What would you like to do if money were no object?

get rid of my $49K of school debt, pay off my parents house, buy a reasonable house for myself in CO(I just like it there), and get rid of all the grey haired idiots in power... after that, party like a rockstar for about a month, then live in isolation for a year.
This system has already failed! Nothing to attach to or disengage from! Food, owned by FDA and Monsanto, Oil owned by Haliburton, Media owned by Clearchannel/timewarner and friends, Military owned by oil, Schools not making anyone smarter (creating more sheep), Almost everything we use as a nation was stolen from someone or made in poor working conditions. I could easily go into more detail and provide facts for day. Like I said I have not desire to even begin changing the system. I want it removed! As a nation if we cannot act with respect for the earth and its inhabitants than I want nothing to do with it. I met some dumb bitch recently who actually said that if we have to kill more muslims to get her gas prices down then we better! In my opinion she is barely worth compost!

Yeah this system is not for the people its for the rich and if people want nice rims and big televisions they better sign up for the Army because freedom isn't free (fools)!
This system has already failed! Nothing to attach to or disengage from! Food, owned by FDA and Monsanto, Oil owned by Haliburton, Media owned by Clearchannel/timewarner and friends, Military owned by oil, Schools not making anyone smarter (creating more sheep), Almost everything we use as a nation was stolen from someone or made in poor working conditions. I could easily go into more detail and provide facts for day. Like I said I have not desire to even begin changing the system. I want it removed! As a nation if we cannot act with respect for the earth and its inhabitants than I want nothing to do with it. I met some dumb bitch recently who actually said that if we have to kill more muslims to get her gas prices down then we better! In my opinion she is barely worth compost!

Yeah this system is not for the people its for the rich and if people want nice rims and big televisions they better sign up for the Army because freedom isn't free (fools)!

Every society has its issues from the dawn of time and each new step has new problems because the last civilizations problems had been corrected. We killed off colonialism in turn for private industry. That private industry went without limits at the beginning because securing the western hemisphere was key to Americas security and future protecting themselves from the French and British. But that change once again only happened on a major level to domestic industry 115 years ago. I'd say the Panama canal is a good tipping point to start.

The system has worked your just impatient. We have made huge strides as a country and as a world since 1900, socially and economically. This is uncharted territory at this point and we are just trying to keep moving forward. We have built a world that can support the Internet and food at the grocery store. We're still in the midst a transition from farming on a family basis to the fewer farming so others can advance other areas of our lives. Just like when humans converted from hunter gatherer to agricultural societies there were several issues it took hundreds of years to get it figured out to a point where we don't have to worry about just getting by and not getting killed/hurt by illness or massive lawless groups. Figuring out how to farm correctly wasn't even widely known until mid 1700s. That's why Jamestown ended up being a ghost town after a generation or two.

Why do you think obesity is such a problem now... We have not adjusted to readily available food yet. Our species has to eat to live and if 99% of the time humans have been around food was not as abundant and major work was needed to obtain food then now for the past 100 years we have so drastically changed food availability our human impulses still see high value on food. It will take time for us to learn how to curb our behavior and adjust so we have a different view on consuming food. This is just one small example out of a never ending list.
No disrespect intended but I believe the system has worked in fooling you! Most of us (me included) are consuming fools! Our system will fail if we stop consuming. Every economist, every leader, everyone with a plan..... It always involves how can we get us to spend more, borrow more, have more. Thats bullshit! As a species we need to get our priorities straight! All of our systems (water, food, fuel, power etc.) are fragile. We buy and sell out water as it lands, our food is shipped back and forth and contaminated and breed to bullshit (stupid, it can be grown near home). We have enough money invested in bombs to feed the whole world for pretty much ever. We have the technology to eliminate our need for natural resourses yet that not part of the plan, just bomb the fuck out of someone and take theres. The amount of time and energy we spend destroying stuff is absolutely amazing, I'm mean holy shit! yeah, when I thing about it and really add it up we need to get rid of just about everything but the education. Remember out mistakes, and after all the fat rich fuck keel over with cancer maybe our next generation can concentrate on what counts. Having a better life not more stuff!

