What you don't know about Gaddafi

but i know why there there its all about oil USA is dam scared libya has changed the way they sell oil they its all about currency
before it was like 100 us a barrel usa needs everything to be in us currency kinda like there last strangle hold but what gadaffi did was turned his self to euro so for america to buy oil from them they got to convert there us dollar to the euro

You know Just maybe it was the right time for practicing what we been advocating for 25 years which is Regime Change in Libya

if Moatard had never attacked us (he did several times) We wouldnt be involved
its all about that black gold baby, iraq, and now lybia...i dont know why this guy is being labeled such a bad guy, all the investments hes made in his country and his people. educating them and such. seems like more bs
its all about that black gold baby, iraq, and now lybia...i dont know why this guy is being labeled such a bad guy, all the investments hes made in his country and his people. educating them and such. seems like more bs

not sure but same for binladen was he that bad of a guy when usa and him were allies at one time could it be binladen got pissed at way usa is doin things and had enough dirt to really fck up usa so usa calls out a death warrant on him look at wiki leaks and some of the shit usa pulled off
Well I agree,,,To a an extent,,,But Binladen was ousted by his family,,,He was playing one side against the other,,,He enjoyed be a rebel. He is dead.
Now I don't thing Iraq should have been invaded,,,But Afgan should have been supported in to start out with.
Yea US,,,Military kid's pay the final price for underhaded dealing's but that is the cost of wold wide deal's between the Rich,,,The poor and innocent alway's pay the ultimate price. But I'm American and proud and will and have fought for freedom,,,Unlike being a True slave.
well i agree,,,to a an extent,,,but binladen was ousted by his family,,,he was playing one side against the other,,,he enjoyed be a rebel. He is dead.
Now i don't thing iraq should have been invaded,,,but afgan should have been supported in to start out with.
Yea us,,,military kid's pay the final price for underhaded dealing's but that is the cost of wold wide deal's between the rich,,,the poor and innocent alway's pay the ultimate price. But i'm american and proud and will and have fought for freedom,,,unlike being a true slave.
who's freedom did you fight for and who is the slave?
Know your history and that will aswer your stupid question!

Yeah like Vietnam where you did not get a victory, you pulled out because even though you outgunned them, out bombed them and generally committed genocide you still could not break their spirits, Korea the same, I've read many a book by the people in that war who have openly admitted that.

The only real victories you have had in modern times is Iraq and Afghanistan and that required other countries help. So what history do you like quote, the one that dumbed you down whilst your Government committed all these war crimes.

Dumb Americans need to either wake up and see what they are inflicting on the world or be prepared to hear people like me telling you what you are overlooking.

Part of being at the top is having to deal with others trying to topple you off that top spot, if you can't handle that then skoot over..
Your's USMC 92-96...plus I was a real fuck up before serving,,,so it also saved my ass to,,,By reforming my criminal ass into a productive citizen.
Sorry dude, You didn't fight for my freedom. I was already free before you were even born. Just because you were a lance coolie in the Suck doesn't mean you did anything for me.
Ok,, I surrender your right,,,Please bend me over and give it to me with no vasoline...Make's you right. Pussy bitche's. Your weak and feel strong by be a rebel without a cause. lol.
LAKE JACKSON, Texas– 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul issued a statement on the situation in Libya. See comments below.

“The current situation in Libya may be a short term victory for Empire, but it is a loss for our American Republic. And, I fear it may be devastating to the Libyan people.

“There is no doubt that Moammar Gadhafi is a bad guy, and that he has brought harm and misery to his country. However, our involvement in another country’s civil war is costly and unconstitutional.

“We have spent over $1 billion on a war that this administration has fought not with the consent of Congress but under a NATO flag and authorization from the United Nations.

“It is a serious thing for a President to engage us in a war. He is bound by our Constitution to seek authority from the People, through our Congress, prior to engaging in any military action unless that action is to address an imminent threat to our safety and security. The situation in Libya is a civil war contained within that country’s sovereign borders, and it presented no imminent threat to the United States.

“And so, our government continues to spend trillions of dollars in overseas foreign wars while we face unsustainable debt, a looming dollar crisis, and our Constitution seems to lose any meaning. These actions will sink our country if we do not reverse course.

“Meanwhile, we must beware of any ‘Mission Accomplished’ euphoria. The conflict in Libya is far from over, and there could very well be war in Libya for a long time to come.

“While I hope and pray that the hostility draws to a close and the people there find peace, I fear this is only wishful thinking. We face a situation where a rebel element we have been assisting may very well be radical jihadists, bent on our destruction, and placed in positions of power in a new government.

“Worse still, Gadhafi’s successor is likely to be just as bad, or worse, than Gadhafi himself. Alternately, Libya may descend into anarchy like Somalia after the overthrow of dictator Siad Barre. Much like when we removed Saddam Hussein, another thug in Iraq, the likelihood of either a new brutal dictatorship or tribal violence and a protracted insurgency are much more likely than the peaceful transition to democracy we are all hoping for.

“With all these problems and the predictable chaos that will likely ensue, we must ask why this administration was so eager to embark on this Libyan operation in the name of ‘humanitarianism.’ Governments in Bahrain and Yemen have this year used military force to put down democratic protestors. The Saudi regime, which practices Sharia Law, has also been repressive, yet we have not intervened there. These countries continue to sell us oil, while Libya had begun to turn their exports toward Russia, China, India, and Brazil. Could this war largely be about protecting our oil interests at the expense of our Constitution?

“This episode is all too familiar. We were already involved in two wars that have dragged on years longer than the people who led us into them initially predicted. We can no longer afford to police the world, in terms of both dollars and American lives. We will destroy ourselves if we do not stop, build a strong national defense at home, and focus on trade and commerce with the world instead of Empire.”