What you don't know about Gaddafi

lets put this all into another perspectiive lets say a group of 100,000 people turn on the usa start a civil war trying to find obama they want him dead a online reward of 100 million euro is also rewarded to the wereabouts of the president now russia or china decides yup were goin to send our arms and people there to help this group of people to get him cause obama is labeled BAD

your caught in the middle how would you feel Safe worried or scared of after he is caught whats goin to happen to usa
I am actually a WAR veteran, unlike yourself there devil dog.
That's good,,,who's side were you on? or just getting a paycheck and the intense combat got to you later on?,,,I feel what you are all saying,,,but I will never surrender to fucking anyone anytime. We are dealt a hand and you play the hand you have...sometime's you win sometime's you lose,,,it does not matter if you bluff or win it's all the same. No hate to you or anyone,,,but I'm going to smoke now,,Been a while Love is Good:peace:bongsmilie
lets put this all into another perspectiive lets say a group of 100,000 people turn on the usa start a civil war trying to find obama they want him dead a online reward of 100 million euro is also rewarded to the wereabouts of the president now russia or china decides yup were goin to send our arms and people there to help this group of people to get him cause obama is labeled BAD

your caught in the middle how would you feel Safe worried or scared of after he is caught whats goin to happen to usa
I'm armed and dangerous with Gun's so that would be a different scenario,,,cause the USA allows Gun's,,,Unlike the UK pussies.
I'm armed and dangerous with Gun's so that would be a different scenario,,,cause the USA allows Gun's,,,Unlike the UK pussies.

Who shows more strength, a man with a gun or a man who does not feel the need for a gun? Part of American philosophy or indeed European philosophy of democracy and freedom is a civilised manner and culture yet you seem to contradict that continually with your gun hoe "shoot now, identify later" attitude.

No offence bro but you come across more as afraid and insecure rather than tough. Enjoy your long awaited toke.

what i find funny is its true watch video now usa wants gadiffi hung
Who shows more strength, a man with a gun or a man who does not feel the need for a gun? Part of American philosophy or indeed European philosophy of democracy and freedom is a civilised manner and culture yet you seem to contradict that continually with your gun hoe "shoot now, identify later" attitude.

No offence bro but you come across more as afraid and insecure rather than tough. Enjoy your long awaited toke.
I'long run no hate to anyone Im toking now I hear ya,,,Trucking now kinnda a streesful life,,,Never had a silver spoon but work really hard for what i have and protect and teach my kids to know right from wrong,,,Just because I dis-agree with your remarks on most thing's in reality we could end up smoking and being friend's in the Long run,,,I'm smoking now wow peace.
lets put this all into another perspectiive lets say a group of 100,000 people turn on the usa start a civil war trying to find obama they want him dead a online reward of 100 million euro is also rewarded to the wereabouts of the president now russia or china decides yup were goin to send our arms and people there to help this group of people to get him cause obama is labeled BAD

your caught in the middle how would you feel Safe worried or scared of after he is caught whats goin to happen to usa
Oh wait I'm high,,,But I Like "Obama",,,So i'd fight for him,,,He is my prsident and I like him. not china,,,Not the UK,,,Not the Republican party or tea party or whatever,,,Yes Im a Liberal Demorcat,,,But I can Be conservative and a Kind heart!
I would kill for freedom unlike most of the world.
its a hard video to read it goes fast but its true deception among there neibiours and what most people dont realize it goes back to the time when churchill,stalin and rosevelt fckt it all up by seperating borders and lineing new countries
sualties in WW1
Germany1,800,000Soviet Union1,700,000France1,385,000Austria1,200,000Great Britain947,000Japan800,000Romania750,000Serbia708,000Italy460,000Turkey325,000Belgium267,000Greece230,000USA137,000Portugal100,000Canada69,000Bulgaria88,000Montenegro50,000TOTAL11,016,000​

Casualties in WW2
Soviet Union25,568,000China11,324,000Germany7,060,000Poland6,850,000Japan1,806,000Yugoslavia1,700,000Romania985,000France810,000Greece520,000USA495,000Austria480,000Italy410,000Great Britain388,000Holland250,000Belgium85,000Finland79,000Canada42,000India36,000Australia29,000Albania28,000Spain22,000Bulgaria21,000New Zealand12,000Norway10,000South Africa9,000Luxembourg5,000Denmark4,000TOTAL59,028​
Oh wait I'm high,,,But I Like "Obama",,,So i'd fight for him,,,He is my prsident and I like him. not china,,,Not the UK,,,Not the Republican party or tea party or whatever,,,Yes Im a Liberal Demorcat,,,But I can Be conservative and a Kind heart!
I would kill for freedom unlike most of the world.

Why would you like Obama when he is clearly playing into the hands of the corporates, how does he being in power help you? Also stop thinking that Europeans are pussies, they were responsible for war long before your country was ever created by them same Europeans, or do you forget that?

Crusades.......real fighting by real men, not dropping bombs from 11,000ft or drones that "target align" smart bombs. White phosporous in Vietnam and again in Iraq....dirty shit brother, dirty shit!!

