What's For Dinner Tonight?

Down pillows! Tasty dessert!

We did left-overs night. :( Pretty bad. I ate a bunch of Sweet Tarts Chicks Ducks and Bunnies to make up for it. Now my belly's all funny.
A lovely plate full papers, got myself a decent job offer on the table !!! :) Kinda felt like a call girl doing the interview in the evening in a hotel bar but i guess it could have been worse, i kept my pants on :) rflmao

Hmm should i even go to the other interview tomorrow???

And i got new down pillows !!! Tis a good day :)

Yay!!! Now you can support me!!! :D
Down pillows! Tasty dessert!

We did left-overs night. :( Pretty bad. I ate a bunch of Sweet Tarts Chicks Ducks and Bunnies to make up for it. Now my belly's all funny.

Awww poor muffin, i should eat, been 2 excited today, well toast was at 1pm lol aww u need a belly rub, or maybe a good poopy lol
Try some lemon water ( put lemon wedge in water) or lemon juice, always helps me if i eat too much shitty food. I usualy like left over day, but it depends who made the meals lol, if it's a combo of a few crappy meals i just nibble and eat bread, do as u did and attack candy until i can't swallow another ear ;) Fuck i type 2 much lol

chinese menu.jpg
i wish, decorators...

just got that friday feeling fella. going to see if i can get the rest of the order sorted shortly... then there might be a zing in my spring
Putting together my patented red sauce with ground beef tonight. Getting a late start so it will probably be a late dinner. Pasta and bakery fresh bread of course... can't do without those.