What would you like to do if money were no object?

Well said guys...... Get rid of the bullshit and see if there is any system left to repair? It would save a lot of words.
blowcane is insane. smoke crack -jump back -have a heart attack.notice i have nothing derogatory to add regarding other.
You're leaving an important part of the equation out ......

Voting is meaningless in a two party system where both sides are equally corrupt. If I have to choose between a pile of horse shit, and a pile of cow shit, what point is there to even showing up?

And who picks those candidates the base that participates in primaries and other events to choose candidates. like I said if you take part in the proccess from the bottom up then those corrupt candidates wouldn't have been there and the party system wouldn't have gone wild. Low voter turnouts and lack of local level participation is what leads to candidates no one wants to vote for later on. All the shit you guys don't like happened because the general public stopped paying attention to daily politics and only cares about it when they see the election coming in a few weeks. The country has been a three party system before but lack of interest and faction style politics when people actually participate lead to where we are now. In a world with slavery it seems like the system has been corrupted past any fixing but that changed, in a world with poor working conditions,child labor and no middle class it seems like there was no end in sight but big powerful companies were wrangled and things changed. Nothing is passed fixing..... Ecspecially when that thing is a idea and not a physical object.
Well I certainly can tell the sheep from the wise!! Anyone wanna round up the sheep and put them away for the night? Not trying to be a dick but its clear we all don't have the same views. One that wants to live governed bothers me royaly
So we aren't going to talk about buying a bunch of seeds, eh?

Trichn9ne helped me get started on organic soil gardening yesterday. He practices what he preaches.
I'm sticking with whatever type rocks I can find :bigjoint:


... It's Karma Bitch ;)
Talk about it Glad? You already beat us all to it...and thanks for the TLO book. I'd help you out anytime or day brother. And I do appreciate all that you have and continue to do
Well I certainly can tell the sheep from the wise!! Anyone wanna round up the sheep and put them away for the night? Not trying to be a dick but its clear we all don't have the same views. One that wants to live governed bothers me royaly

All I can say is how do you think we got medical marijuana to pass in Michigan instead of just thinking the government was evil and would never change there complete blockade of anything related to marijuana? Or legalization in Washington or Colorado? I know its a lot more "cool" to think that it's a big conspiracy but I passed through that phase once I hit my 16th birthday and when I realized 90% of those Alex Jones and others types of thoughts started not to add up with what was actually going on. Oh and the fact that alex jones places religious spin on conspiracies saying people in power are practicing devil worshipers and so on was just a bit too much anyways. I am a student of history not faux history. If you don't realize the need for a government ran by the people then I don't know if you even know what that world would ACTUALLY look like. So when laws change to your advantage I know you won't be thankful but the system will have worked. I'm going to go grow some pot now.
:hug:well...i'd be one happy camper! i don't think i'd change my lifestyle much,but it would be great not to worry about paying any bills-seeing something i want and frickin get it,and last but not least i'd use up all my coupons! most coupons are for brands or more expensive stuff so i just put them back in my purse till it expires! it's true!
Was trying to be nice until this...... Medical Marijuana is a term that would not exist unless there were leaders! Dummy! I want an Anarchist Utupia. No idiots in charge. You don't get it. You go follow someones rule and I will continue to grow pot like the free people have been doing for 10000 years! Go grow your 12 and smoke your 2.5 sucker!

All I can say is how do you think we got medical marijuana to pass in Michigan instead of just thinking the government was evil and would never change there complete blockade of anything related to marijuana? Or legalization in Washington or Colorado? I know its a lot more "cool" to think that it's a big conspiracy but I passed through that phase once I hit my 16th birthday and when I realized 90% of those Alex Jones and others types of thoughts started not to add up with what was actually going on. Oh and the fact that alex jones places religious spin on conspiracies saying people in power are practicing devil worshipers and so on was just a bit too much anyways. I am a student of history not faux history. If you don't realize the need for a government ran by the people then I don't know if you even know what that world would ACTUALLY look like. So when laws change to your advantage I know you won't be thankful but the system will have worked. I'm going to go grow some pot now.
Was trying to be nice until this...... Medical Marijuana is a term that would not exist unless there were leaders! Dummy! I want an Anarchist Utupia. No idiots in charge. You don't get it. You go follow someones rule and I will continue to grow pot like the free people have been doing for 10000 years! Go grow your 12 and smoke your 2.5 sucker!