The difference between America and Europe is the latter knows better from more experience and in turn they have got you guys to do their dirty work unwittingly for so long now that America thinks it's free and self determining. bongsmilie

I'm not picking here by the way
sualties in WW1
Germany1,800,000Soviet Union1,700,000France1,385,000Austria1,200,000Great Britain947,000Japan800,000Romania750,000Serbia708, 000Italy460,000Turkey325,000Belgium267,000Greece23 0,000USA137,000Portugal100,000Canada69,000Bulgaria 88,000Montenegro50,000TOTAL11,016,000​

Casualties in WW2
Soviet Union25,568,000China11,324,000Germany7,060,000Pola nd6,850,000Japan1,806,000Yugoslavia1,700,000Romani a985,000France810,000Greece520,000USA495,000Austri a480,000Italy410,000Great Britain388,000Holland250,000Belgium85,000Finland79 ,000Canada42,000India36,000Australia29,000Albania2 8,000Spain22,000Bulgaria21,000New Zealand12,000Norway10,000South Africa9,000Luxembourg5,000Denmark4,000TOTAL59,028​

I was astounded to see the numbers from the Cambodia, Vietnam/Laos war, the official numbers were 6 figures whereas new information has been surfacing in the last 15 years of that the number of deaths were close to 3.6million killed, obviously most were civilians.

People may have seen this video before, it is the most accurate video depiction of the war as a whole from what I have read in books written by people about their experience of the war.

Why would you like Obama when he is clearly playing into the hands of the corporates, how does he being in power help you? Also stop thinking that Europeans are pussies, they were responsible for war long before your country was ever created by them same Europeans, or do you forget that?

Crusades.......real fighting by real men, not dropping bombs from 11,000ft or drones that "target align" smart bombs. White phosporous in Vietnam and again in Iraq....dirty shit brother, dirty shit!!

The difference between America and Europe is the latter knows better from more experience and in turn they have got you guys to do their dirty work unwittingly for so long now that America thinks it's free and self determining. bongsmilie

I'm not picking here by the way
Doesn't matter who created us, who did we kick out when we fought for our shit, not only kick out but whoop there so called best regiment at that time.

And the FACT you THINK we are doing there dirty work is funny.

I need real proof or this is all bull shit. Like Links to facts on even records saying so.. Other wise man you are just another paranoid conspiracy nut.
Doesn't matter who created us, who did we kick out when we fought for our shit, not only kick out but whoop there so called best regiment at that time.

And the FACT you THINK we are doing there dirty work is funny.

I need real proof or this is all bull shit. Like Links to facts on even records saying so.. Other wise man you are just another paranoid conspiracy nut.
i am really curious who you really whooped cause looking back when usa invaded canada canada was the only country to burn down the white house the real truth is canada whooped your ass and when england really brought the gunner ships over at that time and started bashing you guys bad remember that time england was the supior sea force all your food supplies were blocked and within weeks you guys signed a peace treaty
yes i guess your kinda right by getting whooped you guys got whooped in vietnam and in north korea
world war 2 you guys were busy in africa lol while england and russia were getting a beating from germany like i said in above posts wasnt till stalin and churchill had germany on the run did usa land one troop but wait
lol usa took credit for that win hahahahha amazing
pearl harbor i forgot you guys were lucky if the japs would of nailed your fleet and all manufacturing buildings what was planned i think the war would of went the other way
see at that time russia and usa were allies usa was sending shipments to them but german u-boats were dropping your ships like flys so usa stopped shipments then the D-day was planned
but after many susspensions and stalin demanind to get on it did usa do it remember it was election year and rosevelt being worried about his numbers wasnt to keen on goin to war but rather watch his french allies lose and germany take control of france but wait a min churchill couldnt let hitler get the french navy so what did they do but attack the french fleet before germans got ahold of the fleet lol learn your history
i am really curious who you really whooped cause looking back when usa invaded canada canada was the only country to burn down the white house the real truth is canada whooped your ass and when england really brought the gunner ships over at that time and started bashing you guys bad remember that time england was the supior sea force all your food supplies were blocked and within weeks you guys signed a peace treaty
yes i guess your kinda right by getting whooped you guys got whooped in vietnam and in north korea
world war 2 you guys were busy in africa lol while england and russia were getting a beating from germany like i said in above posts wasnt till stalin and churchill had germany on the run did usa land one troop but wait
lol usa took credit for that win hahahahha amazing
pearl harbor i forgot you guys were lucky if the japs would of nailed your fleet and all manufacturing buildings what was planned i think the war would of went the other way
i don't see england here bashing us now.. why is that? because we whooped them. And white house? thats all it was back then a small white house lol. have fun with that man.
then your here today fighting all oever the world with many soldiers not even knowing why and saying its a waste of time Iraq, afgnistan
you winning that war well when drumsfeld said were fighting a war which we will never win muslim is all over the world even in our own backyards how can you fight something like that without a world war
people have to realize that usa once was a dominent country but as times have gone buy when it comes to actual dominent country it means a country that has money and a force for instance usa has 7900 nuclear weapons russia has 17,900 hey and to give you a idea of power what usa has dropped on nagisaki the atom bomb russia has bombs 50 times that can you imagine
sure russia cant compete ship for ship but they dont have to usa has the cruise missile ussr has the bhromos cruise reacing mach 2 with bulls eye accuracy pakistan has it now and some othe countries and whats sad is usa cant stop it by the time usa got it on radar is over lol so dont think usa is a power house anymore sure they show there strength worry bout the ones not showing there power thats who you got to worry about lol