What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
Taco Bell night... we rarely eat out or have take out.. but I do love some Taco Bell once every 2 mo's or so..

My 1st Taco Bell Exp was back in the mid 70's in Denver CO (my folks also did not take us out to dinner much) so having Taco Bell back then was a HUGE ASS treat... I still remember how cool the building looked with the bell on top and they gave us free balloons...we moved to CT which to this day I doubt has Taco Bells.. east coast also did not have 7-11's


Global Moderator
Staff member
Taco Bell night... we rarely eat out or have take out.. but I do love some Taco Bell once every 2 mo's or so..

My 1st Taco Bell Exp was back in the mid 70's in Denver CO (my folks also did not take us out to dinner much) so having Taco Bell back then was a HUGE ASS treat... I still remember how cool the building looked with the bell on top and they gave us free balloons...we moved to CT which to this day I doubt has Taco Bells.. east coast also did not have 7-11's
I'm with you there - and the best thing about Taco Bell is all the free. . . .
Diarrhea. :shock:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
He he. Kuroi tries to get me too eat salad occasionally, but normally it is just platters of meat :-) mmmm, cured Italian meat...

I do have a pint of orange juice when I get to work each day though, so I do get 1 of my 5. I'll eat roast parsnips and gravy all day and night though :-)


Staff member
yeah no that wasnt my intention , im not a grammar nazi , i was being a vegetable enthusiast, although i dont use proper commas, periods, ect i do generally spell words correctly, and hate people like the express who can't spell at ALL

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah no that wasnt my intention , im not a grammar nazi , i was being a vegetable enthusiast, although i dont use proper commas, periods, ect i do generally spell words correctly, and hate people like the express who can't spell at ALL
theexpresses spelling I can deal with. it's when he goes crazy on the forum that get's me shaking my head. lol

dinner in 3 hours and counting.... now to decide what to eat!


Staff member
theexpresses spelling I can deal with. it's when he goes crazy on the forum that get's me shaking my head. lol

dinner in 3 hours and counting.... now to decide what to eat!
i cant even get past 2 words from him. but yeah i was no way being a grammar nazi it was more about how he thinks meat is actually good for him LOL


New Member
theexpresses spelling I can deal with. it's when he goes crazy on the forum that get's me shaking my head. lol

dinner in 3 hours and counting.... now to decide what to eat!
The sushi over there in HI is really good. How bout that sunni, can I eat sushi without hearing about how horrible it is for me? :D


Staff member
ima go out tonight,....to a wing restaurant LOL hopefully but they have all their burger choices you can make a veggie burger instead so woot woot <3 gunna be eating unhealthy tonight cause i might get fries too !!! haha

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
did you modify the recipe i KNOW you LOVE to do that
Other than working the spatula like a boss while trying to maintain my masculinity... pretty straight forward.

I did make a double batch and happened to read something about cooking adjustments after they were done...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I went to my local Indian store and bought Ahmed Mango Pickle. That shit tastes so good high.

I ended up getting some pakoras, dosa, fresh curry leaves, cashew burfee and asafoetida.

I need help. :(