Whats going on with these leaves?


The smaller leaf is off a Purple Bio Diesel, still in veg in 10 gal coco pots. Started happening when i switched it from HPS to MH, not sure if that had anything to do with it. Almost a waxy look with rough edges.

The second bigger leaf is off a Candy Kush also in 10 gal coco. Started happening within 24 hours. slowly starting to curl edges on bigger fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
I had some leave twisting at the beginning of my current grow. I believe mine was caused by underwatering and/or unecessary addition of CaMg+.

But then..,I am not seeing the waxy/rough edges in the pic...that description matches @Diabolical666 's analysis.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with Hubey, it looks like they might be getting too much nitrogen. Flush with 5.8 water and resume feeding with slightly less nutrients.


Well-Known Member
That's what mine look and feel like when they are thirsty, and then I water and they're back to normal. Sandpapery feel. Only a guess though. Post a picture of the plant for better help.