What's For Dinner Tonight?

We can go around the public parks and hotbox my tent after some doubles and tamarind balls.

I'm nomming on Biltong and jerky at the moment. I'm trying to make this Hershey's bar last the whole day. I really should cook something proper though...

Maaaan why you gots to live all the way in England... I bet you're mad fun to chill with, haha.

Hotboxing a tent in a public park here is probaby asking for a tent-slashing and an arrest. :(
Maaaan why you gots to live all the way in England... I bet you're mad fun to chill with, haha.

Sure I am ^^ I like getting high and playing in the kiddie park or going to the science museum/gallery. I have one of those cheap roll-up 2 man tents that I just pitch where I want, smoke it up and have a picnic. You're welcome to come along any time you're in the country x
Sure I am ^^ I like getting high and playing in the kiddie park or going to the science museum/gallery. I have one of those cheap roll-up 2 man tents that I just pitch where I want, smoke it up and have a picnic. You're welcome to come along any time you're in the country x

I would love to see England someday! It's a ways down the road for me though... :0]

Going to the science museum or gallery sounds key. I live in the woods. Way in the woods. There ain't shit to do!
One day, one day... Or we'll all meet up in Amsterdam. Hey, you could treat yourself by visiting London for the 4/20 smoke up.

I am all good,just chilling burning some of Da Purps,thinking bout what to do with the day,sun is out so should really get out in it,but for now I am just going to chill and come up with some kind of plan for the day.
What kind of studio are you sorting?,Photography/Art or music,or something else?.

Lol @ fail ethnic person,you wouldnt handle my jerk well then,you have reggae reggae sauce, then you have my ragga junglist fire!!!stuffs off the hook,can make levi roots sauce taste like its missing its roots lol.


Yeah, I got free Reggae Reggae sauce at OneLove festival which I was taken to by a white boy and I thought that shit was hot... Levi Roots and his daughter or something were singing but I was really stoned...
One day, one day... Or we'll all meet up in Amsterdam. Hey, you could treat yourself by visiting London for the 4/20 smoke up.

Maybe next year... :) A little short notice for this year. ;) Hehe. Would love to see Amsterdam though... is it an easy trip from England? *geographically retarded*
I was a $160 train ride from London Victoria. But you can do a day-long coach thing for half that. It took us about 6/7 hours to get there, book ourselves in and pitch the tent from London. I highly recommend camping- it's cheap and there was a little mini-mart right next door.

It shuts at 5:00 with a massive snack rush at 4:20. Seriously.
I was a $160 train ride from London Victoria. But you can do a day-long coach thing for half that. It took us about 6/7 hours to get there, book ourselves in and pitch the tent from London. I highly recommend camping- it's cheap and there was a little mini-mart right next door.

It shuts at 5:00 with a massive snack rush at 4:20. Seriously.

Oh maaaan that sounds so awesome. I can't believe you can just hop a train to Amsterdam. :O
white man's fried chicken (bland), mashed potato (seasoned with salt and pepper whoppeee) and a small glass of tap water (with 1 mint leaf in) ...
eating at the monastery today. . . .?

funny you should say that. I almost became a San Franciscan padre not so long ago. Time spent was in a convent though. I couldn't handle it, I was going nuts, difficult, not clever enough.

To reply to your question no one is not eating inside monastery today. Same ol same ol eating on the sofa where I have been for the past three days, man has only moved to the toilet, fridge and microwave. Today I dine in hell nah jk however I am going to sleep in my bed tonight as body aches and I have shit to do tomorrow.

where do you dine tonight?
funny you should say that. I almost became a San Franciscan padre not so long ago. Time spent was in a convent though. I couldn't handle it, I was going nuts, difficult, not clever enough.

To reply to your question no one is not eating inside monastery today. Same ol same ol eating on the sofa where I have been for the past three days, man has only moved to the toilet, fridge and microwave. Today I dine in hell nah jk however I am going to sleep in my bed tonight as body aches and I have shit to do tomorrow.

where do you dine tonight?
Oh can't resist. Are those the ones with the backless habit? "Who's your padre now?" cn
funny you should say that. I almost became a San Franciscan padre not so long ago. Time spent was in a convent though. I couldn't handle it, I was going nuts, difficult, not clever enough.

not clever? or too cunny? ;)

a Franciscan? that would explain the culinary Occam's Razor I suppose. . .

Off the couch man!

(Where do I dine? I fast on Sundays. . .really)
Haha yeah heres a pic of some of mine marinading ;) ,much hotter than levi roots sauce,also actually tastes like jerk,rather than bbq sauce with a little chilli in,its really rich and spicy with a almost indescribable taste.One you have to try to understand how good it is :) ,it got its name as I am a junglist through n through,couldnt live with out my roots music from ska to dub to reggae to jungle which is uk roots music,and as its spicy and hot like fire I thought why not.

One day, one day... Or we'll all meet up in Amsterdam. Hey, you could treat yourself by visiting London for the 4/20 smoke up.


Yeah, I got free Reggae Reggae sauce at OneLove festival which I was taken to by a white boy and I thought that shit was hot... Levi Roots and his daughter or something were singing but I was really stoned...


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Yay... meat!

Miraculously, my chocolate is not entirely eaten.