Whats Good with This Seedling? Multiple Leaves Growing in every Direction


Hey RIU so I got this seedling about 2 and a half weeks old, they startd under CFL, than i just recently transferred it too a 1000watt MH, and it seems to be loving it because there is new growth everyday, the leaves look green and healthy, except its only on its second set of true leaves, and its second set has like, 8 leaves growing in every direction, i have never seen this in my life.

All iv been giving it was PH'd water and super thrive, I may hav overdosed on the super thrive which is the only thing i could think of.

ALSO the first set of leaves are all crooked and what not because i was foliar feeding with super thrive which i heard is a very bad idea to do, so thats my guess on why the first set of leaves look the way they do, but the new leaves look healthier than ever.

here are pics:



Well-Known Member
i heard superthrive will increase chances of hermis....fuck that shit... might not be the prob here, maybe just a mutant


it was probably growing next to another plant besides MJ. so it started to form that plant. i did the same thing with a tomato plant and it started to look like the tomato plant after a week of being next to eachother.


it was probably growing next to another plant besides MJ. so it started to form that plant. i did the same thing with a tomato plant and it started to look like the tomato plant after a week of being next to eachother.
deffinately not the case here, I dont own any plant but ganja plants lol.


Yeah i heard too much use of it especially in VEG stage it will defninately increase chances, im going to stop using it from now on.


Active Member
Dude you could of hit the jackpot i read on a thread ages ago about this but the one in that thread was now i my be wrong with the spelling but i think it was call a tri-lobe of in your case a quad-lobe any way it is a mutant but a good one where a normal plant will grow everything in pairs but in your case it will be 4 of every thing twice the bud sites of a normall plant if it is a female then you should do well.but some better photos would help as it grows.


i dont know if u can notice but the seconf set on the middle stem has 2 leaves coming out where one should be as well, it looks bushier now too hopefully its a female.


Hey here are sum updates on the plant it looks as if theres just growth exploding everywhere, but it hasnt really grown vertically. can someone help me figure out to why the plant is yellowing like this??? I thot it was potassium defeicency so i bought molasses a few days ago, today was its second feeding, does it take awhile for the molasses to kick in or is this something else besides potassium defeicency??



Well-Known Member
this plant is freak genetics for sure. It may yield and it may not. I had a plant with 3 cotyledons and crazy shit like that, ended up growing into itself then stopped growing completely for no reason.

i never seen such yellowing either. probably fucked up plant.


Well-Known Member
and molasses isn't really plant food. it's food for the microbes inside the soil to make them in turn better feed the plants by taking stuff from the soil. Unless it's in soil less, I don't think your plant needs plant food...


i dont know, i fed it for the second time yesterday, and there was more growth from yesterday to today then there has been for the last 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
yes molasses are good, and indeed do not poison the soil like too much plant food can do. but what about the yellowing? and the growth forms?


Well the yellowing i now know was potassium defeciency, hence needing the molasses ( i only gave it like, 1 Tb sp per gallon ) and it seems that at every node, instead of 2 stems, 4 grow out, im REALLY hoping its female, because it looks like its going to be a heavy yielder


Too me it looks like it topped itself, it has 5 main colas atm, the extra growth is accelrating as fast as the main stem.


Active Member
are you still having the yellowing issue? If not potassium then maybe heat stress? Just a thought... Hope your morph is doing well!