Thats fine and dandy. Yes when there is a lack of government in society that really makes them flourish...not.. show me when that happens on a long term scale in any point in history.

You have to work on the safety of the group first. Then you continue to go down the list of things and fix them (Securing borders, supplying food... hundreds of years of society advancing in large concentrated areas). Everything is ranked in importance, if you cannot secure a population in the first place then you cant be focusing on a social issue that divides the group. Yea things are done that shouldn't have been done by government but hindsight is 20/20. I think anyone would agree that Living in America with bad pot laws is better then living in for example the Congo where you get your village stormed by random armed rebel groups raping and murdering but hey they dont care about POT! cause its the jungle and there is no place for law.

Humans are animals... animals with complex unique thoughts and values. Without rule of law you place the goal of a ideal society even farther away from actually happening. People suck, I think we can all agree on that and when there is no real accountability to peoples actions shit gets real. Thats the reason we moved into government in the first place. The people who couldnt fend for themselves in the middle ages took shelter and worked for lords which eventually turned into faction parties fighting for land until enough power was held to own a country in whole (Just one example of the many throughout history). Then farms became fortified then eventually turned to cities and cities moved people in closer with each other making every person have an affect on the others around. So if someone threatened the safety or security of the pack that would not be tolerated Stability is the key here. Eventually cities developed industry and allowed for more people to work and attempt to provide. Eventually leading to decent pay, middle class and increases in education after hundreds of years. If government would of never happened I know we would not be where we are today. Society would of never developed, technology would be set back hundreds of years and the ideals of ones right to live would be as worthless as a empty greasy cheeseburger wrapper. Even small groups have elements of government always working. We can end it there I understand your side and we both know we disagree. Like I said earlier this is nothing to get frustrated angry over, sharing thoughts and ideas openly like this is a positive thing no matter whos opinion it is.

Im just a realist looking for the best way to go about making change.
Your happy with where we are today? I'd rather be as dumb as a caveman with the idea of hunting and gathering than living by what's in place today! I do agree with you on a few things. Like most of the last paragraph explaining how we got where we got today...but I still don't agree with the lifestyle. I'm cool with some sort of controling or ruling of the people but to keep us living in fear and working as slaves to an unjust cause is not what I'm willing to sign up for. And I don't know where you keep thinking that I'm an Alex Jones follower. I heard about that shit years ago and believed it for awhile. Now I understand what really is going on and basically we are all slaves to fucking corporate. One site I think you should check out is the Library of Halexandria.
The Alex jones stuff was from a couple pages ago I was just using him as an example. I wouldn't say we're kept in fear I think fear is found by those who look for it becausetheatre is a lack of knowledge or understanding about something. The commercial state of being we are currently in goes right back to my point that government was not held accountable so industry was not held accountable for irresponsible behavior. We as a nation planted the seed for industry and that means we are supposed to help raise and grow it. If we let it grow with out a finger of help from us it's only going to do what it knows and grow wild and tangled but if you give a helpful hand you can prune and manage for a more efficient plant...... And now people's frustrations to me equate to looking at yard work not wanting to take care of it because it's going to be a pain in the ass. If it would have done much earlier it wouldn't be so much work right now.
I love Alex Jones, that dude is funny! Problem is, that he takes himself too seriously ;)

Nah, just have a hard time comparing actual freedom to any form of rule. This is a fantasy thread and if he wants a bunch of bosses then so be it. Not much he can say about history that makes me want his future!