No disrespect.
No disrespect intended but I believe the system has worked in fooling you! Most of us (me included) are consuming fools! Our system will fail if we stop consuming. Every economist, every leader, everyone with a plan..... It always involves how can we get us to spend more, borrow more, have more. Thats bullshit! As a species we need to get our priorities straight! All of our systems (water, food, fuel, power etc.) are fragile. We buy and sell out water as it lands, our food is shipped back and forth and contaminated and breed to bullshit (stupid, it can be grown near home). We have enough money invested in bombs to feed the whole world for pretty much ever. We have the technology to eliminate our need for natural resourses yet that not part of the plan, just bomb the fuck out of someone and take theres. The amount of time and energy we spend destroying stuff is absolutely amazing, I'm mean holy shit! yeah, when I thing about it and really add it up we need to get rid of just about everything but the education. Remember out mistakes, and after all the fat rich fuck keel over with cancer maybe our next generation can concentrate on what counts. Having a better life not more stuff!

No disrespect.

I think what I'm trying to get at here is it isn't the system it's people. We are all the same flesh and bones we all have things we don't do right in our own life now imagine that when making decisions on a national level. NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO BE HAPPY BUT YOU DO THE MOST GOOD YOU CAN. The scenario you describe above to me sounds like the results of unengaged, uneducated citizens not a conspiracy. If you let something grow untamed it's going to keep trying to grow and live... Isn't that the main goal of any functional being? So when you have a government that has been selected by the fringes of the political spectrum due to non involvement by the rest of the population YOU GET A GOVERNMENT THAT GOES UNCHECKED and then unchecked industry. As well as fall out from cold war era policies/techniques to explain the military state.

I am not the one who is fooled the person that takes their self out of the equation for change on the government level is the one who has been fooled. Your one less voter they have to convince and your the worst kind of voter for them because you show you actually have ideas and in depth conversations rather then hearing headlines and one liners that no nothing voters vote on. Your just making it easier for them and harder on yourself.:leaf:
I forgot about buying land lol, I always say buy a boat and sail all over the world but having a private island would be nice to come home to.

If you buy your own island, can you somehow make it a private nation? Like just tell the government since it's not on any part of their soil anymore, you want to become independent.

every peice of land is claimed by a country(im pretty sure) i checked into declaring an island as a independant country that you run ...and long story short it wont happen. There are extremely powerful people that have claimed all the land they know of as a part of their own country. There have been huge fights over whether or not this peice of land/island is theirs or ours. Take italy and africa for example when they fought over who sicily belonged to. If there is a peice of land no one knows about than Im sure its just a matter of time before its found and claimed by a Already existing country.
every peice of land is claimed by a country(im pretty sure) i checked into declaring an island as a independant country that you run ...and long story short it wont happen. There are extremely powerful people that have claimed all the land they know of as a part of their own country. There have been huge fights over whether or not this peice of land/island is theirs or ours. Take italy and africa for example when they fought over who sicily belonged to. If there is a peice of land no one knows about than Im sure its just a matter of time before its found and claimed by a Already existing country.

Bde brings up another point I forgot earlier this is the first time in history where there isn't more land to claim which shifted the main focus from searching and taking to taking from your neighbor. WWI and WWII we're the biggest growing pains from that transition then on to the cold war and fighting off communist influence whenever we could. We're still working on the transition but thats what Alex jones was bitching about in that video on the other page because to him it's a cult like mega power that runs the world and wants to bring us together to put us in FEMA camps..... Lol
Don't get me wrong. I vote (only when I can be confident in what I'm voting for). I raise my kids as functional members of society. I play along for the most part and would love to see people open their eyes. I just have no confidence in it improving much. Plus this thread is what if money were no object. Not trying to hijack it.

So yeah, seed collecting, garden building, and all that good stuff included!

I think what I'm trying to get at here is it isn't the system it's people. We are all the same flesh and bones we all have things we don't do right in our own life now imagine that when making decisions on a national level. NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO BE HAPPY BUT YOU DO THE MOST GOOD YOU CAN. The scenario you describe above to me sounds like the results of unengaged, uneducated citizens not a conspiracy. If you let something grow untamed it's going to keep trying to grow and live... Isn't that the main goal of any functional being? So when you have a government that has been selected by the fringes of the political spectrum due to non involvement by the rest of the population YOU GET A GOVERNMENT THAT GOES UNCHECKED and then unchecked industry. As well as fall out from cold war era policies/techniques to explain the military state.

