What y'all think of this idea for clones


Active Member
image.jpg image.jpeg So I do have a propagation dome but I came up with this idea for clones maybe even seeds if someone didn't have a dome or wanted to try , so basically I took solo cups punched 4 holes along the side of the cup , took 2 inch net pots took some pipe cleaner things u could use zip ties or string ECT , but this is what I chose I basically just took the pipe cleaners and tie up the net pot so it is suspended inside the solo just drop ur clone or seed inside the pot cover with a zip lock bag or a soda bottle add a couple holes on top and u got ur own individual containers , once they show roots and is ready to take off top , add soils all around the net pot and fill up to top as U would and other time and done ... I'm sure I'm not the only one that has thought of this but what is your thoughts on it , now u would be limited to the size of clones you take I no guys that take taller bigger clones these clones I'm taken r off my main lined plants so there smaller and I didn't wanna have that huge big box dome in the way of everything else . I do have the room but instead of changing everything I came up with that idea ... Let's hear the pros and cons


Well-Known Member
Sorry but i don't see any pros to this. A couple bucks will get you a seedling tray and dome that will hold plenty of clones. Are you putting water or dirt in there or just dropping a clone in there alone? Don't see anything rooting that way.


Active Member
I got a dome I got all that stuff to clone and do everything with I just got a lot in my tent and Dnt wanna have to re arrange everything and got my seedlings now in the middle of everything with the bigger stuff around ,
I'm mainlining my plants in the second topping so imma have a couple good cutting to take and didn't wanna throw them away so instead of gettin that dome out and changing everything around to accommodate I just came up with that idea lol and if someone didn't wanna buy the whole setup everything beside the net pots most have Layin around ...


Active Member
Oh lord I guess I did a horrible job explain my self lol my bad ., I do have the dome and all that I like to experiment and play with certain ideas . I can grow and grow good I just get wild hairs and try shit lol think we all do ... So imma only have like 4 to 6 tops to clone so not having to drag out that 20 by 10 dome and all that I was like hey let's try this I Dnt gotta clone these but figured what the hell might well not waist em right , these will be all for outdoor comin up and some will be giving away ,, but yes imma out my grow cube inside the net pot once the clone takes root imma fill the solo up with soil and once they grow into the solo transplant to bigger pot .. This is just a experiment fuck around kinda thing , thinkin out side the box ..


Active Member
And people always ask like what's another way to do this or that Dnt got money or just wanna do it cheap yada yada , what I sprung in my head isn't something I'll be foin full time it's just another method to tell someone hey I had success at this or no that didn't work or whatever the case may be . it was cheap which a dome and all that ain't bad priced either but some people r weird bout stuff .. But I'm like y'all I use a dome a drain tray inside of that , hormones and such