What's For Dinner Tonight?

I made a pot of red chili the other night so tonight I made open face chili burgers. I take one bun and toast it on a griddle with the two hamburger patties. Seasoned with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Once the buns are toasted and the meat is cooked I stack the patties on the buns and then add chili, cheese, and onions. Place on oven safe dish (we have restaurant style hot plates). I broil in the oven until cheese is bubbling and onions are translucent. I then add chopped lettuce and tomatoes. Delicioso! Horchata as the beverage and banana pudding with banana slices and vanilla wafers for dessert.
i make my own stovies my granny showed me as a kid how to make them the sh## you get out the shops tastes like sh## but it is scottish stovies not made with cornbeef

i make mine with stovie dripin you get this from the butchers mince beef potatoes onion two oxo cubes salt and pepper
ohyeh stovie drippin is the run of from the butchers roast beef in scotland they put it in pots to sell it also makes a good stock for soups
We cooked carbonara last night, and again for breakfast this morning. Almost a packet of spaghetti each and a pint of double cream. And cheddar, and parmesan, and bacon, and more parmesan :)