What's For Dinner Tonight?

Put the corned beef in the crock pot last night with spices and enough water to cover the meat. Set on low and let cook all night. I added cabbage about an hour ago and in a couple of hours will start some roasted herb and olive oil rub potatoes with a spinach leaf and feta cheese salad topped with a raspberry vinaigrette. Happy Paddy's Day! :D

damn that sounds good.
Fuck corned beef. Irish Beef Stew is where it's at!

Chicken Hot Dogs with Coney Sauce, onions, squeeze cheese (I know it's not real cheese) and plain yellow mustard. Done the D-style. Except for the chicken hot dogs and the whole wheat buns.

I'm throwing in whole wheat buns so I won't feel too, too, bad about eating chicken hot dog, I just love those cheap suckers. I love them almost as much as White Castle.
Oh my that sounds positively wrong hun :P

Chicken Hot Dogs with Coney Sauce, onions, squeeze cheese (I know it's not real cheese) and plain yellow mustard. Done the D-style. Except for the chicken hot dogs and the whole wheat buns.

I'm throwing in whole wheat buns so I won't feel too, too, bad.
Make some noise in Rumblr Carne. :p

My dinner.




tell them taco bell boys to put that dorito shell in the cheesy gordita crunch. the taco bell employee almost shat himself in excitement when itold him to do it. his words "you should tell corporate about this, it could be the next deal item"
:D haha,fair enough,I guess I shouldn't knock it until I have tried it,but some things I am sure I can do with out trying ;)

I know that is what makes it sooo good. I only have them about once every 3 or 4 months. It must be something from my salad days that just won't let go.
o.k. that was one delicious meal. I made a pan of cornbread as well and it went perfectly with the broth from the corned beef and cabbage. I ate waaaay too much. argh.