What's For Dinner Tonight?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
It's a great excuse to pig out. I like that it isn't a religious holiday. I get a buzz on, then see the family, eat a lot, sleep, get up off the sofa and then have dessert, sleep again, get up and go home.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol. As a bloke i say to hell with trying to justify being a pig, i'll feast purely because it's a tuesday :) i have a complete inability to put on weight no matter what i eat.


Well-Known Member
Hey, nice thread. I love to cook good food. Not exactly sure what we're having for dinner tonight yet but I'm thinking Chicken Paprikash (Paprikas csirke), a very simple chicken dish stewed in a pot and served on rice, pasta or noodles. It's very inexpensive and kids eat it up too.

just curious but what do you guys over in the US eat on xmas day, you have turkey on thanksgiving and again on xmas? two xmas dinners a year sounds pretty decent to me.

tonight: bangers and mash
I hope I don't offend anyone, it's just me, but I hate this Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner "tradition" thing. I'm of first generation Euro decent and we did not eat this kind of stuff for tradition, so it was kind of a battle with my wife and I. Her tradition was not mine and my tradition was not hers, and we had a daughter who didn't have a tradition yet. Thing is that I'm not really into tradition, I'm a live in the now guy and I just want take advantage of the paid stat holiday, because it's meanings are crap to me, and eat better food than roasted meat and root vegetables smothered in flavored fat. I'm sorry, but North American cooking has nothing on European cooking, IMO. It is why I left Cattle country in the west and returned to the big populous in the east. The west lacked culture and was all meat and potatoes. The east flourishes in culture and an abundance of great food. Anyway, sorry to ramble, I'm waking and baking right now. Anyway, we don't do much of the big family thing anymore so we spend time making the things we love but would not normally spend so much time on. Same thing but not like the magazine cover.


Well-Known Member
we have stone crab, scallops and a big ass standing ribeye or tenderloin for christmas, mmmmmmmy favorite present :weed:

but i LOVE turkey, we have it throughout the year. i wanna make roast chicken for dinner but idk if it will be thawed in time. mrs sunnyboy doesn't feel too well today so i thought i would make her some comfort food :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
just curious but what do you guys over in the US eat on xmas day, you have turkey on thanksgiving and again on xmas? two xmas dinners a year sounds pretty decent to me.

tonight: bangers and mash
We have turkey both holidays, but we cook a ham on christmas too. Religous holiday or not, I get ripped at christmas dinner.
Tonight I'm making BBQ ribs on sourcrout with greenbean casseral and baked french/garlic bread. Cheesecake for munchies after.


Well-Known Member

Here you go Don. Typed them out for everyone. For this recipe though I highly recommend a good Hungarian Paprika over the store bought stuff. Any little Euro market should carry it and even some grocers. This is a common exported brand. I have other recipes that use this that I can share for those that don't want to invest in something that you don't use that often. I buy this tin for about $5.


1 whole Chicken cut up, or hind quarters, drumsticks of equal amount. Bone is important, boneless not so good. Clean off excess fat and skin.
2 reg size cooking onions diced.
2-3 tsp Hungarian Paprika, sweet.
2 pinches of salt
1Tbsp Cooking oil. Not oil or peanut. Vegetable or canola. For sweating the onions.
Sour cream or Cream of mushroom soup

In a lidded pot that is narrow enough to compact the chicken at the bottom, sweat the diced onions until soft and translucent. Do not fry and burn.

If your gas, shut off the heat, if electric remove the pot. We do this because paprika is delicate and will burn quick.
Immediately add the paprika and stir, then put back on the heat and gently heat the paprika while stirring for maybe 30 seconds.

Toss in the chicken and liquid, 2 pinches of salt (not too much) and stir up well. Add a little bit of water. Just enough to give the base some liquid to help keep things from burning.

Now what we're going to do is extract the juices from the chicken meat and bone. Cover the pot leaving a slight crack and drop the heat to a low to medium low. Check and stir every once and a while and as you see the juice build up, increase the temps till you get a slow to medium simmer, and cook until the chicken done and separating from the bone.

Traditionally at this point you could either thicken this with a sour cream and flour mixture or just add a tsp of sour cream to the dish when served. I don't do the flour thing and sometimes do the sour cream thing but mostly I do what my parents did when they emmigrated to here and that to use Cream of mushroom soup.

At the end when the chicken is done you increase the heat to a small boil, stir up the canned soup because it'll be congealed, and puor it into the simmering pot and cook for 5 to 10 mins more. Don't boil too much.

Throw this on noodles, pasta, dumplings, rice.

Costs about 10 - 12 dollars to feed 3 to 4 people.

And here's another recipe with a bit of a variance.



Well-Known Member
thats awesome duchie, i have a whole chicken ready to go...bout how long does this take, say for a 4 or 5 lber? can you do it in the slow cooker? i love www.allrecipes.com as well. i love to cook, as do my dad and brother, probably because we love to EAT


Well-Known Member
Thanks sunny. I'm bad with times, I cook more by feel and sight but that size is probably about an hour to 1.5 simmering so 2 hrs total? You don't want the chicken falling apart where all the little bones take over. Those things can kill you ya know.
