What's For Dinner Tonight?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I actually searched for the Austin powers pic of the fat guy saying I ate a baby and the first came up.

my family bred boxer dogs for years i'd have one in a heartbeat but it'd be unfair to leave it at home all day. Fuck I wish I could just grow full time.


Well-Known Member
I actually searched for the Austin powers pic of the fat guy saying I ate a baby and the first came up.

my family bred boxer dogs for years i'd have one in a heartbeat but it'd be unfair to leave it at home all day. Fuck I wish I could just grow full time.
Me too, plants dont yell at ya to hurry up, work harder, they dont tell you when you can have a break, or when to be at work. You can do it all at your own pace and never worry about getting in trouble. You can garden naked if you wanted to and the scenery changes, it changes slowly, but it changes and theres always somthing exciting happening next........oh and you get to smoke your work ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
If I was a single man. I'd have moved to warmer climes n done the above. Mighty be in the state's or Italy in a few years anyway. My gals work might dictate a move. The option is Australia which I hear are real harsh on mj

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
damn that does look good. and TTT the old ones are the best slow cooking for that 7 hours? hope you n Kuroi have a nice weekend mate.
Bottom of the aga for about 6 hours then an hour simmering on the hob to reduce the juice down a bit. then after cooling down, in the fridge for 24 hours. Gotta give it time for all the bits and bobs to coagulate into an orgy of flavour. Otherwise the beef just tastes naff. Same with lasagne, always make it the day before.

And ta, Should be a good week, and hopefully some good weather. Not sure what i'll be eating, got to keep her blood sugar levels in check, so most likely fish, but she's got an ounce of top notch blue cheese so no doubt even if i'm just sat eating breadsticks i'll be enjoying it :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
If you make it to the states make sure ya hit me up so we can grab a bite ;)
for sure! i went to florida last year and man red lobster was the bomb. but you look lik your a dab hand in the kitchen ;)
Bottom of the aga for about 6 hours then an hour simmering on the hob to reduce the juice down a bit. then after cooling down, in the fridge for 24 hours. Gotta give it time for all the bits and bobs to coagulate into an orgy of flavour. Otherwise the beef just tastes naff. Same with lasagne, always make it the day before.

And ta, Should be a good week, and hopefully some good weather. Not sure what i'll be eating, got to keep her blood sugar levels in check, so most likely fish, but she's got an ounce of top notch blue cheese so no doubt even if i'm just sat eating breadsticks i'll be enjoying it :)
ahhh cooking on an aga, now that's oldskool man. simmering, no cheating with cornflour ;)

an ounce of cheese aint going to go far!

I just got this delivered locally from a new business starting up, spicy sweet potato soup with pumpkin and sesame seeds to top it off.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
for sure! i went to florida last year and man red lobster was the bomb. but you look lik your a dab hand in the kitchen ;)

ahhh cooking on an aga, now that's oldskool man. simmering, no cheating with cornflour ;)

an ounce of cheese aint going to go far!

I just got this delivered locally from a new business starting up, spicy sweet potato soup with pumpkin and sesame seeds to top it off.
Always simmered when possible. Corn flour just ruins the texture and flavour. If i have to use a thickener, i'll try and use xanthum gum if i can.

An ounce certainly won't go that far, but kuroi who smokes nothing but top notch stuff had a wee smoke at the train station on her way home from picking up and declared it mighty fine, with only a fraction needed compared to other strains she's bought. Not to mention it's only for a week and i've got to be sensible during the daytime. No smoking for me till dinner time. Don't want to fuck up my studies. Glad she got the cheese not the sour diesel though :)

That soup sounds great, and delivered! I live in a city the size of a large village, we ent got nothing like that around here. Only one good restaurant and they wanted £25 just for a main course.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lmao fuck me i thought you were talking about actual cheese being in the food thread hahahahah :dunce: aye an ounce of blue cheese should keep you going a week hahah

aye it's a new business centre over the road, i try n support local business if i can.

have a good weekend guys

Total Head

Well-Known Member
shit i haven't been to this section in forever or i would've taken a picture of what i devoured for dinner. forgot all about it.

i had a grilled ribeye, some grilled corn on the cob, and a delightful concoction of asparagus, brussel sprouts, onions and bacon (it's the only way i can eat brussel sprouts. i usually hate them). i didn't have any potatoes which was a bummer but it was good anyway. in a little bit i'm gonna skin and cube a cantaloupe.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i took my gal out to what was touted as in the michelin guide up and coming blah blah. starter was Grilled Doreens black pudding with smoked apple puree, tomato, balsamic dressing. which was lush, the main he waiter advised some northumbrian lamb shepherds pie, not normally something i'd go for in a posh ish place as it's more a home cooked meal but i thought what the hell the guys recommending it...

the mince was swimming in the gravy like i was having to pick bit to get a full fork full, so for the first time ever in my life I sent a dish back. ended up with pork loin on mash with some sort of jus. my girl had ice cream which tasted of weed unbelievably?! and sorbet, i opted for remy xo which they comped and my girls glass of wine for the poor food.

still nice to go out for a meal even if it did cost 60 quid


bud bootlegger
had a lovely chicken gyro and greek salad from a local diner for dinner.. just topped off the gyro and finished all of the feta cheese not two minutes ago.. twas yummy if i do say so myself. :D

got the old lady a fish and chips platter, she said it was yummy as well..... :D


Active Member
had a lovely chicken gyro and greek salad from a local diner for dinner.. just topped off the gyro and finished all of the feta cheese not two minutes ago.. twas yummy if i do say so myself. :D

got the old lady a fish and chips platter, she said it was yummy as well..... :D
It sounds like you are in the Northeast?


Active Member
winner winner chicken dinner.. who would have thunk it that diners weren't a hit in all of the us of a.. they're huge in my state, mostly all run by greeks as well for some very odd reason..
Yes Diners are big in the tri-state area. Everyone eats at diners. A good diner is coveted by its patrons. I know it sounds weird but it's true! LOL


Well-Known Member
I had weiner water soup and toaster shakings.

.....just kidding, lmfao. I had clam chowder for lunch and a philly cheese steak with lotsa green peppers and red onions smothered in melty local cheddar. Too bad the cheddar wasnt wisconson cheddar. That cracker barrel place sells some wwwicked cheddarcheese. They got some good grass for them heffers up there :):):)

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
By the time The main course shows up I'll already be full bruschetta because once I start in on it .....there's no stopping me!!
