What's For Dinner Tonight?

Diabetics who only have to take a fucking pill in the afternoon and test their glucose levels every few days have no excuse. :) Diabetics who have to fucking shoot up 3 times a day and and stab their fingers 11 times a day need to be cut some slack. :p
did some one say bacon?

Bacon Maple hash oil sucker
I get the same response from my brother. I'm sorry.

Diabetics who only have to take a fucking pill in the afternoon and test their glucose levels every few days have no excuse. :) Diabetics who have to fucking shoot up 3 times a day and and stab their fingers 11 times a day need to be cut some slack. :p
Don't worry. lmao It's easy to make it seem worse than it actually is. ;) I'm SUPPOSED to be take FIVE shots a day but the doctors say the basal insulin is optional. :p In reality if I eat I only eat two times, so that's only 2 shots instead of 3-5. And instead of Checking glucose when I wake up, before and after meals, two hour follow up, and before I go to bed, I only ever do it before meals and before I go to sleep. x) Doctors don't like it, but I have a very low A1c and get more Hypoglycemia than Hyperglycemia. ;) I didn't eat very often LONG before I had this little issue. :p
Don't worry. lmao It's easy to make it seem worse than it actually is. ;) I'm SUPPOSED to be take FIVE shots a day but the doctors say the basal insulin is optional. :p In reality if I eat I only eat two times, so that's only 2 shots instead of 3-5. And instead of Checking glucose when I wake up, before and after meals, two hour follow up, and before I go to bed, I only ever do it before meals and before I go to sleep. x) Doctors don't like it, but I have a very low A1c and get more Hypoglycemia than Hyperglycemia. ;) I didn't eat very often LONG before I had this little issue. :p

Crypt, you need to seriousy look into getting an insulin pump. All you have to do is test and the information is transmitted to the pump and it automatically boluses for you. No guessing. No mess. You just have to change the cartridges and tubing every few days.
Crypt, you need to seriousy look into getting an insulin pump. All you have to do is test and the information is transmitted to the pump and it automatically boluses for you. No guessing. No mess. You just have to change the cartridges and tubing every few days.
I've always wanted one but they wont prescribe it because I don't test my levels as they want me to. ;) Plus I'm completely free of the whole mess unless I'm eating, so if I had a pump I'd always have a reminder on my stomach. x) But people are right when they call it an external pancreas. lol :) It would be pretty kickass.
Crypt, Do those pumps stop the damage to the eyes from Retinopathy? My brother is losing his eyesight to it.
The damage to the eyes is from fluctuating glucose levels and can also be cause by the insulin being shot into the blood stream. Most people don't realize that insulin can really fuck up your capillaries. :lol: If you fully take advantage of an insulin pump you will have better control of your levels than a person with a natural pancreas. :)
tonight we're having some fried alligator tail with a garlic/lemon butter sauce and a lil garden salad on the side.... cant wait :)