I am not the one who is fooled the person that takes their self out of the equation for change on the government level is the one who has been fooled. Your one less voter they have to convince and your the worst kind of voter for them because you show you actually have ideas and in depth conversations rather then hearing headlines and one liners that no nothing voters vote on. Your just making it easier for them and harder on yourself.:leaf:
Not to take sides but I just read all 6 pages. Thatguy I have to side against you. Bigtaco is doing much by disengaging rather than thinking this system is great and just needs more time to work its way out. You certainly don't understand that money is printed out of thin air by extremely powerful elites who then control it all the way down to the pee ons and tax the piss out of it. We would never get out of a quote unquote debt as all current currency isn't backed by anything which is why debt will continue to increase. There certainly is a national shortage on food and if you haven't noticed the major weather changes we see yearly. More hurricanes, more floods, droughts....this isn't normal!

Therefor disengaging from the system (like i've done for years) is brilliant. As more and more people do this and stop being sheep the sooner the system will collapse. The only ones that will be affected by this collapse is the sheep that didn't wake up and have no idea how to survive. It does however create a dangerous situation as most people have guns and with a situation were one has to survive could create an all out civil war. In the end the wise will win and I fully trust in karma and that shit happens for a reason. Do what you want but you couldn't convince me enough to play the game and try n turn this bitch around. I'll continue to do what Bigtaco preaches....and I do preach it to anyone I run into! People at work, friends, family, etc. Most are starting to understand and realize they've been fooled. The simplest way to convince a dumped down sheep is to ask them to tell you why a 20 dolla bill is worth more than a 100 dolla bill. Its the same size, made of the same material, same ink. so why is it?

Im far from saying the system is perfect or even good but it is literally the best(efficiant) system mankind has come up with to date..... All I'm saying is if you want to separate and isolate away from the big bad government that is supposed to be of for and by the people I find it counterproductive. The government was setup for change in the first place but it's a slow change to prevent knee jerk and unfair actions from occurring. Like I said earlier so many people dont take part in politics on the local, state or national level so 1) their voice is not being heard and there statement of silence gains no greater meaning then just silence and is quickly looked over and 2) your allowing the most extreme people to choose the canidates. Those extreme bases that find the canidates are a monority but since people dont partake in every election being fully educated on the matters the minority rules. The majority is the average mixed issue person that is supposed to be the check and balance to strong political ideology. Isolating yourself is not an efficient way to spread your word. The whole government is based off of a responsibility of the people to choose leaders to do there bidding. If you want change in politics you have to convince people not shun them. Those people ecspecially being the ones in power now but times change and society follows and that trickles down to the governments psyche.

Even if you ignore it the government will keep doing it's job and that's the reality of it.

And im not going to go any further cause if you think the world is sheep and the epic elite... To each his own

Don't get me wrong. I vote (only when I can be confident in what I'm voting for). I raise my kids as functional members of society. I play along for the most part and would love to see people open their eyes. I just have no confidence in it improving much. Plus this thread is what if money were no object. Not trying to hijack it.

So yeah, seed collecting, garden building, and all that good stuff included!

Its all good. But just having the conversation itself is a good thing there are a lot of people out there that are not able to have a coherent discussion about these kinds of things and it's sad. So when it does happen it shouldn't be looked at negatively but positively on either side of the argument.
I don't know if it's hijacking cause money isn't a problem and this is what I said I would want to do lol.

But I'll say feed the world.
I am a bit put back here by the repeated reference to Sol Alinsky's "rules for radicals" concept of collapsing the system as a solution. To intentionally collapse a system to control it is both absurd and unthinkable, NOT progress. This entire school of thought relies upon the NECESSARY precept of the perennial question, "Does the end justify the means?" is meaningless as it stands: the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?"


One of these pictures is seriously out of place in reality...
You bring up some valid points but I still see it different. If you want to be governed your whole life then to each his own. Have you not realized that your vote doesn't count? Proof being the last how many elections where they did recounts and wala the other party somehow one based off a recount. The only way out of this turmoil is to let corporate fall which will take several million people to disengage and become self sustaining. This is currently going on at a fairly decent rate!!!!
This system has already failed! Nothing to attach to or disengage from! Food, owned by FDA and Monsanto, Oil owned by Haliburton, Media owned by Clearchannel/timewarner and friends, Military owned by oil, Schools not making anyone smarter (creating more sheep), Almost everything we use as a nation was stolen from someone or made in poor working conditions. I could easily go into more detail and provide facts for day. Like I said I have not desire to even begin changing the system. I want it removed! As a nation if we cannot act with respect for the earth and its inhabitants than I want nothing to do with it. I met some dumb bitch recently who actually said that if we have to kill more muslims to get her gas prices down then we better! In my opinion she is barely worth compost!

