my $300 PH/TDS meter, changed my seedling system and fucked up my veg closet, fucked up my air pumps (hydro) She even took my shelves apart where I stored my nutes, bulbs, old ballasts that still worked (kept them as spares), like every fucking thing that I had spent years getting tuned, she changed. She also brought in some outdoor plants that she started in my backyard in pots, and guess what they brought into my sterile rooms? That's right, mites and whiteflies and fungus gnats. Then when I said "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO" she said don't yell at me, your being mean! So, this is my question, as noted above..
i had to vote its ok,,simply because being irish,i went out n got pissed up on booze had an argument with me bird and preceded to pull her plants up,fucken soil on the ceilings walls beds just everywhere,think thats bad,she took mine to replace hers.all i can say is,fucken bolloxen twat c u n t balls fucker