What's happening to my baby? newbie needs help!!!


Well-Known Member
we're on the same thought mared... i will be posting updated images of both of them for you to see and give some judgement..the unknown still doesnt look perfect, but its getting there.. i think on the next watering ill feed with nutrients but only the cheese...it stinks like shit...good shit! and it looks very healthy except for that one leaf i posted yesterday...

see you next week ;)



Well-Known Member

Unknown seed is looking great!!!
Cheese is doing ok too, but i noticed the same TRANSPARENT BURN SPOTS form on the very first leaves at the bottom. the rest of the leaves are fine and it doesnt seem to spread past the first 4 leaves of the plant.. am i still ok?

also, noticed the weirdest thing!, the plant for the first 3 weeks of its life has always had its leafs pointing pretty much horizontally... today i came back home and the leafs have shot UP. i mean really really shot up high, even the big fan leafs... they are pointing up so high its almost vertical...

does tha tmean anything? it looks happy anywayz, but just wondered...seen as it hasnt done it once for 3 weeks and all of a sudden it shoots up like that.. i watered with a tiny bit of food yesterday...