What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
haha, sometimes feels like it the amount we actually see each other at times, lol. Just been a weird week bru. Monday is always baked spuds as it's MT training night, but I am full of the flu so just going the baked spud route.....just didn't feel very exotic after reading steak, garlic rosemary and vension wrapped meatloaf....bloody hell I am drooling the noo.

I did make my own baked cheese rolls at the weekend when the wife went of to Koln. Puff pastry, make a cheese sauce mix,(made with butter, flour, milk and cheese) chill it, then make little parcels with the puff pastry and fill with the cheese mixture, bake for 20 mins. Super tasty snacks........

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah one of them left to your own devices weeks. i know them well. that's mostly why i end up drunk. mostly.... :)

those cheese rolls sound well tasty. i've not got the hands for pastry. have to get the missus to do it.

hope the man flu effs off quick. mines just beginning i can feel the aches coming. cannamilk and an early one for me.


Well-Known Member
neither, chipolte is smoked red jalapenos.. mix a lil with sourcream, and top a bacon wrapped hotdog with it and a lil pico de gayo... i use veggie dogs, but you carnivores will prob love it too.


Well-Known Member
I eat meat and grow organic pot. :-D
Me too,

Christ what a douche I am. I went to the shop to get some meat for hamburgers today.

I picked up the packet that said extra lean on it, but it's not in my native language so I missed the bit that mentioned the 30% tofu, lmao. So I had to make these burgers with this meat/tofu mix, wtf. Anyway, that won't happen again. I used lots of indonesian sambal olek to flavour them, as well as corriander.

Potatoe wedges with spicey salt on the side.


Well-Known Member
Tonight I'm making spicy cordon bleu fried in canna oil topped with purple beauty bell peppers sauteed in budder. One of my favorites to make.