Well-Known Member
Well said guys...... Get rid of the bullshit and see if there is any system left to repair? It would save a lot of words.
You're leaving an important part of the equation out ......
Voting is meaningless in a two party system where both sides are equally corrupt. If I have to choose between a pile of horse shit, and a pile of cow shit, what point is there to even showing up?
Nothing is passed fixing
Well I certainly can tell the sheep from the wise!! Anyone wanna round up the sheep and put them away for the night? Not trying to be a dick but its clear we all don't have the same views. One that wants to live governed bothers me royaly
All I can say is how do you think we got medical marijuana to pass in Michigan instead of just thinking the government was evil and would never change there complete blockade of anything related to marijuana? Or legalization in Washington or Colorado? I know its a lot more "cool" to think that it's a big conspiracy but I passed through that phase once I hit my 16th birthday and when I realized 90% of those Alex Jones and others types of thoughts started not to add up with what was actually going on. Oh and the fact that alex jones places religious spin on conspiracies saying people in power are practicing devil worshipers and so on was just a bit too much anyways. I am a student of history not faux history. If you don't realize the need for a government ran by the people then I don't know if you even know what that world would ACTUALLY look like. So when laws change to your advantage I know you won't be thankful but the system will have worked. I'm going to go grow some pot now.
Was trying to be nice until this...... Medical Marijuana is a term that would not exist unless there were leaders! Dummy! I want an Anarchist Utupia. No idiots in charge. You don't get it. You go follow someones rule and I will continue to grow pot like the free people have been doing for 10000 years! Go grow your 12 and smoke your 2.5 sucker!
Rollitup lacks a Don't Like button!