Yeah this system is not for the people its for the rich and if people want nice rims and big televisions they better sign up for the Army because freedom isn't free (fools)!

There is one place that I feel would be a good starting point for the kind of change that you're talking about. We need a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling.

As it stands right now, a corporation is considered a "person", and as such they can contribute untold BILLIONS to political campaigns and influence not only elections, but votes in congress once their guy gets in to office.. I'm absolutely positive that our founding fathers did not envision this when they put pen to paper, and would all roll over in their graves if they knew of the power, influence, and corruption that big business wields in this country today.

Washington is corrupt as fuck, and in order to change that we need to hit the reset button and walk this back to a time where politicians truly represented the peoples will instead of being paid lobbyists for a handful of greedy shit-stains!
I think what I'm trying to get at here is it isn't the system it's people. We are all the same flesh and bones we all have things we don't do right in our own life now imagine that when making decisions on a national level. NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO BE HAPPY BUT YOU DO THE MOST GOOD YOU CAN. The scenario you describe above to me sounds like the results of unengaged, uneducated citizens not a conspiracy. If you let something grow untamed it's going to keep trying to grow and live... Isn't that the main goal of any functional being? So when you have a government that has been selected by the fringes of the political spectrum due to non involvement by the rest of the population YOU GET A GOVERNMENT THAT GOES UNCHECKED and then unchecked industry. As well as fall out from cold war era policies/techniques to explain the military state.

I am not the one who is fooled the person that takes their self out of the equation for change on the government level is the one who has been fooled. Your one less voter they have to convince and your the worst kind of voter for them because you show you actually have ideas and in depth conversations rather then hearing headlines and one liners that no nothing voters vote on. Your just making it easier for them and harder on yourself.:leaf:

I have to disagree with you thatguy113. I think BigTaco is on point with this. I don't think it's possible to change the culture of greed and corruption on a big scale the way things stand right now. People are fat, lazy, and ignorant for the most part. We all have a roof over our heads, a cell phone in our pocket, and plenty of food on the table. We struggle, but we're comfortable in doing so.

We will only begin to see change when people start to suffer. When gas prices hit $6 or $7 a gallon, and people REALLY start feeling a pinch .... when it affects them personally, and is not just a headline on the news. That is when people will take action. Until then, we will have a society of a handful of have's, and a majority of have not's.

Im far from saying the system is perfect or even good but it is literally the best(efficiant) system mankind has come up with to date..... All I'm saying is if you want to separate and isolate away from the big bad government that is supposed to be of for and by the people I find it counterproductive. The government was setup for change in the first place but it's a slow change to prevent knee jerk and unfair actions from occurring. Like I said earlier so many people dont take part in politics on the local, state or national level so 1) their voice is not being heard and there statement of silence gains no greater meaning then just silence and is quickly looked over and 2) your allowing the most extreme people to choose the canidates. Those extreme bases that find the canidates are a monority but since people dont partake in every election being fully educated on the matters the minority rules. The majority is the average mixed issue person that is supposed to be the check and balance to strong political ideology. Isolating yourself is not an efficient way to spread your word. The whole government is based off of a responsibility of the people to choose leaders to do there bidding. If you want change in politics you have to convince people not shun them. Those people ecspecially being the ones in power now but times change and society follows and that trickles down to the governments psyche.

Even if you ignore it the government will keep doing it's job and that's the reality of it.

And im not going to go any further cause if you think the world is sheep and the epic elite... To each his own

Its all good. But just having the conversation itself is a good thing there are a lot of people out there that are not able to have a coherent discussion about these kinds of things and it's sad. So when it does happen it shouldn't be looked at negatively but positively on either side of the argument.
I don't know if it's hijacking cause money isn't a problem and this is what I said I would want to do lol.

But I'll say feed the world.

You're leaving an important part of the equation out ......

Voting is meaningless in a two party system where both sides are equally corrupt. If I have to choose between a pile of horse shit, and a pile of cow shit, what point is there to even showing up?