What's For Dinner Tonight?

I missed the sweet pork disaster. Retell? Link? My curiosity is piqued. As you know, my regard for your culinary skill and dedication is like a paraplegic kangaroo - essentially without bounds. cn
I missed the sweet pork disaster. Retell? Link? My curiosity is piqued. As you know, my regard for your culinary skill and dedication is like a paraplegic kangaroo - essentially without bounds. cn

I wasn't the culprit. I have a group of friends who get together for meals. Someone suggests a theme and we either bring a dish or one person cooks the full meal. Someone was enamored with California/Mexican cuisine (a transplant of course) and made this sweet pork/tortilla basket/burrito/guacamole disaster that had the consistency of snot, tasted horrible and looked like an exploding diaper from an adult with a terminal case of Montezuma's Revenge. Her cooking privileges have been revoked for the time being.
I wasn't the culprit. I have a group of friends who get together for meals. Someone suggests a theme and we either bring a dish or one person cooks the full meal. Someone was enamored with California/Mexican cuisine (a transplant of course) and made this sweet pork/tortilla basket/burrito/guacamole disaster that had the consistency of snot, tasted horrible and looked like an exploding diaper from an adult with a terminal case of Montezuma's Revenge. Her cooking privileges have been revoked for the time being.

Oh my.
"What's that taste like?"
"... Depends."
Oh my.
"What's that taste like?"
"... Depends."

Well it was in a fried flour tortilla "bowl". The topping was fried corn tortilla shuriken.. err... shards.. umm... pieces? They had the potential to cut your mouth to shreds. Then.... guacamole.. I hesitate to call it that because it was the same color... that is where all similarity ends. Then the sweet pork. GAG. Sweet. Pork. The concept is flawed in its inception. Then black beans, rice and a sweet sauce made from the sweet pork. Lettuce and tomatoes were sacrificed for garnish. The meal? Concoction? Evil brew? started to break out of the bowl and was running out the side. It looked exactly like a leaking diaper. NO ONE SAID A DAMNED THING. I could tell she was just as horrified as the rest of us but they were too polite to say anything. I ate that shit while wishing death on my fellow epicureans. Bastards.
Well it was in a fried flour tortilla "bowl". The topping was fried corn tortilla shuriken.. err... shards.. umm... pieces? They had the potential to cut your mouth to shreds. Then.... guacamole.. I hesitate to call it that because it was the same color... that is where all similarity ends. Then the sweet pork. GAG. Sweet. Pork. The concept is flawed in its inception. Then black beans, rice and a sweet sauce made from the sweet pork. Lettuce and tomatoes were sacrificed for garnish. The meal? Concoction? Evil brew? started to break out of the bowl and was running out the side. It looked exactly like a leaking diaper. NO ONE SAID A DAMNED THING. I could tell she was just as horrified as the rest of us but they were too polite to say anything. I ate that shit while wishing death on my fellow epicureans. Bastards.

For doing that, you gave a unicorn its wings. And rainbow-spewing attitude jets. I doff my hat. cn

For doing that, you gave a unicorn its wings. And rainbow-spewing attitude jets. I doff my hat. cn


It's native New Mexican etiquette. Transplants just don't get it. When you're in someone's house and they offer you food? It is rude to turn it down. No matter how bad it is. You never raise your voice as a visitor in someone's home nor do you refuse or disparage an offering of sustenance. It's a very old custom. :(
It's native New Mexican etiquette. Transplants just don't get it. When you're in someone's house and they offer you food? It is rude to turn it down. No matter how bad it is. You never raise your voice as a visitor in someone's home nor do you refuse or disparage an offering of sustenance. It's a very old custom. :(

It's etiquette in any culture that values hospitality. Those who visit Inuit must be ready to accept aged (ripe) whale blubber as the delicacy it is. i read a report that it tastes remarkably like hazelnut. I love hazelnut, but ripe whale blubber? "Child please." cn
It's etiquette in any culture that values hospitality. Those who visit Inuit must be ready to accept aged (ripe) whale blubber as the delicacy it is. i read a report that it tastes remarkably like hazelnut. I love hazelnut, but ripe whale blubber? "Child please." cn

I have visited relatives and opened the fridge to find a sheep head staring back at me. They cut the top of the skull off and leave the brains in the head. They dip it out to mix with eggs or scramble them on their own. Not my type of delicacy. They they use the meat around the face. Waste not, want not.
I have visited relatives and opened the fridge to find a sheep head staring back at me. They cut the top of the skull off and leave the brains in the head. They dip it out to mix with eggs or scramble them on their own. Not my type of delicacy. They they use the meat around the face. Waste not, want not.

My dad brought home Head Cheese when i was a kid. Am I glad I didn't know what it was at the time. It was good with Austrian mustard. cn
My dad brought home Head Cheese when i was a kid. Am I glad I didn't know what it was at the time. It was good with Austrian mustard. cn

My brother-in-law served my sister rocky mountain oysters and she loved them. Until he told her what they were. He had a black eye for the loooongest time. :p
Well it was in a fried flour tortilla "bowl". The topping was fried corn tortilla shuriken.. err... shards.. umm... pieces? They had the potential to cut your mouth to shreds. Then.... guacamole.. I hesitate to call it that because it was the same color... that is where all similarity ends. Then the sweet pork. GAG. Sweet. Pork. The concept is flawed in its inception. Then black beans, rice and a sweet sauce made from the sweet pork. Lettuce and tomatoes were sacrificed for garnish. The meal? Concoction? Evil brew? started to break out of the bowl and was running out the side. It looked exactly like a leaking diaper. NO ONE SAID A DAMNED THING. I could tell she was just as horrified as the rest of us but they were too polite to say anything. I ate that shit while wishing death on my fellow epicureans. Bastards.

Makes me glad I'm vegan.
I bought 2 racks of ribs to go with some bbq sauce, but looks like i'm off to catch a train to the fish and chip shop for some calamari :) NOM. Somehow need to find a dealer between home and the train station though :/